Awesome Drunk Stories...

odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
Story time. I'm bored.

I was 8 mos pregnant and sleeping when I heard my husband come home sh*ttanked in the wee early hours. He bounced off the walls of the hallway like a ping pong ball. I fake sleep for fear he may want to have sex... or worse... talk.

We had a beagle mix. At night, we'd give her a femur bone with a little peanut butter in her doggy cave as a night time treat. I hear him open the peanut butter, etc. and he goes to bed.

The next morning, I am getting ready for work and go to iron my dress. He didn't peanut butter the dog bone. He peanut buttered the iron... thoroughly.



  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Was at a friends really drunk....ended up in the neighbor hot tub....skinny dipping with our friends at 2 in the morning.....then I fell walking up her boyfriends narrow stairs and stumbled into their parents bedroom instead of the room I was sleeping in.....then I woke up in the morning still drunk and fell walking down the narrow stairs....went out to the barn and had another drink......Great weekend! LOL
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Was at a friends really drunk....ended up in the neighbor hot tub....skinny dipping with our friends at 2 in the morning.....then I fell walking up her boyfriends narrow stairs and stumbled into their parents bedroom instead of the room I was sleeping in.....then I woke up in the morning still drunk and fell walking down the narrow stairs....went out to the barn and had another drink......Great weekend! LOL

    Were the parents IN the room?? *LOL*
  • I was at a party and this military looking guy was taking shots all throughout the night...little did we know that he's NEVER gotten drunk off liquor only beer...a couple of hours into the party he was on all fours running around saying "i'm tony the tiger!" (his name was tony) and crawling into my friend's closet complimenting how soft the carpet was.

    oh the next day my poor friend and her roommate had to clean up his puke! he didn't remember much that night i presume and passed out in one of the rooms.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    College. Friend's 21st birthday (at his parents' house)... We had a GREAT time. Around midnight, another friend (not the birthday boy), Chris, passed out. A little while later, Chris started walking around the basement. Joe (another friend) made a comment to the effect of, "Hey, that's the number of turns he'd make going from his room to the bathroom at home." Chris then proceeded to lift up one of the (leather) couch cushions like it was a toilet lid and pee all over the couch under the cushion.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    I was in my 20s and celebrating New Years Eve with my three best friends (we were inseparable). We were smart and had gotten a hotel room near the bar. After a great evening, and far too many drinks, we head back and change for bed. I think we were all wearing a tee shirt and underwear - except my one friend had on a tee shirt and thong... and the tee shirt wasn't very long.

    In the middle of the night, we awake to knocking on the door. We were a little confused, and one of the girls said "where is ***?"

    She had gone to the bathroom, except confused the room door for the bathroom door. She was standing outside of the room (thong and all), trying to figure out what was going on. When I opened the door, she just said "this isn't the bathroom", and went back to bed.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    My husband got TANKED and decided to wander off while the rest of us sat around the bbq outside. About an hour later, we see him come back and try and do some Matrix jump move from one bush to another.. which ultimately lead to him flailing himself into a bush...

    Then later on that night, he drops a almost-full Carona on the ground and SWEARS that it busted a hole in the sidewalk. Not the fact that the cracked hole had already been there, but his superhuman drunk strength smashed a hole in the ground with a glass bottle.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    We used to invite our friends over after the club for more drinking and music... woke up one morning to find someone had taken a dump in the shower of my spare restroom. NOT COOL!
    Even worse was having to clean that $h!t up!
    To this day none of my friends will fess up as to who did it, needless to say.. we stopped inviting people to come over for after parties. LOL
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Was at a friends really drunk....ended up in the neighbor hot tub....skinny dipping with our friends at 2 in the morning.....then I fell walking up her boyfriends narrow stairs and stumbled into their parents bedroom instead of the room I was sleeping in.....then I woke up in the morning still drunk and fell walking down the narrow stairs....went out to the barn and had another drink......Great weekend! LOL

    Were the parents IN the room?? *LOL*

    LMAO Yup.......
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I lived in an area where all the houses looked the same. One of my neighbors came home drunk to the wrong house, couldn't get in so he kept ringing the doorbell. I opened the door and asked Jeff what the heck he was doing. He stumbled past me, said something about the "new" furniture and passed out on my couch. I had to go 2 houses down and get his wife. It took her my husband and myself to drag his but home!! I did however make him was my truck every weekend for a month!!
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I usually drink straight flavored vodka but a friend insisted on making the drinks with juice. Since I couldn't taste much of the vodka, I assumed he just hadn't put much in. Four drinks later, we were high fiving everyone at the trolley stop close by. I woke up the next morning dreaming he had spray painted a giant eyeball on the college across from my condo. When I walked outside to take my puppy out, I looked across the street, and saw a giant eyeball.

    I walked around for the next week paranoid everytime I saw a cop car.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    really double post? unacceptable.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I was in my 20s and celebrating New Years Eve with my three best friends (we were inseparable). We were smart and had gotten a hotel room near the bar. After a great evening, and far too many drinks, we head back and change for bed. I think we were all wearing a tee shirt and underwear - except my one friend had on a tee shirt and thong... and the tee shirt wasn't very long.

    In the middle of the night, we awake to knocking on the door. We were a little confused, and one of the girls said "where is ***?"

    She had gone to the bathroom, except confused the room door for the bathroom door. She was standing outside of the room (thong and all), trying to figure out what was going on. When I opened the door, she just said "this isn't the bathroom", and went back to bed.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Love these :)

    PANTERA! Dying :)
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I have no fun drunk stories. I've never been so drunk I got disoriented... And apparently my friends are boring, too. Haha.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Had friends visiting from out of town, staying with us. We had all gone out earlier and gotten pretty tanked, then decided to come home and get in the pool and drink some more. My friend finally calls it, and goes in to go to bed. Her hubby went in shortly after, leaving me and hubby still in the pool. I tell him I'm going in, he says he's right behind me.

    I'm inside, changed, getting ready for bed and I hear this really loud *SPLASH*. Ok, wth? I wait a minute and I hear it again *SPLASH*. I come out of my room, met friend's hubby in the hall and he's like, what's he doing out there, cannon balls??

    We go outside and hubby is standing with one foot on bottom of pool, one foot on the next step. He looks up and me and says, *I can't get out." Me: "what do you mean you can't get out" Him: *weaving and wobbling, says with a plea in his voice* "I can't get out of the pool. I tried twice and fell back in. Yea, so me and the friend haul his butt out of the pool b/c apparently he didn't have enough equilibrium left to even walk up the 4 steps to get out.
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    On our honeymoon in Florida we both had a bit too much to drink and went out to smoke. My husband then said..."If you're going to get in the car, you better do it now!". I was like OK and so when we got in he informed me that we were gonna dine and ditch and we squeeled out of the lot only to park our rental car around the corner at our hotel. We thought we were so smart to dine and ditch at the restaurant a half block away from this sushi joint LOL. We are standing in the lobby drunk as shiii* and the japanese waiter taps me on the shoulder and informs me we will pay now or he will call the cops. My husband bolts over the pool fence (which makes me die laughing now cause he carries himself with so much respect 98% of the time and here he is bolting over a pool fence). Me not so clever, yet not holding our credit card was taken hostage at the restaurant untill he came back to get me with his tail between his legs and pay the damn bill. Best stupid non logical drunk night of our lives LOL
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    it was my best friends 21st birthday. i was already 21 so it really shouldn't have been that exciting for me...

    well, i got drunker than she did, walked to the McDonald's drive-thru and fell asleep on a rock next to the speaker with my head against the menu. was picked up by the actual birthday girl and driven back to her house. i proceeded to walk out the front door and sleep in the yard where she could not get me to move. had i rolled down the hill i would have been hit by a car.

    fast forward to three hours later... a knock at my best friends door where a nice young man is cradling me in his arms and asks her "is this yours...?"

    apparently i had grown tired of sleeping on the lawn and walked into the neighbors house and passed out on his couch.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    I have much funnier ones than this, but this is shorter. I went to a party at a girls house I had just met that I really was interested in. She wasn't, but her parents house was HUGE and awesome and the party was well funded. I figured dignity was less important. After 4 or 5 games of beer pong which my team won thoroughly, we played guys who admittedly were amazing at it. I consider myself a pro, they were legends.

    I did not handle the loss well and decided to challenge one of them (it was friendly, mind you) shot for shot on a jack daniels bottle they brought. I honestly can't remember who won, it may have been him or me doesn't matter. What I do remember is walking, err, stumbling into the house muttering about needing water and food. I was SO drunk and extremely naive to anything that impairs other than alcohol, by the way.

    I find a giant plate of amazing looking brownies. (Yes I realize this sounds easy to discern, but I was so loaded I probably couldn't have told you they were brownies.) I ate one, then the entire. freaking. plate.

    About 30 minutes later I am annoyed that the muscles in my body had no intentions of letting me move from the couch. Then the 4 diamonds on the wall started spinning with numbers in each side changing every few seconds. I tried for the first bit to figure out if they were a code, then I insisted to a random stranger that they were torturing me and that I could see them even with my eyes closed. I was informed by somebody who had no face that I was now persona non grata because I ate some fine food they were saving. Whatever, I was being tortured by numbers with diamonds. I texted the friend I brought with me to rescue me. I walked outside and vomited. A lot. (Turns out, whatever I vomited killed all the plants in the mini-garden, including making them look like they were burned.)

    Next morning at 11, I still felt like I was walking 4 feet above the ground and vowed to never be that naive again. Somebody recently told me to watch "Smiley Face." I did. It was not funny to me, merely familiar...
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So this one time, I wanted to bring the new year in with a bang! It was a pretty rough year for me and decided to spend New Years eve with my friends. I can't believe I'm sharing this story but what-ev. I was wasted yet I remember flashes here and there.

    I got DRUNK. I got dropped off and I remember thinking I had to pee really really bad but I was going to wait until I got home. HA. So I get to my front door mat and decide to pee a little. I actually remember thinking this.. I can pee a little here and then go inside and pee more. I ended up peeing on my front mat. So then I'm disgusted and get the door open. I walk into the front bathroom and without undressing I get into the shower because my clothes were dirty. I then got dizzy and I grab onto the shower curtain and it comes down... I end up falling over on the toilet's tank- HARD. I broke the damn thing. I BROKE THE TOILET TANK. I remember cracking up as water is spraying everywhere. My ex starts knocking on the door while I'm cracking up. The bathroom floor is now under like an inch of water and I just remember laughing. I open the door say goodnight and go to bed in my wet clothes and zonk out.

    Apparently he cleaned up the bathroom. Poor tank.
  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    I lived in an area where all the houses looked the same. One of my neighbors came home drunk to the wrong house, couldn't get in so he kept ringing the doorbell. I opened the door and asked Jeff what the heck he was doing. He stumbled past me, said something about the "new" furniture and passed out on my couch. I had to go 2 houses down and get his wife. It took her my husband and myself to drag his but home!! I did however make him was my truck every weekend for a month!!

    Lol thats hilarious!