If you were successful at reducing your body fat....

HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member

    Really would like to know as well :smile:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    See signature.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has goen NOWHERE.

    By knowing what my TDEE is. By eating a calorie deficit between 750-1000 calories under TDEE each day including weekends. By doing strength resistance training while consuming .5g-1g of protein per lb of my LBM. By getting enough sleep every night. By remaining consistent throughout my diet and training.

    You probably aren't doing these things which is why you aren't lowering your bodyfat.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    i still have some left but ive gone from size 12 to size 4 in less than 3 yrs now. I do mostly cardio, and eating better. I try to avoid sugars, and empty calories. It takes a LONG time, but its worth it at the end. KEEP pushing!!!! I went from 143.3 lbs to 106.9 lbs in about 2 yrs and 9 months. I only lost 24.3 lbs in my first year, I gained 2 of those lbs back my 2nd year (I call it my maintenance year bc I wasn't really focusing on any of the weight loss fully but now I have lost 14.1 lbs since Feb 8th of this yr -- the 2 lbs I gained back is in that number so technically I have lost 12.1 lbs more than I did since my first year!!! I am PROUD!!!!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Keeping to a 250-500 calorie deficit from my actual TDEE (based on BodyBugg readings) and http://nrowfizs.blogspot.com/
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I just did cardio and strength trainning 3 days of the week, eat under 1500 calories (and we aren't talking all organic or healthy stuff either. I eat a ton of processed and "bad" foods) I went from a body fat % of 42.8 to 36.6 in one and a half months (I'm at 3 months now so I'm sure it's dropped more now.) When you have a lot of body fat it will drop quick just like if you have a lot of pounds to drop.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    How do you know it hasn't changed? Did you have a body pod test before you started and then again 2 months later? If not, how are you measuring your body fat composition?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I really started noticing a shift in the BF when I started aiming for at least 100g of protein a day, which was right around the time the "before" in this before & after photo was taken: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/385632-i-only-lost-11-pounds-in-6-months-with-pics

    I run about 3-4 days a week, strength train 2-3 times a week (about a half hour each time) and usually hop on the exercise bike or elliptical while I'm at the gym for some extra cardio because it makes me feel good and allows me to eat more.

    I always ate the calories burned from exercise, and haven't logged food on weekends or holidays since June. Before going on maintenance a few weeks ago, I typically had about 1800 calories total a day. Now I'm closer to 2000 a day.

    When I ate too little, I didn't lose much fat. A few years ago, when I foolishly tried to eat about 700-800 calories a day, I looked mushier at 130 lbs than I did this time around at 140. It was one reason I quit dieting, because even after I lost the weight, I still had back fat rolls and that made me frustrated. I thought, "Why bother if I'm not going to look good naked?!"

    I had to eat a LOT more than I thought possible to lose weight properly. I probably eat more now than when I was gaining, but I eat smarter and move a lot more.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    How do you know it hasn't changed? Did you have a body pod test before you started and then again 2 months later? If not, how are you measuring your body fat composition?

    See siggy. I took measurements in Sept and today and then used calipers, site calculators and 2 different weight scales.

    I also do what others have stated above but no loss that I know of from all these different methods. Maybe my problem is I need to eat more to gain more muscle to burn off the fat.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I really started noticing a shift in the BF when I started aiming for at least 100g of protein a day, which was right around the time the "before" in this before & after photo was taken: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/385632-i-only-lost-11-pounds-in-6-months-with-pics

    I run about 3-4 days a week, strength train 2-3 times a week (about a half hour each time) and usually hop on the exercise bike or elliptical while I'm at the gym for some extra cardio because it makes me feel good and allows me to eat more.

    I always ate the calories burned from exercise, and haven't logged food on weekends or holidays since June. Before going on maintenance a few weeks ago, I typically had about 1800 calories total a day. Now I'm closer to 2000 a day.

    When I ate too little, I didn't lose much fat. A few years ago, when I foolishly tried to eat about 700-800 calories a day, I looked mushier at 130 lbs than I did this time around at 140. It was one reason I quit dieting, because even after I lost the weight, I still had back fat rolls and that made me frustrated. I thought, "Why bother if I'm not going to look good naked?!"

    I had to eat a LOT more than I thought possible to lose weight properly. I probably eat more now than when I was gaining, but I eat smarter and move a lot more.

    Thankyou, this must be where I am at right now, just so hard to change the stupid mindset. If you look at my food diary it isnt very a curate on cals because sometimes i eat a tad more later.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has goen NOWHERE.

    By knowing what my TDEE is. By eating a calorie deficit between 750-1000 calories under TDEE each day including weekends. By doing strength resistance training while consuming .5g-1g of protein per lb of my LBM. By getting enough sleep every night. By remaining consistent throughout my diet and training.

    You probably aren't doing these things which is why you aren't lowering your bodyfat.

    This ^^ plus I started eating cyclically (low carb, high carb, mod carb)(low cal, moderate cal, higher cal) based on my training for certain days, started IF'ing and having a refeed every week or second week based on what my physique is looking like in the mirror, I rarely go by scale anymore because I've managed to stay the same weight and drop bf%.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.

    Thankyou! YES, I was looking for drop in BF not weight. I understand the weight on the scale is nothing. I want the fat gone. Thinking I need to eat more to gain/support muscle. I do turbofire HIIT DVDs almost every other day as well as Tabata sprints and other intervals on the treadmill. I have always heard calipers are the 2nd best to water immersion. But maybe I will see how much it costs to do that because it bothers me not to know. Never the less I still need to TONE UP 10 lbs of fat. I realize the scale will go up I just want to BF % to go down.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Can I ask, what your ideal body would be like that you are looking to achieve? Everyone wants to lose bf% essentially but there are different things you need to do to reach the type of physique you are trying to attain. If say your going for the "Jamie Eason" look, you can't do that being an HIIT, cardio queen. If your going for "Shape Magazine Model" then giver berries.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I get this all the time from people who think they are "kickin' *kitten*" on their workouts, but when I finally have them workout for me, they come up way short. Increase your RMR and you'll burn more fat. Truth. So lift as HEAVY as you can for 3-4 sets on each exercise keeping the reps in the 6-8 range. And consume enough protein like Joe said.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.


    OP listen to this person please. Then, we'll see you again in a month or two creating the same type of thread complaining about the same thing.

    /until the next thread
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.


    OP listen to this person please. Then, we'll see you again in a month or two creating the same type of thread complaining about the same thing.

    /until the next thread

    Thank you! :D I tried to bring myself to say it, but couldn't.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    See signature.

    That about sums it up
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.

    Thankyou! YES, I was looking for drop in BF not weight. I understand the weight on the scale is nothing. I want the fat gone. Thinking I need to eat more to gain/support muscle. I do turbofire HIIT DVDs almost every other day as well as Tabata sprints and other intervals on the treadmill. I have always heard calipers are the 2nd best to water immersion. But maybe I will see how much it costs to do that because it bothers me not to know. Never the less I still need to TONE UP 10 lbs of fat. I realize the scale will go up I just want to BF % to go down.

    Your really shouldn't be doing HIITs every day. There is a big warning at the beginning of every Turbo fire DVD. I did the full Turbo Fire 12 week program in the correct order and lost 12 lbs.

    And yes, losing weight isn't the same as losing body fat but it is certainly the easiest way to do it.

    I recommend smaller calorie deficits. 200-500. Eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. Lift weights, cardio....
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    October 1 I began following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Practical Programming routine. If this is french to you, go read it.

    Know your TDEE like Joe mentioned.

    Eat below your TDEE which puts you in a calorie deficit.

    I eat 1.5g protein for every lb of LEAN BODY MASS. This is different than your weight.

    I eat .4 to .45g fat for every lb of BODY WEIGHT.

    I fill in the rest of my calories with carbohydrates.

    Water, sleep, consistency, and I splurge every once in a while...maybe 1x per week.

    In a little over a month, I already see differences