Extremly Overweight, and Needing lots of Support



  • Christi1979
    Christi1979 Posts: 30 Member
    You can do it and My Fitness Pal is a wonderful tool to help you. I just started using it about a week ago myself and it is already making such a difference for me.
  • I am just starting too. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can all support each other!!!
  • denise3085
    denise3085 Posts: 49 Member
    One more thing - if you have a Wii, get Wii Fit! It's fun and a good way to get started if you haven't been exercising. I try to use it every day.
  • i can! i just started my weight loss and im looking for support too!
  • lauramattingly16
    lauramattingly16 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started on Monday, so I'm new to MFP too. Welcome aboard! I love it here already! Feel free to add me. :)
  • kathas0trophal
    kathas0trophal Posts: 118 Member
    hey you are at the right place! Come and join me and some friends at "Life's New Journey" November Challenge. I will add you. Together we can do it
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Welcome Cheryl, You are soooo in the right place I actually feel a little excited for you. This place works and it helps people like you and people like me 1000% Good luck on your journey. Little changes make a huge difference Honey. You can do this. I would like to add you as a friend then I can try and help spur you on xxxxx
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    Look at how much support there is for you! Surely you're feeling good already?

    Feel free to add me! I'd recommend setting some mini goals breaking the weight loss into manageable achievements. It will take time but every day counts! Lots of luck x
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Hi Cheryl, feel free to add me too! I have alot to lose too and made the commitment in September and have already lost 25 lbs! I started out very small -- started logging everything, planning my meals ahead of time (like 1 day ahead) and started off committing to doing small things. It's amazing how quick you will progress with just small changes. You can do it!
  • Deirdre_R
    Deirdre_R Posts: 54 Member
    Cheryl - most definitely you can do it! Yes, it's not going to be easy but you CAN do it!
  • Hiya! as you can tell the support/love/awesomeness of MFP is amazing. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey, I'm here for ya! Support is great so Good luck! Feel free to add me
  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Cheryl! Welcome to MFP. I'm still a newbie, just started in August. This site is great, and keeps me motivated. Feel free to add me, or I'll add you, Either way, we all help each other out to stay on our path to better heath and fitness. One day at a time! :flowerforyou:
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey there Cheryl.....please feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to encourage you and help you through this amazing journey that you are about to take a stroll on. You can be an encourager for me too! When I first joined MFP I did not add friends or even read the message boards but I have found that adding friends is a huge encouragement to log on each day because you want to see how your friends are doing. Don't be discouraged over how much weight you want to lose - you can only do what we all can do.....lose one pound at a time!!!! Just this past week I lost 1.4 pounds and though that doesn't seem like much, it is 1.4 pounds less than I weighed one week ago - that is progress. I am proud that you have taken the first step by joining a group like MFP and you will find all sorts of encouragement and support here. You can do this!! I noticed on your profile that it says "ImjustCheryl".....don't sell yourself short, don't let anyone else drive your dreams or as my mother says "piss on your fire" (hope I didn't offend). You ARE Cheryl!!!!!!! Welcome!!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! Just add a lot of friends on this site. It really helps with motivation. :happy:
  • Welcome to MFP!! I, too am on a very long journey...........with over 200 pounds to lose I have, thanks to this site, lost 38 already and have no plans of stopping now! Please add me and along with all these other MFP friends....we will all succeed together!! And believe me, I have tried them all and failed...............this is different because it is a life style change with accountablity.... with some great people! Let's get busy!!
  • Wow, I too just started today! I have about 70 lbs I need to lose and realize it will be a day to day process with defeats and occasional set backs. This as going to be a great support network for you and myself! At first minute by minute then day to day. You can do this.
  • Feel free to add me! I just joined myself and it has boosted my confidence and dedication 10x! best of luck.
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    You have made the first step! MFP is a group of amazing people. I was 377 lbs and because of these wonderful people I am now 80 lbs down I just got a new treadmill to celebrate. You can add me I also vlog on Youtube so hit any of us up anytime.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Welcome!! You've taken a very important first step, congrats :) I know you can do it!!