No, I am not pregnant!!!!



  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I loved your post! I have the same exact problem but I look about 8 months pregnant with twins!!
    I have been very careful with my diet and I have been doing Turbo Jam for about a week and a half. I know in my head that it is too soon to see a difference but I swear I do. I am also a diabetic so you really need to watch that as the belly fat puts you at a higher risk for diabetes as well as other problems.
    Good luck to you and I agree with the others...cardio.

    I had gestational diabetes with both my children. I was able to control it with my first son just by dieting, even though I gained 60 lbs - weird! With my second son though I couldnt control it with diet and had to give myself daily insulin injections. The diet definitely does work but now that I am not pg I find it very hard to stick to. Just gotta get back on the program and run until my legs fall off! lol

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Spliceintuit
    Spliceintuit Posts: 26 Member
    I am not certain of your body. However, I used to get asked that a lot even when I was only 130ish and 140. I worked so hard losing the weight after my 3 children (all 3 were c-sections). And the last one was so difficult during and after surgery... To make my long story short. I found out I got diastasis recti. Do a google search on it. If it is remotely similar to what is described, go to your doctor to discuss further. Essentially, I got an umbilical hernia. It was very bad. And the more weight I lost, the bigger my stomach looked cause everything else was getting smaller on my body except for my stomach. I had a surgery that puts a meshing over my stomach. Before my stomach would get very sensitive 'cause I knew I didn't have any stomach muscles to protect my intestines. The meshing helped. Too descriptive and too long to go through all of this.. but research on it. Good luck to you. And if it isn't diastasis recti, than I suggest planks, leg lifts and tons of cardio:)
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I am not certain of your body. However, I used to get asked that a lot even when I was only 130ish and 140. I worked so hard losing the weight after my 3 child (all 3 were c-sections). And the last one was so difficult during and after surgery... To make my long story short. I found out I got diastasis recti. Do a google search on it. If it is remotely similar to what is described, go to your doctor to discuss further. Essentially, I got an umbilical hernia. It was very bad. And the more weight I lost, the bigger my stomach looked cause everything else was getting smaller on my body except for my stomach. I had a surgery that puts a meshing over my stomach. Before my stomach would get very sensitive 'cause I knew I didn't have any stomach muscles to protect my intestines. The meshing helped. Too descriptive and too long to go through all of this.. but research on it. Good luck to you. And if it isn't diastasis recti, than I suggest planks, leg lifts and tons of cardio:)

    I don't think I have that, but I will talk to my doctor - that was my plan anyways. Thank you!