pet peeves!



  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    How about the ones who post alarmist, overblown 'research' they found on some random website - 'OMG did you now that ORANGES wil KILL you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' (spelling mistakes intentional, I figured I'd do both of my prime annoyances in one go, and actually I think they tend to go together too often to be randomly associated...)

    Then they get all upset and go straight to the ad hominen attacks or huffy 'I was just trying to help, you people are all so ungrateful!' when others reply that they probably should get a grip.

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    How about the ones who post alarmist, overblown 'research' they found on some random website - 'OMG did you now that ORANGES wil KILL you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' (spelling mistakes intentional, I figured I'd do both of my prime annoyances in one go, and actually I think they tend to go together too often to be randomly associated...)

    Then they get all upset and go straight to the ad hominen attacks or huffy 'I was just trying to help, you people are all so ungrateful!' when others reply that they probably should get a grip.


    Oh my god, yes. Alarmist "research" is so infuriating.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    people asking for help with a closed diary, and say I eat right and exercise so whats wrong...

    and adding to this one...

    When they finally open their diary for people to see, and you discover they are eating TONS AND TONS of fast food, chocolate and everything coming from a box, but they CANT understand why they arent losing weight....

    THEN - when you ***ask*** them, why do they ***choose*** to eat the junk foods of the liking when that is definitely causing the problem, and then all hell breaks loose because they think it wasnt a normal interpretation of what they normally eat..

    If you POSTED it, that was accurate for the day (or in the case I ran into, EVERY day) you logged it...

    TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the choices you CHOSE to make and blame yourself for making them, DONT BITE people who ask you a simple damn question.....
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Speaking of laughing out loud.... how about ROFLMAO? Come on now, are you honestly rolling on the floor laughing your *kitten* off? If so, I need whatever it is that they are on!

    This made me laugh. I hate this too. I think the thing that bugs me the most about is that they capitalize it. I get a ridiculous picture in my head about what they look like when they are "ROFLMAO"-ing. It makes me think like they have a few screws loose in the head.

    I have to say that certain grammar mistakes bug the crap out of me. Mostly the things like knowing the difference between you're and your, because that's probably one of the easiest things to remember. You are= you're, you are awesome or your awesome? You're awesome! Loose and lose is another big one. It's one of those super easy things that you can just read about and learn quickly. It's not like I am asking you to put your semi colons in their proper places.

    Along with that, I hate when people tell me to get over it or get a life because I care about grammar. I know I am not perfect and I am not asking for perfection but some things are so easy! We all have our things that bother us, it is the way it is. If you don't care about grammar, if you are super carefree about your worries and nothing bothers you... then just move on, there's no need to put your two cents in.

    It only really starts to bug me when it's an obvious mistake made by them same person, every time. I know there have been times where I have typed out the wrong form just because I was typing faster and didn't catch it.

    Sometimes using "your" in the wrong place can be funny. Then you get to think "___ belongs to me?"
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    TOM threads, WHY? WHY? WHY?

    Man bashers

    Those who do nothing but complain about their significant other

    People who don't seem to want to help themselves

    Posters under about 22

    Ah Ageism
    Yeah, you are right. There are actually plenty of younger posters with plenty good to contribute. I had somebody specific in mind when I said that, and it wasn't fair.

    Sure.... but hey no heard feelings. Opinions aren't facts really. Just opinions.

    Maybe she was speaking of you? lol
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I don't like that you can't edit your post after a while. I don't know how long it gives you? Sometimes you read your post later and have a word spelled wrong and you can't do anything about it. Some might know they spelled a word wrong or need to change a word, but if you don't catch it the first time that's it.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    When I post a topic and I ask a question, I would actually like the question answered.. Not just people screaming, "yes!" or "no!" or "that is sooooooo stupid".

    That is my pet peeve lol
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Posts that are in all caps with no punctuation. I am not exactly all up on your grammar, but at least make it not so aggravating to the reader. I know someone is going to do this lol.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    I hate it that a fat woman is now called "curvy" or "hourglass." Fat is FAT! I click on articles on how to dress a curvy or hourglass figure, and it is just FAT women squeezing into the latest trends.

    And I am not trying to be rude. I was FAT 40 pounds ago. All of that 40 pounds of FAT was covering up my CURVES. Now that 40 pounds of FAT are gone, I once again have my HOURGLASS figure back.

    ^ This.
    Also, what is TOM? Sorry.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Sorry, double post.