Coke Addiction . . .



  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I still have Diet Coke occasionally, but I have it as an alternative to alcohol if I am in a bar or club and either driving home or not wanting to drink. Sometimes I have it in a restaurant with a meal.

    Personally I don't see anything wrong with it in moderation but some people worry about too much sweetner being dangerous. I don't know to be honest, I am sure one or two a day (if you feel to drinki it daily) can't be that's drinking gallons of the stuff that is definitely harmful/unhealthy.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I was drinking anywhere between 4 - FIFTEEN can of diet coke a day. Massively out of control.

    I have gone through sporadic phases of giving it up and 3 weeks in to a phase now. I feel SO much better and after a couple of days of wanting to die I don't find I need it anymore.

    I am still allowing myself to have it in pubs and restaurants but when I went out on Saturday and had some I then didn't sleep for the entire night (seriously, fell asleep at 9am eventually!). It may have been conincidence as I do suffer from sporadic insomnia but I had been sleeping really well so I blame the caffeine.
  • divainme
    divainme Posts: 69 Member
    I said no to Coke twice yesterday and I so needed the pick me up because I was sooooo tired..... Drank my coffee instead and that didn't even give me jolt of energy.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I used to drink at least 1.5lt a day! I had to stop and go cold turkey. never looked back. I had 4 days of headaches. Finding new ways to get energy, oddly, by moving more. I have no idea how that works!
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    I too was addicted to diet sodas. It was a personal decision to give it up. I gave it up cold turkey and was falling asleep everywhere for a week...LOL The sweetener in diet sodas is horrible for your body and I have cleaned up my diet tremendously. I had a craving for the carbonation in soda so when I had that craving I drank some pellegrino which is the less salty of mineral waters and put a little pomegranate juice in it. Not as flavorful as soda but it got me through. I now just drink water but I am sure I will add tea and coffee back in in moderation. Just a personal preference to drink water instead of anything else cause my caffeine addiction was very high.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I too was addicted to diet sodas. It was a personal decision to give it up. I gave it up cold turkey and was falling asleep everywhere for a week...LOL The sweetener in diet sodas is horrible for your body and I have cleaned up my diet tremendously. I had a craving for the carbonation in soda so when I had that craving I drank some pellegrino which is the less salty of mineral waters and put a little pomegranate juice in it. Not as flavorful as soda but it got me through. I now just drink water but I am sure I will add tea and coffee back in in moderation. Just a personal preference to drink water instead of anything else cause my caffeine addiction was very high.

    Notice any weight loss?
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    I have lost a total of 9lbs since I started on October 30th
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I was trying to see if you attributed any of that weight loss to the discontinuation of the diet sodas. Along the lines of the artifical sweetner still resulting in an insulin response, thus hindering weight loss.
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Although it may not work for everyone, based on my experience with a Coke addiction, that for me it was best to quit cold turkey.

    Once I quit I would have bad caffeine withdrawal for a day or two (migraines all day), but was fine after that... Until I went back to soda and got hooked immediately. The cycle just kept repeating itself. I feel it is a lot harder to try and drink it responsibly than it is to just not drink it at all.

    Now I don't drink it at all (going on about 3-4 wks). I get a craving every once in a while, but I just have to do my best and ignore it.

    Good Luck!!
  • janelle97msu
    janelle97msu Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried Mio water enhancer? Comes in several different flavors and it's really good!!
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    I was trying to see if you attributed any of that weight loss to the discontinuation of the diet sodas. Along the lines of the artifical sweetner still resulting in an insulin response, thus hindering weight loss.

    I am sure it was a combination of both.... However I can say that when I have tried to lose weight in the past and still drank them religiously I would work hard and only lose about a pound a week so I do think it hinders weightloss.
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    Have you tried Mio water enhancer? Comes in several different flavors and it's really good!!

    Love mio :happy:
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 292 Member
    I have been addicted to coke for 20 years...I have tried everything..I don't like the after effect of diet soda's or some of the flavored I have known several young people to pass away from brain tumors and that is thought to be from aspertame that is in diet soda. One night I was a designated driver, tried Sierra Mist at the bar and I really loved the fresh taste of it. I started drinking it with my cokes and the coke started tasting bad to me and so I haven't had a coke now for 2 weeks. Now I am trying to get off the Sierra Mist. I am down to one a day because I have been working out heavily and love water to refresh with from burning so many calories.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Drinking pop is just not good for you. A natural path once told me Diet pop was the worst! I also went to a class on improving your metabolism and was told there Diet Pop is poison and both of these people told me you will not be able to lose weight while diet pop is still in your diet. Try water with lemon juice or make some cold green tea and sweeten with stevia or agave necter. Just get off the coke roller coaster!

    Interesting. I've been losing weight and I drink it every day. To the OP, it's a personal decision. Do your own research on aspartame. I have and at this time, it being my one vice, I have not given it up. I have in the past and lost no weight as a result and didn't notice a difference in my eating (more/less hunger). I don't think it's the healthiest thing for me to drink but it's a choice I make at this time. Like you, I control the amount and that's my compromise.
  • Vulnerable64
    Vulnerable64 Posts: 41 Member
    I tried to snort Coke once... I almost drowned! I'm never trying THAT again!

  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    It is completely possible to lose weight while drinking diet pop. The key, like anything else in life, seems to be moderation. I love Pepsi Max. No calories, caffeine AND ginseng. I only have one now about once a week, where before I chugged them all the time. what I have noticed personally is that if I drink any diet pop while eating a meal (standard protocol for when I dine out or at a BBQ), I will drink 4 diet pops and actually feel like eating more than if I just drink unsweet Tea or water.

    As a guilty pleasure, it is what it is. But Diet Pop has no value physiologically speaking, other than maybe the pick me up of the caffeine. So try to limit your self to just one a day and make sure you stay hydrated.
  • rmsnipes
    rmsnipes Posts: 20 Member
    I gave up my "Coke Zero" almost a month ago now, (drank atleast 5/day). The reason I decided to give it up, was I read a book called "skinny *****es" that really was anti-artificial sweetener and said it caused migraines. I have had migraines for year nows and they were getting more frequent and really affecting my quality of life. ( I really thought they were just from my hormones) . I decided to try giving them up and as soon as I did my migraines stopped. However, I was not ready to give up caffine, so I made myself acquire a taste for coffee. I use stevia in it, (the book said it is a good artificial sweetener). I have really not missed the Coke Zero, because I have something else I'm enjoying.

    Note - I had a unopened bottle of coke zero in my work refrigerator and drink it last week to go with a cookie that my coworker made fresh. "It is what I wanted to drink with it". By the time I got home from work, I had a magraine. I had to take my prescription meds to get rid of it.

    That has been my experience, it probably affects everyone differently. I'm feeling so good without having headaches, I've decided it is just not worth drinking it. I also am hoping that my weight loss is going to be more productive. I have noticed that I used to crave high sugar/fat foods to go along with my coke zero.(just like last week when I drank that CZ) Surely, it has to help with the weight loss!
  • msterlitz
    Data presented recently at the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) Scientific Sessions suggest that diet drinks may actually contribute to weight gain and that the artificial sweeteners in them could potentially contribute Type 2 diabetes.

    Companies have spent billions of dollars convincing all of us that diet soda is the healthier, lighter choice, that all we have to lose is the calories, ergo the weight. And since so many of us are struggling with weight gain, who can blame us if diet soda seems like a dream come true? But in my experience, it’s actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing, fooling women into thinking they are doing something good for their bodies when they are actually sabotaging their own best efforts.

    Diet soda may not have the sugar or calories of regular soda, but it’s chock-full of other health-draining chemicals, like caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sodium and phosphoric acid.

    I encourage you to resist it as your default beverage, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Different studies have been flying around on this subject, but a majority show that diet soda may actually set you up to gain even more weight.

    A regular 12-ounce soda contains the equivalent of nine teaspoons of sugar, usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Imagine drinking a 12-ounce glass of iced tea with nine teaspoons of sugar stirred into it, or eating nine teaspoons of sugar, one after another? That’s essentially what people do when they drink a sugared soda. It is liquid candy, ruthlessly advertised and manufactured to give our jaded taste buds an even sweeter sensation.

    No expert is presuming that the diet sodas themselves are making people gain weight. But there does seem to be some connection, and what is being further explored is the idea that by offering our tastes buds something that seems sweet, and seems to signal other parts of our bodies that glucose sugars are on the way, we set ourselves up for cravings, to which we eventually and often unknowingly, give in. In other words, consuming artificial sweeteners that seem real just might be setting us up to eat more later on.

    Try to make healthier choices. Start your day with a small glass of 100% fruit juice. Drink skim milk with meals. Sip water throughout the day. For variety, try sparkling water or add a squirt of lemon or cranberry juice to your water. Save diet soda for an occasional treat.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    There is no high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. (just checked the label b/c I knew it sounded odd) I believe that's typically used to sweeten the non-diet sodas.
  • msterlitz
    There is no high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. (just checked the label b/c I knew it sounded odd) I believe that's typically used to sweeten the non-diet sodas.

    Actually there is high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. It is made with a blend of sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium as sweeteners. Sucralose is one of the many other names for high fructose corn syrup.