what if you went to the gym and saw...



  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    I had one of the first Sony Walkman cassette players on the market. It was HUGE! If I still had it, I would factor in the weight to calculate calories burned.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    aahhhhhhhhhaaaahahahahaha so funny ! thanks !! :laugh:
    what city is this ? which gym ?

    This was my friend's gym, somewhere in Charlotte, NC.
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    Do you laugh at people who are carrying last years bag too? Oh, oh, what about people who are driving a car more than 10 years old? Those people are hilarious!:huh:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    I got the humor in the picture, and do see them on occasion at my gym. Mostly senior citizens using them though.

    Not sure why some are turning this into a tree hugging issue.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Do you laugh at people who are carrying last years bag too? Oh, oh, what about people who are driving a car more than 10 years old? Those people are hilarious!:huh:

    My car is 10 years old, lol. This guy is obviously doing what works for him, he seems to have a pretty awesome body that he works hard for and I respect that!! I just have not even thought about a discman in so long and it just looks so out of place these days with everyone having tiny ipods strapped to their arms. It's like a nonsequitor or something :)
  • I got the humor in the picture, and do see them on occasion at my gym. Mostly senior citizens using them though.

    Not sure why some are turning this into a tree hugging issue.

    I see it more as people judging others when they know nothing of their situation.:grumble:
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    Maybe it's a faux discman and carries a pistol inside!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Aw, that's cute!
    I don't think it's that big a deal. I doubt this guy would cry himself to sleep about people getting a chuckle about seeing something from their childhood they hadn't seen in forever, let's not take ourselves so seriously, here.

    My dad still has a working 8-track player. LOL Luckily, he also has a sense of humor, and his day isn't ruined when it makes someone laugh, because reality: it's funny.
  • Maybe it's a faux discman and carries a pistol inside!
    HAHAHAHAHA A totally new meaning to CCW! ^5
  • haha wow i remember those things. funny cuz i just found mine the other day! good for him for not getting a new music playing device everytime a new one comes out. i still have a 3rd generation ipod nano and it does exactly what i need it to do: play music!
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    OP-hope you get this as I am old and don't know how to do the blue quote thing. :tongue:
    I get it, it is odd to see one now days.
    I think I might be hungry and grumpy.

    No offense I hope.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Aw, that's cute!
    I don't think it's that big a deal. I doubt this guy would cry himself to sleep about people getting a chuckle about seeing something from their childhood they hadn't seen in forever, let's not take ourselves so seriously, here.

    My dad still has a working 8-track player. LOL Luckily, he also has a sense of humor, and his day isn't ruined when it makes someone laugh, because reality: it's funny.

    Well said.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Awesome :D I also remember resting them on the handlebar type thing on the treadmill and them then falling, hitting the track and shooting halfway across the gym... but somehow they never broke :p
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    Maybe it's a faux discman and carries a pistol inside!

    I might have to replace my fake cell phone holder. I have seen some crazy stuff at gun shows. I do live in Texas though.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    OP-hope you get this as I am old and don't know how to do the blue quote thing. :tongue:
    I get it, it is odd to see one now days.
    I think I might be hungry and grumpy.

    No offense I hope.

    I'm not offended :) I can see how you could think I was making fun of the guy, but actually I do think it's pretty awesome that he still uses one of those. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk! I'm a nice girl I swear :D

    oh and if you want to quote someone's post you just click "quote" on the bottom right of their post! :)
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    : i probably wouldnt laugh no, mainly because not everything older styler music wise is converted to mp3 , so the diskman would come in handly for all the oldies that people still want to listen too ohwell:
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I hope he has some good skip protection on that baby. :laugh:
    mainly because not everything older styler music wise is converted to mp3

    Really?? Like what...?

    If it's on a CD... it can be converted to MP3. :wink:
  • OP-hope you get this as I am old and don't know how to do the blue quote thing. :tongue:
    I get it, it is odd to see one now days.
    I think I might be hungry and grumpy.

    No offense I hope.

    I'm not offended :) I can see how you could think I was making fun of the guy, but actually I do think it's pretty awesome that he still uses one of those. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk! I'm a nice girl I swear :D

    oh and if you want to quote someone's post you just click "quote" on the bottom right of their post! :)

  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    OP-hope you get this as I am old and don't know how to do the blue quote thing. :tongue:
    I get it, it is odd to see one now days.
    I think I might be hungry and grumpy.

    No offense I hope.

    I'm not offended :) I can see how you could think I was making fun of the guy, but actually I do think it's pretty awesome that he still uses one of those. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk! I'm a nice girl I swear :D

    oh and if you want to quote someone's post you just click "quote" on the bottom right of their post! :)


    awww, thanks :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It would probably be a lot harder to lose than an ipod. I've known way too many people that kept buying a new ipod every few months because they lost it... crazy.