Any trick to drink 8 cups of water per day?



  • Abri2018
    For me personally, I need to have it be icecold. Something about Ice cold water just makes it taste phenomenal!! I also enjoy drinking water a lot more when there is a straw involved. :) I dont know what it is that is persuading me to drink more when I have my water bottle with me but it definitely helps. Also, I get intimidated when I see/think about how much 8 cups is, so get a water bottle that's the right size for you and just keep it with you at all times and full. I like drinking water a lot more when it comes out of my water bottle then I do if I have to drink from a plastic bottle. ( hurts the environment too anyways!! )

    I also find out there is NOTHING better then cold water after a hard workout. :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    In real terms it should read 8 cups of liquid. Any more than 2 litres of liquid a day can be harmful. That includes tea, coffee and drinks like coca cola/lemonade. Other than coffee/tea I only drink water. I add a squeeze of lime or lemon (e.g. Berri 99% lemon juice) to the water....makes it tasty.

    No... this is not true... this should be left up to the person's primary care physician.

    There are days I drink alot more than 2 liters thanks to my line of work and always truthfully report it and send off to my PCP and Endocrinologist...
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I bought a 64 oz. bottle for work. It's slight overkill, really, considering how much I drink at home, but I find that I'm more likely to drink if I have a full container around. I drink about half of that each day, so that's half my requirement gone.

    At home, I measured out my water cup so that I know exactly how many cups I'm getting from that. It holds two cups, so I only have to drink two in order to get the rest of my 8. When you break it down like that, you start to realize how easy it is to fit it in.

    I also only drink water, coffee, and sometimes tea, which really helps.
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a big cup that is a little over 2 cups. I try to drink that before every meal. I also like it without a straw and room temp. If it's too cold, I cant drink it fast and it doesn't go down as well. I have to sip it more if it's too cold. I don't want to spend 10 minutes sipping my water down. I like to just drink it right down and it be over with.
  • Ruby11222
    Often I forget too but I always have bottles of water around me. It's got to become a habit. I think a good idea is to drink a cup before every time you eat. If you don't like it, add a splash of apple juice or something (not much!)
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    I'm going to commit blasphemy here and tell you not to worry about. The need to drink 8 cups of water a day is a medical myth ( this is just one source). Most of us get all the water we need through the food we eat, especially if we are eating clean with high water content food like fruits and vegetables, not to mention other beverages we might drink during the day. Don't get me wrong, you need to stay well hydrated, especially if you are losing water through exercise, etc.. I also know that some people use it as a way to help fill the their stomach before or during meals. Unfortunately, there is evidence that lots of water in your stomach with meals hinders digestion, slowing it down and making your alimentary tract less efficient. Finally, my proof is in my own results. I don't track my water but I know that i don't drink 8 glasses a day and it has not slowed my progress down.

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm going to commit blasphemy here and tell you not to worry about. The need to drink 8 cups of water a day is a medical myth ( this is just one source). Most of us get all the water we need through the food we eat, especially if we are eating clean with high water content food like fruits and vegetables, not to mention other beverages we might drink during the day. Don't get me wrong, you need to stay well hydrated, especially if you are losing water through exercise, etc.. I also know that some people use it as a way to help fill the their stomach before or during meals. Unfortunately, there is evidence that lots of water in your stomach with meals hinders digestion, slowing it down and making your alimentary tract less efficient. Finally, my proof is in my own results. I don't track my water but I know that i don't drink 8 glasses a day and it has not slowed my progress down.


    Sorry but I believe one should consult with their primary care physician about how much water intake is right for the person.... some people may require more if they are taking certain medications, certain lines of work may demand more water-intake, etc...
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    I add MIO to my water or crystal light !!
  • KokomoJoe
    I carry a water bottle with me everywhere. Then I find I am constantly sipping from it. I also drink about 1/2 L of water immediately after getting up and that takes care of 2 of my 8 glasses.
  • jljune
    jljune Posts: 59
    For me I need to have my water with me at all times, even when I'm not thirsty. Just seeing it helps remind me to drink it. Also, for some reason, it's easier for me to get my water in when I'm drinking it with a straw.

    Edited to add this... I've read that when our bodies are thirsty, we've actually waited too late to drink the water.

    Hope this helps. :smile:


    Me too!! I have to have a straw! Even my water bottle has a straw. I also add Mio to it. It is a calorie free liquid sweetener that you squeeze into water. Just a taste is all I need.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm going to commit blasphemy here and tell you not to worry about. The need to drink 8 cups of water a day is a medical myth ( this is just one source). Most of us get all the water we need through the food we eat, especially if we are eating clean with high water content food like fruits and vegetables, not to mention other beverages we might drink during the day. Don't get me wrong, you need to stay well hydrated, especially if you are losing water through exercise, etc.. I also know that some people use it as a way to help fill the their stomach before or during meals. Unfortunately, there is evidence that lots of water in your stomach with meals hinders digestion, slowing it down and making your alimentary tract less efficient. Finally, my proof is in my own results. I don't track my water but I know that i don't drink 8 glasses a day and it has not slowed my progress down.


    I do have to add to this, though, that, if you're getting a lot of fiber from your food, staying hydrated is important, or issues similar to getting too little fiber could arise.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    I'm going to commit blasphemy here and tell you not to worry about. The need to drink 8 cups of water a day is a medical myth ( this is just one source). Most of us get all the water we need through the food we eat, especially if we are eating clean with high water content food like fruits and vegetables, not to mention other beverages we might drink during the day. Don't get me wrong, you need to stay well hydrated, especially if you are losing water through exercise, etc.. I also know that some people use it as a way to help fill the their stomach before or during meals. Unfortunately, there is evidence that lots of water in your stomach with meals hinders digestion, slowing it down and making your alimentary tract less efficient. Finally, my proof is in my own results. I don't track my water but I know that i don't drink 8 glasses a day and it has not slowed my progress down.


    Sorry but I believe one should consult with their primary care physician about how much water intake is right for the person.... some people may require more if they are taking certain medications, certain lines of work may demand more water-intake, etc...

    My family is full of doctors, all unanimous that the modern day advice to chug down eight glasses of water a day in addition to other liquids is a pile of nonsense.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I have my water bottle with me constantly so its just a case of sipping it away. I also found my body quickly adapted to the extra fluid and within a week or two I was no longer running too the toilet every half hour. Plus I think weight loss has helped!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Izzy here drinks four bottles a day. One with each meal, and one in between.
    3 + 1 = 4 Last time I checked.
    4 bottles x 2 cups each = 8!
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    take a bottle with you wherever you'll tend to always reach for it! also eventually it becomes a habit
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Try drinking from a straw. I bought a plastic cup with a lid and straw. I keep one at work and at home. You drink it faster and it really helps.
  • tallskinnyblond
    Drink tea:) This contributes nicely to your 8 glasses a day!
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I drink a bottle when I wake up in the morning, one w/ each meal, one after the gym, one before bed. ( I pee a lot!- waking up at 3 every moring is annoying but usually I can fall back asleep pretty good).

    I recently started setting outlook reminders on my work computer that say "DRINK SOME WATER!" - I get so busy there sometimes I just forget hehe.

    I'm really good during the week but the weekends are tougher.