Is what he said correct about Carbs?



  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Me and one my friend were talkin about how she recently(over the summer) lost 30 lbs W/O EXERCISING! When she told me that my mouth dropped. Then this guy who put on a great deal of muscle in the past 1-2 years told me that if you cut out all the carbs in your diet you'd loose a great amount of weight because all the fat on your body is carbs. I'm not very bright in the food and nutrition departmment so was he right? If I stop eating things like white rice, bread, pasta, etc I loose a bunch of weight.:huh:

    If i'm eating the "standard american diet" and "everything in moderation" and counting calories I'm hungry and I have to burn myself out doing exercises to lose weight.

    If i'm eating foods that do not contain bread, pasta, sugar etc...I eat whatever I want (range from 800-2000ish calories a day, but who's counting?) and the weight falls off and the only exercising I do is walking to and from work everyday. Other than that, i'm lazy. True story.

    I much prefer this way...I'm never hungry and I'm much healthier and I look amazing.

    It works for me. Doesn't work for "them" but it might work for you.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Yes and no. Yes, you would lose a lot of weight. No, it's not possible to completely cut out carbs. If you're talking processed carbs (like the white rice, bread, pasta, etc. that you mentioned) then you will obviously lose weight faster. The problem with this is it's unrealistic to maintain something like this. I've definitely cut down on my carbs and have switch to whole grains, brown rice, and more complex carbs, but it's all about finding a balance that works for you.

    why would you lose weight faster if you cut out processed carbs?

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. When you cut carbs you deplete glycogen resulting in a loss of a lot of water weight

    It is calories in vs calories out, but some people don't feel full after eating procesed carbs in the same way that they would if they ate a more protein-heavy meal. So if that ultimately led to more eating later on in the day, that could slow their weight loss.

    You've gone down "this road" before, and I told you before that this isn't because of refined or processed carbs...this is a LACK OF SELF CONTROL ON THE PERSON.

    What is it going to take for you to understand?

    Woah, what? Are you sure you're not confusing me with someone else? I personally LOVE refined carbs... And I'm pretty sure I have never ever said "in order to lose weight you must cut out X food."

    I don't disagree that it falls on the individual to stay within their calorie goals. But if eating fewer refined carbs is what it takes to do that, then it works for them and I'm all for doing what works for you.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    I've tried the low carb thing and lost a lot of weight but for me it wasn't sustainable. I love pastas, breads, etc so completely cutting them out forever was not sustainable. Some of the studies I have read show that low carb diets cause you to loose weight initially quicker than other diets but then it tends to plateau and you end up not loosing as much as the old fashioned way. The best diet always seems to be the old fashioned one of cutting calories and exercise. When I started my weight loss journey this time I took some time and thought about what can I do for the rest of my life and I really couldn't see me giving up the things I love. So now I do the healthy eating thing instead of dieting. I have vegetable, meat, bread, pasta, the occasional cookie or cake and works. Also, not a big fan of vegetables but I found if I eat them first when I am hungry they taste a lot better, but I could never bee a vegetarian. Love my meats and I love to grill.

    Every person is different; Ask yourself these three questions,

    1. Does it work for you?
    2. Is it fairly healthy?
    3. Can you easily sustain it the rest of your life?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have lost all my weight by cutting, what I call bad carbs. White bread, pasta, rice, candy, cake, cookies, chips, pretzels ( Junk food)
    I eat Whole Grain Low Carb Bread, Tortillas, Pitas, Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Beans.
    It's not about NO CARB FOR ME, it's about smart carbs. I know I could never go no carb forever so I found healthy substitutes for the foods I love. I even have a piece of cake for a birthday or share a dessert if I go out to dinner if I want. I have found weight loss if mostly about portion control. I bought a food scale when I started and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. You will be really surprised at what a true portion size looks like.
    Oh and I don't exercise either. I knew I would not do that forever so I had to find another way. Postion control and healthy substitutions did it for me.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    If your journey starts when you are morbidly obese or obese and you are taking the long journey toward a normal healthy weight, I encourage you to work with your dr. and research for you based on your health needs and goals, your habits, your behaviors.

    MFP peeps have great ideas that have worked for them, but they do not have the knowledge of you specifically. You will come across a lot of facts and misinformation (not deliberate) when you listen to others. People sometimes see the very positive results of their lifestyle on their body and make assumptions about the underlying "facts".

    I have lots of "facts" about the way I have approached nutritional balance including carbs in my diet, based on my travel from the beginnings of morbidly obese to overweight and happily share them. But my techniques and "facts" may not fit who you are and what you needs are so you would need to assess them and decide whether to try them.

    That said, I will go out on a limb here based on everything any health professional or science teacher has ever taught me, carbs are not the same as fat.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    agthorn terrible advice...

    juliebean...that was great advice...very wise
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    fitness chickie...great advice..

    and it is not a matter of calories in v calories out...that is just not right..

    those who think that...try to eat 1200 cals a day of lard...and after a month look what you got on your hands....different foods react different to different people....WE ARE NOT ALL ALIKE

    There are many many people who have lost unbelievable weight doing the low carb works for some people...and some it doesnt......

    the best advice is to eat a well rounded diet..including complex carbs...the fuel for our brains and our bodies..
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Fat and carbs are not at all the same (other than they are both energy sources). They are two totally different molecules and each type has their own distinct biochemical pathways. Some people can loose weight very successfully by reducing carbohydrate intake. But, it is more important to learn a healthful, sustainable diet than to loose weight very quickly. Good luck!
    All substrates have their own distinct pathways, but reducing carbs doesn't magically make someone lose more weight. It's the satiety level achieved through eating more protein and fiberous veg that does that. Refined carbs definitely effect many peoples eating patterns, satiety levels that can effect hormonal changes or phychological dependancies that facilitate overeating. In that regard reducing refined carbs can help someone.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    All substrates have their own distinct pathways, but reducing carbs doesn't magically make someone lose more weight. It's the satiety level achieved through eating more protein and fiberous veg that does that. Refined carbs definitely effect many peoples eating patterns, satiety levels that can effect hormonal changes or phychological dependancies that facilitate overeating. In that regard reducing refined carbs can help someone.

    This is what I was trying to say earlier, but you said it much more clearly.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    agthorn terrible advice...

    Specifically what part didn't you agree with?
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I lost 30lbs w/o doing a minute of exercise, and eating 50-55% carbs or higher each day (cuz I simply wasn't watching anything but calories during that time.)

    I'm not saying its an ideal way or something that would work for everyone. Simply sharing my experience. Cuz when I started MFP all I looked at was calories each day and was on super hardcore deadlines for some things and had zero time for cooking or exercise. So it was cereal bars, frozen meals, subway/grilled chicken from KFC/salads from McD's and occasional thrown together meals at home (canned soup, deli-style sandwiches, egg white scrambles, etc).

    I lost weight steadily at 1-2 pounds a week during that entire time. So I'm just offering a personal opinion/experience that pretty much any style of calorie counting can work for different people. When I cut my carbs down to 30% for a while I was tired, moody and gained weight. So I keep 'em around 40-45% these days, am losing, feel better and my BF% has down as well. :)
  • SummerFun2011
    fitness chickie...great advice..

    and it is not a matter of calories in v calories out...that is just not right..

    those who think that...try to eat 1200 cals a day of lard...and after a month look what you got on your hands....different foods react different to different people....WE ARE NOT ALL ALIKE

    There are many many people who have lost unbelievable weight doing the low carb works for some people...and some it doesnt......

    the best advice is to eat a well rounded diet..including complex carbs...the fuel for our brains and our bodies..

    Aren't you the same guy saying acg67 shouldn't be giving advice? LOL

    It is calories in vs calories out. Why would anyone eat nothing but lard all day? That's a terrible example because NO ONE is doing that. Seriously? lol

    Let me see your degree :laugh:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Aren't you the same guy saying acg67 shouldn't be giving advice? LOL

    ^ Did he seriously say that?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Me and one my friend were talkin about how she recently(over the summer) lost 30 lbs W/O EXERCISING! When she told me that my mouth dropped. Then this guy who put on a great deal of muscle in the past 1-2 years told me that if you cut out all the carbs in your diet you'd loose a great amount of weight because all the fat on your body is carbs. I'm not very bright in the food and nutrition departmment so was he right? If I stop eating things like white rice, bread, pasta, etc I loose a bunch of weight.:huh:

    You will lose a lot of weight if you cut out the carbs and dont replace them, as its reducing your calories... i dont see how reducing carbs would have caused the guy to build muscle though...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ^^ yeah im with that xD Im not sure how many people just sit around and eat lard all day xD
    If I ate 1200 calories of olive oil a month I would have lost a lot of muscle mass, but I wouldn't look like the Pillsbury dough boy

    It boils down to calories in vs calories out. Sure a diet should include a variety of foods and you should hit your macros, but low carb isn't something that is going to increase how much you lose by an incredible amount
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    You will lose a lot of weight if you cut out the carbs and dont replace them, as its reducing your calories... i dont see how reducing carbs would have caused the guy to build muscle though...

    Steak weighs more than bread. By only purchasing Steak, he had to carry heavier grocery bags.

    Thanks, let me know if I can help any further.

    /trolling mode off.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    Aren't you the same guy saying acg67 shouldn't be giving advice? LOL

    ^ Did he seriously say that?

    Yup! Told him to show him his degree xD ill find the link
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    fitness chickie...great advice..

    and it is not a matter of calories in v calories out...that is just not right..

    those who think that...try to eat 1200 cals a day of lard...and after a month look what you got on your hands....different foods react different to different people....WE ARE NOT ALL ALIKE

    There are many many people who have lost unbelievable weight doing the low carb works for some people...and some it doesnt......

    the best advice is to eat a well rounded diet..including complex carbs...the fuel for our brains and our bodies..

    Aren't you the same guy saying acg67 shouldn't be giving advice? LOL

    It is calories in vs calories out. Why would anyone eat nothing but lard all day? That's a terrible example because NO ONE is doing that. Seriously? lol

    Let me see your degree :laugh:
    He said a lot of nothing....don't sweat it.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member

    Aren't you the same guy saying acg67 shouldn't be giving advice? LOL

    ^ Did he seriously say that?

    Wow, I don't feel so bad now.
  • SummerFun2011
    I have just seen a lot of his nonsense around here lately :explode: Some people just have no clue what they are talking about!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: