Holiday Eating..Plan A..or Plan B?? What are you doing??



  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I am going to follow my eating plan through the holidays.

    This is me! I look at it like a lifestyle change. Every time I binge, I just feel bad.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I won't be logging over Xmas & New Year- it will be too difficult as am going to be visiting family & friends for all of it. Plus having a wisdom teeth op 4 days beforehand so will appreciate all the food& drink I can get!
  • daisydog101
    daisydog101 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm not planning on logging Christmas day so I can focus on hanging out with my family instead.
    Although I'm going to eat everything in Moderation, get a walk in if I can and be back to normal on Boxing day.
    I'm in Australia so Halloween, Thanksgiving etc are not an issue. I figure its one day of the year and I plan to enjoy it
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Luckily my husband and I live a very bohemian style and we don't really have "holiday" meals. So no worries here. :)
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I plan to enjoy the meals on Thangiving and Christmas, those will be 'off' days. Although I probably won't eat as much as in the past and will probably aviod certain items, like eggnog....enjoying a nice meal on those days is really important to me.
  • skinnypigeon
    skinnypigeon Posts: 107 Member
    My family is doing a "clean thanksgiving" all the classics revamped and made healthy. I know there will still be a lot of calories on the table but at least we know we are putting only good stuff in.

    I know this isn't possible for a lot of people, but hey might be worth mentioning. Everyone can use a little health in their life...even those who aren't "dieting"