who uses a Heart Rate Monitor?



  • Hi everyone, I was happy to find this post, I was just researching online last night. Does anyone have a MIO HRM watch? Also, if you wear it all day does it calculate your calories for the day, or do you have to set it when you begin exercising and it calculates the exercise cals only. I kind of wanted to wear something all day, that tracked my calories burned all day. Anyone know of anything?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I have a Mio! I like it, although you have to always check you're HR to get an accurate measurement of calorie burn. Sometimes I find it annoying cause you have to stop or it won't pick it up.No chest strap is nice, although I questioned the amount of calories my MIO was showing, so I got a Polar F11. I also wanted to program my fitness. Anyway- still getting used to the Polar, a little frustrated, but the strap is very comfy. I'm going to save my Mio for the lake when I swim, and exercise there. Make sure you check ebay. I got both of mine there for a great price. (my hubby taught me the keys to bidding and winning). I like the constant readout. I'll see about the calorie burnage too. Check websites for more info and comparisons.:flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I had an F6 first and loved it! Now I have an F11 and also love it - I think the F6 was better for me as a "starter HRM' - as it had less to figure out... but I enjoy the programming of the F11 now that I understand how they work!

    I can't even feel the chest straps on mine when I'm wearing them, my boyfriend (who also has an F11) also doesn't mind it at all - and that was what he thought would bother him the most about getting one.

    I'm jealous, I've had an F6 for over a year, and LOVE it, but I want a Polar RS400sd cuz it's specifically for runners. It has a pace meter, and some other cool features, but it's 300 bucks. Once my vacation is behind me and I can start running outside again, I think I'll get it. I run semi-competetively in the summer, so I like knowing I'm on pace while training.

    I knew you were a runner.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I just bought the F6 because it won be a landslide in this post (you didn't know your HRMs were in a competition, now did you?)

    I've only used it once but it was great. So refreshing to know that I was in the gym for 50min and burned 459cals... wow! MFP was rating me about 60 cals off. Still close, but it was great to know when I was on track and when I needed to shift the pace a bit.

    Any way to you the weblink feature with a mac?
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    check the polar website. It's very easy and informative. I can download my F6 to the computer but I don't have a MAC. Their website will tell you....
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Worked out my legs,back and abs with P90X today, and burned 895cals over 75 min. My Mio was way off. I'm getting a lot more user happy aboout this Polar F11 one. Very happy I bought it. I don't think I've been eating enough! And MFP is way off!:noway:
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I worry about buying from Amazon. They're usually people who bought and either decided not to keep it or whatnot. I wonder if I'll get all the pieces that I'm supposed to - even if the product says "new." I'm buying my Timex from Timex itself, methinks!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Worked out my legs,back and abs with P90X today, and burned 895cals over 75 min. My Mio was way off. I'm getting a lot more user happy aboout this Polar F11 one. Very happy I bought it. I don't think I've been eating enough! And MFP is way off!:noway:

    Wow girl! You really worked it! :drinker:

    I think I'm going to go for the F6, I showed it to my hubby so we'll see what I get for Valentine's Day. :heart:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    http://www.polardiscount.com has them cheaper and free shipping! :bigsmile:
  • I have the polar F6 too! love it!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I worry about buying from Amazon. They're usually people who bought and either decided not to keep it or whatnot. I wonder if I'll get all the pieces that I'm supposed to - even if the product says "new." I'm buying my Timex from Timex itself, methinks!

    I have been buying from Amazon for about three years, I bought high end cameras, flashes and a laptop computer, plus other low end cost items. I've always had a great deal and support if there was an issue with the product I bought (I needed to return a digital underwater camera as it took on water) and all was fine. I have more faith here than I've felt comfortable with e-bay in the past (although I've had no real issues there either as I typically do "buy it now" items as opposed to bidding). The prices are competitive on Amazon and I really enjoy the Customer Reviews, most are quite frank.
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    Does the Polar F6 tell you your speed while running or is that only watches that are GPS specifically?
    I really want one that tells me my pace.
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Does the Polar F6 tell you your speed while running or is that only watches that are GPS specifically?
    I really want one that tells me my pace.

    I believe that's only on the ones with GPS. I have the Polar F11 for my indoor workouts and I love it. It tells me the time and cals burnt but not my speed or distance.

    I have the Garmin Forerunner 305 for my outdoor runs and rides and I love it. The watch is big, but the only time I use it is on my outside runs or bike rides, so that's ok.
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    Does the Garmin tell you your speed?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Does the Polar F6 tell you your speed while running or is that only watches that are GPS specifically?
    I really want one that tells me my pace.

    I believe that's only on the ones with GPS. I have the Polar F11 for my indoor workouts and I love it. It tells me the time and cals burnt but not my speed or distance.

    I have the Garmin Forerunner 305 for my outdoor runs and rides and I love it. The watch is big, but the only time I use it is on my outside runs or bike rides, so that's ok.

    How do I set the Ownzone properly on the f11? Are the programs accurate?
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Does the Garmin tell you your speed?

    Yes it does, as long as you're outside where it picks up the satelites.
  • i've got a polar that counts calories and i love it. I accidently put it through the washing machine in the pocket of a jacket and it still works perfectly. whew cause it was expensive, about $80. I originally bought a cheaper monitor that didn't count calories and didn't have a strap but my daughter talked me into taking it back before I opened it because she said I wouldn't be happy with it. I'm glad because having it count calories is what I really like about it. It seems pretty right on. I was wondering because it registered an enormous amount of calories when I did a 90-minute bikram yoga class so I tested it out on a less strenuous activity where I know about how many calories i would usually burn and it was really close.
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Does the Polar F6 tell you your speed while running or is that only watches that are GPS specifically?
    I really want one that tells me my pace.

    I believe that's only on the ones with GPS. I have the Polar F11 for my indoor workouts and I love it. It tells me the time and cals burnt but not my speed or distance.

    I have the Garmin Forerunner 305 for my outdoor runs and rides and I love it. The watch is big, but the only time I use it is on my outside runs or bike rides, so that's ok.

    How do I set the Ownzone properly on the f11? Are the programs accurate?

    Honestly, I don't use the ownzone. I set up my ranges manually.
    I haven't done too much with the programs either.
    I like how it will keep 12 exercise sessions (calories) in the watch.
  • CatarinaF
    CatarinaF Posts: 34 Member
    hey, sweetie!
    like i predicted, today's workout at the gym was vrey disappointing...
    i don't what happened, but apparently, i was on the stair machine for 10 minutes, level 6, and burnt... 9 calories...????????
    no idea if the HRM is wrong or if i'm doing something wrong myself...
    no lunch for me today, i'm pretty down as it is...
    i'm glad you like you're HRM
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • What is the difference between the Polar F6 and F4? I saw that the F4 was better for smaller wrists, which I have, and it's a little cheaper, any major differences? Honestly I'm leaning towards the F4, because it comes in berry red.
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