Weird things found in foods...



  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Oh my gosh!! This thread is horrible...*running to vom. Thanks for keeping me away from restaurants for a while.
  • jvan1957
    jvan1957 Posts: 114
    Just something to think about.

    What's worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm?

    Finding 1/2 a worm:sick:
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Only two incidents so far...

    Found a bug cocoon in nestle chocolate.
    And some shrapnel in rice at Red Lobster. Turns out it came from salad tongs.

    i remember a friend of mine got half way through a candy bar before I pointed out it was infested with ants. His reaction? "Oh, it's healthier now."

    He just kept eating it, ants and all.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    The big thing in my hometown is to stretch ones earlobes. I went to one of the popular pizza places downtown and ordered a slice of olive pizza.

    One of the olives...

    Was not an olive. :indifferent:
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    When at a pub I ordered a vodka soda about a year ago and there was a little black floaty in it. It was mouse poop! The manager refused to even look at it and I didn't even get the drink for free.. Won't be going there again! That could kill someone!
  • Molly_Louise
    I'm beginning to wonder why I looked at this thread :laugh: Thankfully I've never had a bad experience like the things you've all experienced. Someone from my town did find a fried chicken kidney in his KFC and went to the local paper about it. It looks like a small brain, so it was assumed it was a chicken brain but KFC confirmed it was 'just a kidney'. Vile.

    I would show you a picture (the article is on the internet) of said organ, but it's gross :sick:
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm beginning to wonder why I looked at this thread :laugh: Thankfully I've never had a bad experience like the things you've all experienced. Someone from my town did find a fried chicken kidney in his KFC and went to the local paper about it. It looks like a small brain, so it was assumed it was a chicken brain but KFC confirmed it was 'just a kidney'. Vile.

    I would show you a picture (the article is on the internet) of said organ, but it's gross :sick:

    I WANNA SEE! lol
  • peecolay
    We didn't eat at Arby's for at least 10 years. My mom had a sammich with GREEN roast beef once.

    We went again and my dad had a syringe in his. I mean really people. How can you make a sammich and NOT see a syringe!!!

    Whenever we go anywhere, we always insepct our silverware and cups.
    Nothing like taking a drink and coming back with lipstick.. when you weren't wearing any.
  • Molly_Louise
    I'm beginning to wonder why I looked at this thread :laugh: Thankfully I've never had a bad experience like the things you've all experienced. Someone from my town did find a fried chicken kidney in his KFC and went to the local paper about it. It looks like a small brain, so it was assumed it was a chicken brain but KFC confirmed it was 'just a kidney'. Vile.

    I would show you a picture (the article is on the internet) of said organ, but it's gross :sick:

    I WANNA SEE! lol

    I warned you! :laugh:


    Oh, the picture was taken by my local newspaper and belongs to them. I merely copied it from their website. I don't want to get in trouble for taking the picture from the website etc :wink:
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm beginning to wonder why I looked at this thread :laugh: Thankfully I've never had a bad experience like the things you've all experienced. Someone from my town did find a fried chicken kidney in his KFC and went to the local paper about it. It looks like a small brain, so it was assumed it was a chicken brain but KFC confirmed it was 'just a kidney'. Vile.

    I would show you a picture (the article is on the internet) of said organ, but it's gross :sick:

    I WANNA SEE! lol

    I warned you! :laugh:


    Oh, the picture was taken by my local newspaper and belongs to them. I merely copied it from their website. I don't want to get in trouble for taking the picture from the website etc :wink:

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWW, yes, that is gross, lol....this stuff intrgues me, not sure why
  • nursenelson
    three gross things that I can remember right now:
    1) when I was a kid I opened a box of Rice Crispies and in my bowl was a few long oval bugs that looked exactly like the rice crispies only they were black. (haven't eaten rice crispies since)
    2) a few years ago I bit into a radish and for some strange reason I decided to look at the piece I was holding in my hand and noticed the other half of a worm....guess where the first half was....
    3) I was cutting up green peppers one day and inside the sealed green pepper were three dead maggots. So gross and so weird!
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I only scanned through these responses & I am sick to my stomach :/ EW
  • peecolay

    Anything I eat, whether from a can, restaraunt, ANYTHING and EVERTYHING is inspected before I eat it. My family thinks I'm nuts but I HAVE to look at everything before it's put in my mouth.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I worked for many years in a large chain restaurant and saw a lot of things but I think this was the worst. We had our regional VP in town visiting the stores, he made it to ours before the opening shift to have coffee with the employees and give a motivational speech. One of the servers brought him his coffee which he proceeded to drink through the meeting until he realized there was something in his mug. He went to dump it out and get a fresh mug and was horrified to discover the mug had been used previously as an ashtray (probably by employees) and made it through the dishwasher without anyone actually noticing or trying to dump the butts out. *edit to add: it was FULL of butts!* So it got placed in the dish station without getting dumped, through the dishwasher without getting inspected, put up in the front station without getting inspected and filled and handed to the REGIONAL VP without a second glance.

  • cupcakethefatclown
    I was drinking a capri sun and like this nasty stuff cam out, i still to this day have no idea what it was, it was like this brownish slimy grossness... this was like 3 years ago.. i still sqeeze some of the carpi sun out and inspect before i drink it..