We have ALL been and done this....what is your worst?



  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    We, too, bought one of those electric current fueled ab belts. (WTH???!!LOL) Decided that on low it wasnt strong enough so cranked that baby up and let me tell you....it was about like a full blown labor contraction. Over and over. Either that or a dog shock collar strapped to my mid section. Sat down on the couch to do my "workout" and couldnt hear the tv from the hollering going on....lol
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    We, too, bought one of those electric current fueled ab belts. (WTH???!!LOL) Decided that on low it wasnt strong enough so cranked that baby up and let me tell you....it was about like a full blown labor contraction. Over and over. Either that or a dog shock collar strapped to my mid section. Sat down on the couch to do my "workout" and couldnt hear the tv from the hollering going on....lol

    I have seen them being advertised again lately and I feel like I need to call a therapist every time the commercial comes on. I did research mine and a lot of people said that they had poor experiences while using the gel that comes with it. They suggested using a wet papertowel so that contact was ensured. Well, that must be some sadistic group because that was the dumbest thing I'd ever done....not only did it ensure contact but it also spread the current throughout my entire midsection.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Ab Lounge. Stupid! A chair to do crunches in...bleehh. I still need to get rid of that thing. Ha

    haha i have that too! lol

    Count me in on this one too. I bought it, put it together, tried it and hated it. It sat in my garage for 5 years before I finally got rid of it when I moved. It did not make doing crunches any easier. I DO need to get an exercise ball though. Now those are great for crunches.
  • shantillylace81
    I bought an AB roller after giving birth to my first daughter 9 years ago. I stared at it for a while and said how the helll am I going to use that...I seriously put it to work daily when my baby would nap, first I started off weak then after a few weeks i became a pro..One morning I decided to do the AB roller on the hard wood floor and it slipped out in front of me and I hit my face on the floor super hard. Never used that damn thing again..LOL
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    My step dad bought me an Abb King machine. It was pre used and he thought he was getting a bargain. The thing is the single most painful thing to do sit ups on EVER! The back on it was dodgey and tilted too far back. Its now a very handy shelf in the garage
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I bought a Kinect thinking I would do the Zumba game....yeah, used it once.

    My parents bought a $2,000+ elliptical and barely use it. I keep telling them to give it to me! I'd use it everyday!!!
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    We, too, bought one of those electric current fueled ab belts. (WTH???!!LOL) Decided that on low it wasnt strong enough so cranked that baby up and let me tell you....it was about like a full blown labor contraction. Over and over. Either that or a dog shock collar strapped to my mid section. Sat down on the couch to do my "workout" and couldnt hear the tv from the hollering going on....lol

    LOL, that has made my day (sorry) vaderandbill will also be joining you for an extended workshop on dealing with mental anguish, do you still have said torture device?
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    We, too, bought one of those electric current fueled ab belts. (WTH???!!LOL) Decided that on low it wasnt strong enough so cranked that baby up and let me tell you....it was about like a full blown labor contraction. Over and over. Either that or a dog shock collar strapped to my mid section. Sat down on the couch to do my "workout" and couldnt hear the tv from the hollering going on....lol

    LOL, that has made my day (sorry) vaderandbill will also be joining you for an extended workshop on dealing with mental anguish, do you still have said torture device?

    By god we do!!! Stuffed in a drawer!LOL