Is what he said correct about Carbs?

wish21 Posts: 602 Member
Me and one my friend were talkin about how she recently(over the summer) lost 30 lbs W/O EXERCISING! When she told me that my mouth dropped. Then this guy who put on a great deal of muscle in the past 1-2 years told me that if you cut out all the carbs in your diet you'd loose a great amount of weight because all the fat on your body is carbs. I'm not very bright in the food and nutrition departmment so was he right? If I stop eating things like white rice, bread, pasta, etc I loose a bunch of weight.:huh:


  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    The fat on your body is fat. Any excess calories, whether they are consumed as fat, protein, or carbs, are stored as fat ultimately. Some people personally do better on lower carb diets but it's not one-size fits all. It certainly isn't sustainable in the long run for many people.

    You can lose weight without exercising. Losing weight is about 90% diet and 10% exercise.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switched to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    As for the exercising, you may be able to lose the weight, but that doesn't mean you would be healthy or fit. There is such a thing as 'skinny fat.'
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    For me, not eating carbs is a weight loss death sentence. I get very sluggish and am so tired I can barely move. I also tend to gain weight - probably because I'm so tired and sluggish. All I want to do is sleep.

    My body loves carbs and isn't sensitive to them AT ALL. I know there are people out there whose bodies are sensitive to carbs and they do well on low carb eating. It really depends on you and your body.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switch to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    why would you lose weight faster if you cut out processed carbs?

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. When you cut carbs you deplete glycogen resulting in a loss of a lot of water weight
  • dsc32209
    dsc32209 Posts: 40 Member
    There is more to weight loss than pounds. It should involve learning to eat healthy, Carbs, protein and fats are all necessary for a healthy body. Be careful with any diet that does not promote healthy eating.
  • MaggieWatson
    sounds like the atkins diet...
    i think its hard because you're not allowed to eat ANY carbs! (youre not allowed to eat anything sweet, you might get cravings) it only works if you eat proteins and fats ONLY. this is really unhealthy. you can do it to lose the last 5 pounds. but i wouldnt do it for a long time. its not good for your body.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switch to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    why would you lose weight faster if you cut out processed carbs?

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. When you cut carbs you deplete glycogen resulting in a loss of a lot of water weight

    It is calories in vs calories out, but some people don't feel full after eating procesed carbs in the same way that they would if they ate a more protein-heavy meal. So if that ultimately led to more eating later on in the day, that could slow their weight loss.
  • Bellyroll
    Well it depends. Like if you eat alot of bread,rice,pasta then just reduce it you will see an effect. but lets say your not a eater on bread,rice , and pasta then your not going to lose weight as fast as someone who does.
  • DestinationFitnessChick
    First, the way you eat must be able to be maintained the rest of your life if you want to keep the weight off. You can't simply lose a bunch of weight and then go right back to the way you were eating before or the weight comes right back on! So can you give up white rice, bread, and all things white for the rest of your life? Carbohydrates are used more readily for energy production than fats and proteins. Carbohyrdates comprise the body's main source of raw material for energy. If you are doing a lot of cadio activity and give up carbohydrates you are not going to be able to perform at a maxiumum level because your body needs those carbs for energy! A lot of people trying to accomplsh muscle hypertrophy will cut carbohydrates, but only for the period of time of their training. If you dont' want to eat "white" then look for multi-grain and wheat, but sometimes the carbs are just as high!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    The body needs complex carbs to function. Cutting out carbs and living on protein and fat is the Atkins diet in a nutshell. The weight comes off quickly, but the diet is difficult to maintain and once the individual begins to eat carbs again they usually go for the simple, starchy types like pastas and breads that don't offer as much nutritional value as say vegetables. The human body needs carbs, just as it needs protein and even fat along with the essential vitamins and minerals we require as well. People need to stop fearing carbs and just start eating the proper type. There is no easy way to lose weight and keep it off other than healthy eating and exercising.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switch to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    why would you lose weight faster if you cut out processed carbs?

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. When you cut carbs you deplete glycogen resulting in a loss of a lot of water weight

    It is calories in vs calories out, but some people don't feel full after eating procesed carbs in the same way that they would if they ate a more protein-heavy meal. So if that ultimately led to more eating later on in the day, that could slow their weight loss.

    Well that is completely on the individual. If you are hitting your calorie/macro goal for the day it makes no difference if you ate white rice or brown rice
  • lovelee79
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    To all of you saying your body need carbs: Carbs are not absolutely essential.

    Im all for eating carbs and i certainly do :] Just sayin tho
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    man making me reply by my phone

    1. carbs =/= fat
    2. process of DNL is rare
    3. no metabolic advantage to keto diets
    4. carbs are not essential
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Thanks guys! I wasn't plannin on going on a No Carbs diet lol.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Read about the Twinkie diet.

    It's basically about totally calories consumed vs calories expended on whether you lose or gain weight.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Fat and carbs are not at all the same (other than they are both energy sources). They are two totally different molecules and each type has their own distinct biochemical pathways. Some people can loose weight very successfully by reducing carbohydrate intake. But, it is more important to learn a healthful, sustainable diet than to loose weight very quickly. Good luck!
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member
    I do a low carb diet.
    I don't think its for everyone but I find it works well for me.
    Its not about eating NO carbs its about eating LOW carbs.

    Basically I keep my net carbs under 20 grams a day. Most people do what is called an induction phase where they stay under 20 grams of carbs a day for 2 weeks. After I think the carbs are raised little by little every week until the right amount of carbs are found that can be eaten while weight loss continues.

    The reason that I do low carb is because I'm borderline Type 2 diabetic with insulin resistance. A low carb diet has been proven to be beneficial to folks like me in not only losing weight but also maintaining level blood sugars.

    People do it for all different reasons. For me I'm working on changing my focus from this being a diet to a new way of life. I've lost 22lbs so far and I feel better than I have in a long time.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switch to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    why would you lose weight faster if you cut out processed carbs?

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. When you cut carbs you deplete glycogen resulting in a loss of a lot of water weight

    It is calories in vs calories out, but some people don't feel full after eating procesed carbs in the same way that they would if they ate a more protein-heavy meal. So if that ultimately led to more eating later on in the day, that could slow their weight loss.

    You've gone down "this road" before, and I told you before that this isn't because of refined or processed carbs...this is a LACK OF SELF CONTROL ON THE PERSON.

    What is it going to take for you to understand?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ^^ that's basically what I said. From a nutritional stand point it doesn't matter. Lack of will power and self control of an individual might play a part, but certainly doesn't fit into this