Boyfriend is sabotaging me!

I have been dealing with this since I started my weightloss journey in July. He used to make fun of me while I worked out, so now I make sure I don't do it while he's around. Now, he's trying to sabotage me with food. I posted pics of the crap he brings home. Last night he dug out a tub of ice cream from the freezer and literally tried to force feed me a spoonful of it. Of course I refused, turned my head and the spoonful fell into my lap. Then he went to the store late, about 10:30 pm and bought pringles and other junk food and tried to get me to eat that. What the hell his wrong with him???? Has anyone else experienced this? I have told him many times to stop doing stuff like this, but he just doesn't get it.


  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    maybe hes jealous of your improving?
    I know my ex used to keep me big to control me, he would make sure I was fat so that no other man would look at offence but maybe thats what he is trying to do...make sure you dont get too thin and confident and sexy and leave him.

    or he could just be a *kitten*.....just sayng
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    It sounds like he's being more of an immature brother than a boyfriend.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    Have you had a SERIOUS talk with him? If he loves you, he should support you. He maybe be jealous of you losing and feeling bad that he can't change. He also might not be confident in your relationship that if you lose weight you might dump him

    good luck
  • Sit him down and tell him why your are dieting and how much his lack of support is impacting on you.
    Maybe find out why he is doing this, is he amybe a bit jealous as you are losing weight and he is feeling a little threatened, maybe he thinks you might look somewhere else. Men often don't like sharing there emaotions and act out in different ways, they are are children at heart. If he really cares for you he will respect what you are trying to do, if none of this works maybe he is not the person you need to be with, that is of course just my opinion and you can tell me to shut up :-)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    First of all I agree with the replies here, but I'm going to ask one thing: Is he fat?

    yes, I'm going there.
  • He might appear to be joking but he is serious about getting you to stop eating healthy. You need to have a SERIOUS talk with him (like sit him down, no smiling).
    If he doesn't stop..then I say forget him. Because whats more important- your boyfriend or your health? You decide.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Is he big himself?He might just be jealous of your success, or feeling like he is inadequate because he isn't able to care for himself on the level you do. The easiest way to feel better about yourself is to bring others down to your level with you so you can't feel left behind or different.

    It could also be that he is afraid other people will start checking you out if you get too sexy. ;) But really. I've seen a lot of people fatten-up their significant other because it makes the other partner dependent, unwanted by other suitors and unable to leave the relationship. Its sick but I've seen it happen.

    Lastly, If he is just teasing you for fun and amusement, then he's just simply a douchewaffle.

    Just be vigilant and never put yourself after others' wants and desires. You know you have to be healthy, be healthy. If he truly loves you then he will learn to understand and respect your boundaries eventually. If he continues attempting to change you or mess up the things you hold important or ruin your goals, then its probably time to review the situation more seriously. Don't compromise.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It sounds like he's being more of an immature brother than a boyfriend.

    ^ love this reply:)

    But seriously he definitely needs to man up and be more supportive! You are committing to a healthy lifestyle and he should be proud of you!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Why the hell is he your boyfriend? Sorry but no significant other should be pulling this bulls*** on ANYONE... Put your foot down, or use your foot to kick him to the curb... you dont need that *kitten* in your life!
  • snyakowa
    snyakowa Posts: 41 Member
    First of all I agree with the replies here, but I'm going to ask one thing: Is he fat?

    yes, I'm going there.

    lol sounds harsh but was wondering the same, talk to him girl and let him know who wears the pants in the house..jk, if he's not supporting you and you've talked to him about his doings before then maybe it's about time to tell him he needs to make a choice. are you going support me or am I going to kick you out!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Most guys are oblivious unless you tell them how you feel seriously and directly. If he still doesn't respect your wishes, he's not worth it.
  • I have been dealing with this since I started my weightloss journey in July. He used to make fun of me while I worked out, so now I make sure I don't do it while he's around. Now, he's trying to sabotage me with food. I posted pics of the crap he brings home. Last night he dug out a tub of ice cream from the freezer and literally tried to force feed me a spoonful of it. Of course I refused, turned my head and the spoonful fell into my lap. Then he went to the store late, about 10:30 pm and bought pringles and other junk food and tried to get me to eat that. What the hell his wrong with him???? Has anyone else experienced this? I have told him many times to stop doing stuff like this, but he just doesn't get it.

    lol WHY are you wasting time with this guy? i mean, I could understand if he didnt want to change his eating habits and went on with the ice cream and all, but purposely going to the store to get foods he knows you will not eat and try to force you? that is sick and wrong and do you really have the time and patience not only to continue with your own journey but try to deal with his issues as well? i vote him off the island.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    No, he's not fat. He's skinny, but not healthy at all.
  • My mother does this, would love to see more rplies on how to deal! You have my sympathy!
  • My mother does this, would love to see more rplies on how to deal! You have my sympathy!

    well, you can't really fire your mom like you can a dumbass (soon-to-be-ex-i-hope) boyfriend
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    No, he's not fat. He's skinny, but not healthy at all.

    Ok, then he's just being a d1cknugget. I think you should have a chat with him and let him know that you're serious about your goals and that he can either be supportive or at the very least, stop interfering. If he doesn't choose to do this I would kick him to the curb.

    Or you could donkey punch him in his sleep.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    All the responses are awesome! It's okay to be "brutal", I need honesty. As of right now I am throwing away the junk he's brought in this house...and tonight there will be a more serious talk.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    This is dead on. Might think of it as a joke and find your reactions amusing.
    Most guys are oblivious unless you tell them how you feel seriously and directly. If he still doesn't respect your wishes, he's not worth it.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    All the responses are awesome! It's okay to be "brutal", I need honesty. As of right now I am throwing away the junk he's brought in this house...and tonight there will be a more serious talk.

    Does he live there and did he buy that food for him? Only asking because I don't know that you need to toss it in the garbage, that's wasteful even though it's food you don't prefer to eat. Make him take it home if he doesn't live there.
  • Do you think that mayhaps he's scared that once you get all the weight off, you'll leave him high and dry? *shrugs* Could be a possibility.