Sundays - Motivation (what keeps you motivated? Or you can share a motivational afirmation, saying or story)

Mondays - Weigh-in and share your goals for the week. Let us know what your plans are. Fail to plan and plan to fail... so share with us what you are expecting from your week. The other SEXY MAMAs will help keep you motivated and accountable. Don't be afraid to STRETCH yourself with these goals... Shoot for the moon... and even if you miss you will land among the stars (I probably butchered that saying, but ya know what I mean )

Tuesdays - Struggles. Tell us what you are struggling with on your journey. This can be weight related, relationship related, job related, LIFE related. Share with us. We are here for support! And it is healthy to have an outlet for your frustrations. Please be encouraging to the other Sexy Mamas on this topic. Don't judge! This journey is different for everyone and we all have different beliefs and circumstances. We don't want this to become a place for heated debates, but instead of acceptance and support! Keep in mind "if you can't say something positive, uplifting or helpful don't say anything at all" on this day

Wednesdays - Nutrition. Share any and all things about diet and nutrition. If you have a fabulous recipe or idea for nutritional meals and snacks, this is the day and place to share! Share with us what you keep stocked in your cupboards and share ideas with other moms in making our meals and snacks healthier!

Thursdays - Gratitude. What are you Thankful for? What do you LOVE? Remembering those things in our life and along this weight loss/ health journey that we already have that we are thankful for can really encourage a healthy mindset which is essential to success!! No matter how "small" or how "large" it may seem share with us your gratitude! Even the relatively smallest thing is HUGE! And we need to remember to be thankful for so many things in our lives.

Friday - Burn, Baby, Burn! Share with us your workouts or workouts that are in your goals to start. What are you doing to get your burn on? We have to burn those calories and get those muscles moving! What's your favorite part of excising? What is your favorite exercise? Share all things about getting your sweat on!'

Saturdays - Get Your Laugh On!! Laughter is a good medicine.... AND burns some calories (BONUS) Share something funny! This can be a joke, or something funny that has happened during your week. Something funny your kiddos have said or done (let's face it, you know what LOVE to talk about our kiddos ) If it's funny...we want to hear it! Let's literally LAUGH OUR BUTTS OFF!!


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    For more information about this group, check out this thread
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Looks great!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Monthly Challenge *~NOVEMBER~*

    November's challenge is:

    LOG, LOG, LOG Log into MFP every day and log your meals and your exercise!! Lets get those numbers up on our walls... you know, the ones that say, "So'n'So has logged in for X amount of days"... Lets do it!!
    AND (yes, more than one....we can do it ) Get in AT LEAST 30 minutes of workout activity every day.... We don't call it a "Challenge" for nothing! Whether you have to take a bathroom break at work and get in 20 or 30 Jumpin Jacks at a time, or sneak in a quick walk during lunch... those minutes add up. So, get that magic number 30 in every day... On Fridays, we want to hear how your fitting it in and what exercises/activities you are doing. Some of us may have to do 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there to get our 30, but the important thing is that your getting it in!! You can count your normal exercise routines in this as well.... so if you are doing 40 minutes of ZUMBA!!! Log it, BABY and tell us about it!
  • marmar1977
    marmar1977 Posts: 7 Member
    This is great! I can't wait :-)
    because I am new on here I was wondering if someone could tell me how I would get the awesome Sexy mama pic in my signature :-)..and how the heck do you get the weight loss ticker on it :-)

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    THanks, LoveNevrNds!!! So excited about getting started!!! It's still Sunday night for me (10:07 PM), but I wanted to get the post up and started for the SEXY MAMAs ahead of us here in the States :wink:
    Looks great!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member

    So are we following only this thread or the other one as well?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Just this one, Jenn... This is now our OFFICIAL THREAD.... to keep the confusion down and to CLEAN it up a bit :drinker:

    So are we following only this thread or the other one as well?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    This is great! I can't wait :-)
    because I am new on here I was wondering if someone could tell me how I would get the awesome Sexy mama pic in my signature :-)..and how the heck do you get the weight loss ticker on it :-)


    You can get your weight loss ticker under Tools... To add the SEXY MAMA Siggy, you need to go to "Community" and then to "signature" and then paste this code:
    Change the uppercase "IMG's" to lowercase "img's" or it won't work... save and WA-BAM.. you have the nifty siggy :drinker:
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Great job, looking forward to tomorrow!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    Hello to all the sexy mamas!

    I hope you are all keen and ready for the November challenge - I know I am! Logging into MFP every day for the month and getting in 30 minutes of exercise each and every day - we can do this!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My Vanity Motivation is a blue chinese style dress hanging in my closet, woefully neglected since having my boys, ages 3 and 1.
    Another motivation are my boys. Gotta keep up with them.
    And I think self discipline is a character trait that should be evident in my life, as a Christian. Food should not be my source of comfort, but an enjoyable source of fuel for my body. I want to take care of this body, a gift from God. :-)
  • marmar1977
    marmar1977 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the instructions :-) Even though I have never met any of you, joining this group gives me something to be accountable to in terms of keeping going so thank you.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Glad to see all the check-ins already!!!! :heart:

    And, I have to say, I am ridiculously excited to see all the little glittery SEXY MAMA siggies!!!! Man! We're awesome! Just sayin'! :drinker:

    I'm hitting the sack! I'll check in in the morning with my Monday weigh-in (this will be our SW for SEXY MAMAs UNITE don't forget...) and I am going to either try to snap a quick pic or find a recent one that I can use... Don't forget to post your before pic (or at least have one saved for later comparison)

    NIghty Night, SEXY MAMAs :yawn:
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    Alrighty since it is already Monday here in Australia I am going to start the Monday weigh-in :happy: :happy: :happy:

    So here it goes...

    SW 68.8kg
    CW 68.8kg
    LW N/A

    Remember that your SW in the Sexy Mamas group should be your weight as of today Monday the 7th of November!

    And here are my goals for this week:

    * Do the 30 Day Shred each and every day (going from level 1 to level 2 this week)
    * Drink some damn water! Seriously I am so bad at remembering to drink - so I am going to aim for 2L a day
    * Continuing on with eating clean with each meal (except for Tuesday night - my cheat meal for the week)
    * Use the exercise bike for quick 10 minutes each day to bump up my daily exercise to 30 minutes a day
    * Log in to MFP every day!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    And just to encourage some others to post some "before" photos I'm posting mine up...


    Taken last Monday - gotta love that daggy underwear :embarassed:
  • mybabble
    mybabble Posts: 25 Member
    It's monday afternoon for me right now.
    I weighed myself this morning.

    The scales are certainly being nicer to me lately.


    My goals for the week are :
    Get to the gym atleast 4 times. (On staurday I'm doing a boxing class and my new boxing partner is a natural body builder and VERY fit! eeek!!)
    Control my food portions
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    mybabble - I am completely jealous of your boxing class - I badly want to do boxing!!
  • mybabble
    mybabble Posts: 25 Member
    mybabble - I am completely jealous of your boxing class - I badly want to do boxing!!

    I love boxing! Up until about 4 months ago I did it quite often, then my boxing partner had to move away :(
    So now I have a new partner, and although I'm REALLY looking forward to it I'm very nervous aswell! It's great cardio and i love the pain in my muscles the next day.lol
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    mybabble - I am completely jealous of your boxing class - I badly want to do boxing!!

    I love boxing! Up until about 4 months ago I did it quite often, then my boxing partner had to move away :(
    So now I have a new partner, and although I'm REALLY looking forward to it I'm very nervous aswell! It's great cardio and i love the pain in my muscles the next day.lol

    I'm hoping to get into it once my girls are a bit older - but it all depends on whether I can get someone to look after them when I want to go and box - or maybe by then I might have a partner again :ohwell:
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Hey Sexy Mamas! LOVE our new siggie! so yeah, I am 185 and I am hittimg a plateau already!! I was 184 and gained a pound around that time of the month and now I am back at 185.. So my goal for the week is to get 30 minutes of excercises in and 1 ZUmba class!! And to fight the temptation to eat cake and icecream at all of the birthday parties I have to attend this week! :)