If you were successful at reducing your body fat....



  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    Sorry that so many of your responses were off the mark-- losing weight and losing body fat aren't the same thing.

    I've heard that high intensity interval training is the type of workout that starts shedding the body fat. I also will note that calipers and scales aren't accurate ways to measure body fat (at least that is what the folks on MFP tell me). You should be immersed in water, and some gyms will do that type of body fat test for you.

    Thankyou! YES, I was looking for drop in BF not weight. I understand the weight on the scale is nothing. I want the fat gone. Thinking I need to eat more to gain/support muscle. I do turbofire HIIT DVDs almost every other day as well as Tabata sprints and other intervals on the treadmill. I have always heard calipers are the 2nd best to water immersion. But maybe I will see how much it costs to do that because it bothers me not to know. Never the less I still need to TONE UP 10 lbs of fat. I realize the scale will go up I just want to BF % to go down.

    Your really shouldn't be doing HIITs every day. There is a big warning at the beginning of every Turbo fire DVD. I did the full Turbo Fire 12 week program in the correct order and lost 12 lbs.

    And yes, losing weight isn't the same as losing body fat but it is certainly the easiest way to do it.

    I recommend smaller calorie deficits. 200-500. Eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. Lift weights, cardio....

    I dont, I think in my reply I put every other day. Sometimes it's every 3 days. Yes, i decided to go to losing a 1/2 lb a week vs. 1 lb so hoepfully this will work for me. and I have been having close to 100+ g of protein a day so I'm on the right track with that.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I get this all the time from people who think they are "kickin' *kitten*" on their workouts, but when I finally have them workout for me, they come up way short. Increase your RMR and you'll burn more fat. Truth. So lift as HEAVY as you can for 3-4 sets on each exercise keeping the reps in the 6-8 range. And consume enough protein like Joe said.

    I have an HRM and am 38 years old and at my hardest I have been 170-173. I think thats what I calculated as the highest I should go. Is there another method?
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Can I ask, what your ideal body would be like that you are looking to achieve? Everyone wants to lose bf% essentially but there are different things you need to do to reach the type of physique you are trying to attain. If say your going for the "Jamie Eason" look, you can't do that being an HIIT, cardio queen. If your going for "Shape Magazine Model" then giver berries.

    I simply just want the flab off my midsection where apparently my body likes to keep it, my waist to hip ratio is .82-.85 which I guess is not good and an indicator that I lose fat every where else but my midsection. . I'm "ok" with my arms, legs, chest but can't get rid of it around the belly area. I would rather be tight than mushy. If I can never get shredded or a BF of 18% I'm fine with that as long as the flab doesn't jiggle on the belly anymore.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think you are on the right track then. The next step is just being patient. And maybe rely on things like the mirror or pictures to measure body fat percentages rather than on the measurements since they can seem so iffy.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    If your body fat hasn't gone anywhere as you say, then I would suspect you also haven't lost any weight as well?
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    October 1 I began following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Practical Programming routine. If this is french to you, go read it.

    Know your TDEE like Joe mentioned.

    Eat below your TDEE which puts you in a calorie deficit.

    I eat 1.5g protein for every lb of LEAN BODY MASS. This is different than your weight.

    I eat .4 to .45g fat for every lb of BODY WEIGHT.

    I fill in the rest of my calories with carbohydrates.

    Water, sleep, consistency, and I splurge every once in a while...maybe 1x per week.

    In a little over a month, I already see differences

    I think I've been doing this but will reevaluate obviously. Eating at a 500 cal deficit from my TDEE hasn't done anything for me though.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    If your body fat hasn't gone anywhere as you say, then I would suspect you also haven't lost any weight as well?

    My scale has wavered between 114-116 from 120 from 4 weeks ago. but according to my PTs measurements my BF hasnt gone down. So I dont know. I've researched alot with books (for 20 years) and internet (more recently) and have listened on here. I think my issue is not eating enough plain and simple...for years.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has goen NOWHERE.

    By knowing what my TDEE is. By eating a calorie deficit between 750-1000 calories under TDEE each day including weekends. By doing strength resistance training while consuming .5g-1g of protein per lb of my LBM. By getting enough sleep every night. By remaining consistent throughout my diet and training.

    You probably aren't doing these things which is why you aren't lowering your bodyfat.
    The TDEE is the most important thing to learn. I agree.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    How active are you outside of exercise and what are your workouts like?
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    Ok I can only speak from my own experience......

    How are you measuring your bodyfat, most of the ones built into bathroom scales are not accurate !

    I am keeping my carbs down and protein up like most of the posts suggest and seeing a slow but constant result due to weight lifting and cardio (the best is spinning).

    In 9 weeks I lost 3% of my body fat which does not sound a lot but it is going in the right direction !..... think of it this way, it took you years to put the body fat on so you cant expect it all to come off in a matter of weeks.................patience !
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I've seen it on here, and heard it other places, that "abs are made in the kitchen. I don't know what you're eating, but the cleaner the better.

    And make sure to eat ENOUGH. Clean eating is not the same as under eating.

    (And I totally need to take my own advice, since the last few weeks have all been junky for me, lol.)

    Good luck! It sounds like you have researched enough and gotten enough advice t know what you need to do, but just need to put it into practice. Give us an update on how it all goes!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    how long have you been concentrating on body fat? the one thing i have found is that it takes patience. i have been at my goal weight since august and working on my bodyfat since then, and am only just starting to see physical results, so it does take time.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    If your body fat hasn't gone anywhere as you say, then I would suspect you also haven't lost any weight as well?

    My scale has wavered between 114-116 from 120 from 4 weeks ago. but according to my PTs measurements my BF hasnt gone down. So I dont know. I've researched alot with books (for 20 years) and internet (more recently) and have listened on here. I think my issue is not eating enough plain and simple...for years.

    So you've been eating 500 under TDEE for 4 weeks and have lost 4 pounds? 500 TDEE = 1 pound a week. So you ARE losing 1 pound a week. This is GREAT. Don't over analyze. Keep up the good work.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Can I ask, what your ideal body would be like that you are looking to achieve? Everyone wants to lose bf% essentially but there are different things you need to do to reach the type of physique you are trying to attain. If say your going for the "Jamie Eason" look, you can't do that being an HIIT, cardio queen. If your going for "Shape Magazine Model" then giver berries.

    I simply just want the flab off my midsection where apparently my body likes to keep it, my waist to hip ratio is .82-.85 which I guess is not good and an indicator that I lose fat every where else but my midsection. . I'm "ok" with my arms, legs, chest but can't get rid of it around the belly area. I would rather be tight than mushy. If I can never get shredded or a BF of 18% I'm fine with that as long as the flab doesn't jiggle on the belly anymore.

    I took a look at your pictures and although your happy with your bf %on the rest of your body, it pains me to say, your body fat on other areas will need to come off first before your abs, which is considered the norm for non genetically gifted people. Your arms/back still have a bit of fat that can be lost before your body will start seeking it from the hard to lose places yet, so it will take time and varying up your routine, lifting heavier and switching things up every few weeks.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    If your body fat hasn't gone anywhere as you say, then I would suspect you also haven't lost any weight as well?

    My scale has wavered between 114-116 from 120 from 4 weeks ago. but according to my PTs measurements my BF hasnt gone down. So I dont know. I've researched alot with books (for 20 years) and internet (more recently) and have listened on here. I think my issue is not eating enough plain and simple...for years.

    So you've been eating 500 under TDEE for 4 weeks and have lost 4 pounds? 500 TDEE = 1 pound a week. So you ARE losing 1 pound a week. This is GREAT. Don't over analyze. Keep up the good work.
    Yeah, that does make things a little different when someone is losing a 1lb a week.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Dance Dance Dance!..... tone up those muscles underneath that fat, it's not just about losing the fat cells, it's also about tightening up those muscles underneath, they are there!..... and then lotion lotion lotion...... I dunno if it will work for you but it's done wonders for me..... I had seen a plastic surgeon about the "apron of loose skin" I was carrying around my waist he told me to come back when I was finished losing the weight..... ..... and now six months later there isn't enough skin left for him to remove...... I've still got another 40 lbs or so to go though so we'll see how it goes :)
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I've seen it on here, and heard it other places, that "abs are made in the kitchen. I don't know what you're eating, but the cleaner the better.

    And make sure to eat ENOUGH. Clean eating is not the same as under eating.

    (And I totally need to take my own advice, since the last few weeks have all been junky for me, lol.)

    Good luck! It sounds like you have researched enough and gotten enough advice t know what you need to do, but just need to put it into practice. Give us an update on how it all goes!

    Yep doing this as well (only ion the last 2 months though! :) Love Tosca Reno books!
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    HOW did YOU do it? I do cardio/weights/barre/pilates/yoga and have been eating clean"er" with more protein (used to only get 30 g a day if that) and way less sugar. This has been the best for the last 2 months. My body fat has gone NO WHERE.

    how long have you been concentrating on body fat? the one thing i have found is that it takes patience. i have been at my goal weight since august and working on my bodyfat since then, and am only just starting to see physical results, so it does take time.

    2 months concentrating on BF, inches and weight but I know weight could go up. BUT I have worked out for 20+ years.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,711 Member
    I have an HRM and am 38 years old and at my hardest I have been 170-173. I think thats what I calculated as the highest I should go. Is there another method?
    What's the duration?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,711 Member
    Dance Dance Dance!..... tone up those muscles underneath that fat, it's not just about losing the fat cells, it's also about tightening up those muscles underneath, they are there!..... and then lotion lotion lotion...... I dunno if it will work for you but it's done wonders for me..... I had seen a plastic surgeon about the "apron of loose skin" I was carrying around my waist he told me to come back when I was finished losing the weight..... ..... and now six months later there isn't enough skin left for him to remove...... I've still got another 40 lbs or so to go though so we'll see how it goes :)
    To tone up muscle you need substantial resistance. If there is no resistance, then you're working on muscle endurance. Big difference.