150 lbs to lose and frustrated



  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    Each and everyone of you are such an inspiration! Keep up the fight for our lives!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I recommend that you find a weight loss support group to join so that you can talk to other people going through the same problems. Don't try to do this alone!

    The main ones that I know about are Weight Watchers and TOPS. Both provide the personal support of other members and make you face the scale each week for weigh-in.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I started at 274 and am aiming for 75-100 pounds. I'm down 20 now, and I didn't really start to notice until this week. I know it's discouraging, but my thought was that no one noticed because I was so big already - so celebrate yourself. Some people will notice but won't say anything to avoid being rude.

    What I do, and this helps me, is I don't think about the big number. I aim for small goals. My first goal was to weigh what I did when I got married - 20lbs less. I met that this week. My next goal is to weigh what I did when I graduated college- 33lbs from here. Then, I'll have 20lbs to get to 200. Small goals work for me so I don't feel overwhelmed and get discouraged and lose motivation.

    Keep pushing - 150 is a big number to lose - but 20 is a reasonable goal - you are at 16 - only 4 more! Hurdles are easier to jump when they aren't the height of skyscrapers.

    Also - spoil yourself when you hit that little goal! Buy something you've wanted, go see a movie, or get a new outfit (don't do it with bad food, that's what I did...slows you down a bit). If I hit a goal, I buy myself a new piece of clothing. At 30lbs I'm buying running shoes!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Congratulations on losing 16lbs in 2 months! Be proud of that. It's an excellent weight loss pace!

    Others have already said this, but I'll reinforce it. Be patient. I know it's hard at first, especially when you don't "see" or feel the difference, but you are making progress and sooner than you think, you'll notice the difference and others will, too.

    The analogy of a toilet paper roll is spot on.

    Keep your long-term goals in mind. Take measurements, and pictures to track your progress. Definitely look for support, if you need it. I know the journey can feel too long and hard at first, but you're on the right path and have done so well already. You'll reach your goal if you stick with it.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I'm in the same position as you are. Might I suggest that if you haven't already, measure yourself. Because one thing that I've noticed is that while it feels as if I'm not loosing much, I am loosing inches. I measure myself each month and in one month I've lost 10 1/2 inches. So try that, and if you want to add me, go right ahead, we can only help each other :flowerforyou:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    You have to remember that this journey to a healthy life is not a sprint.....it's a marathon that lasts your whole life. Just because you get to a certain weight shouldn't mean that you go back to all your old habits because those are what got you into trouble in the first place. And 16 lbs in 2 months is AWESOME!!!!! CONGRATS!!!

    And I agree with everyone else. Stop looking at the big number!!! When I do that I make myself sick. Overall I want to lose a total of 52+ lbs. If I fixated on that (because there are days I can't see ever getting to my goal weight) I would just give up. I have small goals that I think are attainable.....ie. get to prebaby weight (27lbs lost) by Christmas and within that I tried to do a 5 lbs/month challenge and little things in between. I work so much better when I have small goals because the doubter inside me doesn't even think I'll ever see 145!!!

    Don't get down and remember that each day is a brand new challenge. You are more than the number on the scale....it does NOT determine your worth.

    I also highly recommend the book Made to Crave for anyone on a weightloss journey. Good luck and remember....we are all in this together!!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Just hang in there. 16 pounds in two months is great! I really noticed a difference around 30-40 pounds, and it wasn't until around 50-60 that people that did not know I was eating better and working out to notice.

    Soon you will start dropping sizes and it will all feel worth it.
  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    I felt the exact same way! I've lost 101 pounds now, with a LOT left to lose... I still look in the mirror at times and cringe at the thought of how much I've lost and I'm still fat! And some days I feel great about how much I've lost. Don't let it get to you! 16 pounds is great... that means you're on your way! That's 16 pounds you don't have to lose :-) Be encouraged!!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    16 pounds in 2 months is great! That's right about the rate you should be losing. I was at 300 pounds when I started and it took me about 30 pounds to really notice a visual difference, even though I could feel a difference in my clothes before that. It was about 40 pounds before anyone else started to notice. I know 150 pounds feels like it will take forever, but it is entirely possible. Break it down into little goals and work towards those. At first my little goals were pretty close together like 15-20 pounds. Now that I am farther along, I still have intermediate goals, but those are a little farther apart. They are also not always just about pounds. I just met the goal of buying a complete new outfit not in plus sizes, I have also had a goal to get below the weight on my driver's license, to not have an obese BMI, etc. Meeting these helps me feel successful. Don't think of it as how far you have to go. Keep focusing on how much you have already done and how close your next goal is.
  • JessFeldman02
    Wow! You guys are amazing. The overwhelming encouragement you've offered is amazing. There are so many of you that are in my boat, and so many that have been here and succeeded. I guess I was being a bit of a whiney girl - I need to remember others are here or have been here and have succeeded. One thing I often tend to forget. Than you again for the words of encouragement. This is the first post I've vented on and the encouragment turned me right around.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I haven't read everyone's response before mine, you see very little when you first start when your pretty heavy. Look at it this way losing 15 lbs at 150 lbs is like losing 10% of your body weight, Losing it at 300 lbs is like losing 5%. Don't get me wrong losing the amount of weight you lost in 2 months is great, but it will take time and dedication to get to where you wanna be. Up until I was down maybe 60 lbs, I didn't really notice it when I looked in the mirror, however when looking at pictures you can definately see it. Most people see themselves in the mirror everyday so day to day, week to week, month to month you really won't tell, but others can usually see it better cause they don't see you as often as you see yourself. Congrats on your journey.
  • skatermom503
    I have lost 83 lbs. and nobody has noticed a thing. Of course I started at 395 so I'm still big. It takes a long time for it to show to others but then it suddenly does. I sort of prefer it this way so people don't start watching and waiting for me to fail. Keep going. 16lbs is a really great start and each pound you lose will make you feel better. Good luck!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I have lost 83 lbs. and nobody has noticed a thing. Of course I started at 395 so I'm still big. It takes a long time for it to show to others but then it suddenly does. I sort of prefer it this way so people don't start watching and waiting for me to fail. Keep going. 16lbs is a really great start and each pound you lose will make you feel better. Good luck!

    @skatermom503, Me too... I know what you mean. As far as other people watching/waiting all I have to say is this....F*** THEM!
    It is your body and you control it!! How good does 83lbs feel??? Got to be good :) I know it was for me.... Keep up the great work!!!