Unsupportive Friends!!



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    yeah ignore them. I actually went out with friends this summer and one said, "and don't get a salad." well I wasn't anyway, but I actually like those things, and that they're generally good for you. anyway, just do you. tell them that their happiness should not be based on what they can and cannot have to eat or drink
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Being devil's advocate here, and not meaning any disrespect, maybe they are trying to get you to have a little fun. You are out with them to be social and have fun, maybe they see how hard you've been working and are giving you an opportunity to have a cheat meal and enjoy it. One cheat meal out with friends will not completely derail your hard work or future hard work. Believe me, I know. You don't always have to be ON your game especially if you don't always get an opportunity to check out a good restaurant, why waste it on a salad?

    I have to say, I do completely agree with this point of view - if they are good trustworthy & valuable friends, then the intent of sabotaging your success with your weightloss wont even cross their mind. More likely they just want you to let go and enjoy yourself whilst in their company, nothing more nothing less x
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Just stick with what you want to eat. If you wanna eat a salad do it. You dont tell them what they should be ordering so dont listen when they try and tell you what to eat! :happy:
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    Try to get one or two of them to join you in your journey! if more than one are doing it then the others will most likely not give their two-cents... obviously this doesn't ALWAYS work...but most of the time it does... plus you will have a work out buddy!
  • startingover42
    You might need new supportive friends.
  • lenalivesey
    Be proud of your own accomplishments and take care of yourself. They will respect you in the end. Do remember to have some fun once in awhile. You can always exercise another 20 min. the next day!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Friends can be a pain, lol. I ride a motorcycle, try going on a lunch ride. One trick you can pull is find a restaurant you can look up the menu online, many of them post their meals, pick something you like, and maybe isn't a salad and you'll get a treat and not feel guilty. Like many have said, a bit more exercise the next day. Fun and occassional breaks are important. Oh and sometimes as a biologist myself I look up some of the stuff they order and tell them exactly what they are eating, love the look on their faces. :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Judging by your pics, you are very beautiful already...

    One thing ive noticed is that we are often much harsher judges of ourselves than our friends are.

    True friends see their friends as beautiful...and probably more and more beautiful as the friendship closens.

    I would not take it personally. My friends always tell me, "You are so skinny, you don't need to lose weight!" I don't think they are trying to sabotage me or are just being polite. I honestly feel they like me how I am, because they don't see me as a potential mate and are not walking in my shoes. :)