who uses a Heart Rate Monitor?

...and what do you think about the one you've got?


  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    ...and what do you think about the one you've got?
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I have a Polar F6 & I love it!! The only thing I don't like is how the watch fits. In all honesty though I haven't worn a regular wrist watch in years!! & I'm hoping that after use it'll either losen up or I'll just get used to it again. It does have a strap that goes around your chest to do the actual monitoring & it's really not too bad! I hardly notice that part! I guess with being a woman & wearing bras, that hey what's another strap down there!! LOL!!:bigsmile: But, I love it!! It's nice to know how well I'm doing! I found out that my tread mill was actually giving me 100 more burned calories so therefore I was eating 100 more calories! I feel that this way I can be more successful in my weightloss & fitness goals!! Good luck to you on making your decision!! :drinker: FYI - The run about $109
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have the Polar F4. I actually wanted the F6, but got an F4. It also comes with the band you strap around your chest, and I too found that once I started tracking my calories burned with the HRM that I was over-estimating what I was burning by just using the database alone. I got it as a gift, but I believe the F4's run anywhere from about $60-$80. They are really worth the investment though in my opinion. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • bootsnspurs4horses
    I have the body bugg and started wearing it two weeks ago. I LOVE IT> > >There is no guess work. It was a bit pricy, but compared to what I spend in new tennis shoes at the fitness center and the diet gimmicks I have considered lately. . . I felt it was just the right decision for me. I'm starting to lose, but it's really all about choices. And for me, I was eating right, just not burning enough calories.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I have the F6 and love it also! I really do. I'm so glad that I spent the money on it. Not only can I train my heart, but I love seeing how many calories I'm actually burning! It's great for running and training for the 10k I wanna do this year!
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    OH, I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!!! I :heart: mine SO much!! I just got through telling my DH last night that it was the best $109.00 I've ever spent on myself! I would not even consider being without one now. It has kept me on track more than anything! That's weird how that works, but very motivational for me!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I have an older model, it doesn't do caloies and such but I have a calculator to translate to make sure I'm logging correctly.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    OH, I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!!! I :heart: mine SO much!! I just got through telling my DH last night that it was the best $109.00 I've ever spent on myself! I would not even consider being without one now. It has kept me on track more than anything! That's weird how that works, but very motivational for me!

    What kind do you have? I'm glad everyone was asking, I think I'm going to ask my dh to get me one for Valentine's Day. How romantic! :heart: (for me!! :bigsmile: )
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I got a Polar F6 for Christmas - Love it I was under estimating my calories when I ran -

    It does lots of cool stuff like a diary - but haven't had time to play with it much
  • jenne
    jenne Posts: 6
    I recently brought the Sportsline SX at my local Walmart for $47.00 and I love the thing. Came with the strap and I don't even know I'm wearing it after a few minutes. As far as I could and have seen it does everything the more expensive models does with the exception of a USB download but I can live without that.

  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I bought a Timex one and like it, although it doesn't do calories. I've used it once (only had it a week) and am trading it in for the one I SHOULD have purchased. Consumer Reports rated the one I want to get as top of the line for the price (about $70).

    I know I can do the calculations, but I really want to know my calories on the spot. :-)
  • lilnatn2
    lilnatn2 Posts: 55 Member
    I also have the Polar F6. I love it! My only annoyance is the chest strap is a little big and seems to slide down a little when I work out, but it's not too bad. I can't work out without it!

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  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    Polar F6! I vote for that! Love it and it's so easy to use. I download once a week to my computer for an extra check-in. Very motivational. The ones without the chest strap are cheaper but not as reliable. The F6 also gives your HR all the time and you don't have to keep pushing a button while exercising. It makes the difference to me!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    wow... thank you all. I don't like to make larger purchases without some good feedback and I think I got that here.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I had an F6 first and loved it! Now I have an F11 and also love it - I think the F6 was better for me as a "starter HRM' - as it had less to figure out... but I enjoy the programming of the F11 now that I understand how they work!

    I can't even feel the chest straps on mine when I'm wearing them, my boyfriend (who also has an F11) also doesn't mind it at all - and that was what he thought would bother him the most about getting one.
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    I asked this same question about 2 weeks ago, got a Timex from Amazon for about 40 bucks, It has the chest strap, min and max heart rate settings and counts calories. I really wanted to have a HRM, but as much as I would like to get the $100 Polar, I couldn't justify the cost. The Timex works great, I wear it for all my workouts now and after figuring out the bugs, it is accurate best I can tell. It's not pretty, like the red and blue polars, not something you would want to wear on a routine basis, but it gets the job done. And I like that my husband can take it to the gym too when he wants, easier for me to justify spending the $$ if I say I bought it for him too!:happy:

    Just looked on Amazon, its on sale for 29.99:grumble: Here is a link.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I had an F6 first and loved it! Now I have an F11 and also love it - I think the F6 was better for me as a "starter HRM' - as it had less to figure out... but I enjoy the programming of the F11 now that I understand how they work!

    I can't even feel the chest straps on mine when I'm wearing them, my boyfriend (who also has an F11) also doesn't mind it at all - and that was what he thought would bother him the most about getting one.

    I'm jealous, I've had an F6 for over a year, and LOVE it, but I want a Polar RS400sd cuz it's specifically for runners. It has a pace meter, and some other cool features, but it's 300 bucks. Once my vacation is behind me and I can start running outside again, I think I'll get it. I run semi-competetively in the summer, so I like knowing I'm on pace while training.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I was just about to buy a new f6 for €65 but I noticed they had an F11 for €72 so I impulsed and just went for it! :laugh: :noway: I will be killed if my partner finds out though so I will have to say it cost around 40quid!!

    So anyone who uses the F11, what do you think of it?
  • greeneyedgirl829
    I just got my Polar F6 and I really love it!! It does everything I need it to do, and let's me know when I'm on track and when I'm not. It also stores info in a file so you can go back say 2 day and see what your heart rate and calories burned for that day are. Highly recommend it!!!
  • prayerfulmom
    I am a gadget geek!

    I have a polar but don't recall what model. I have had two. The bad side is you have to send it in to replace the battery. I didn't and broke my first one after a couple of years. Polar took it as a trade in and bought the second one 1/2 off.

    My body bugg just died. I bought it used 2 years ago off e-bay. Awesome little contraption. I compared the calorie burn to what MFP calculates and MFP was off by about 125 and that was 3 different workouts. In my opinion MFP is pretty stinkin' close.

    My favorite Garmin 405. Would love the newer less bulky one but I have to let this one die first. i get a lot of use out of my gadgets. Because I run and cycle a lot this is the best for me. Very pricey but it calculates distance (gps), speed, cadance, hr, has training modes, etc. You get the picture. This takes a lot of guess work out of the picture when I'm doing mileage. I use to get stuck on the same route every day because I know the mileage. Now I get to explore.

    i need someone to invent one gadget that is my blackberry, ipod, camera, hr monitor, gps, mileage, cadance, speed calculator=) Its just ridiculous when I travel=)