Going to the bathroom?



  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    The main thing is drinking enough water and getting enough fiber. I used to be like that until my doctor told me that I needed more fiber in my diet and now things are more regular. If you're exercising regularly as well and are still having issues going then you should probably talk to your doctor about it.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Fiber is the biggest thing. However, if you do decide to go the fiber route, I would high recommend doing so after you have to take a laxative to clear yourself out, because when you first start using the fiber, it's possible you could get bound up, and you don't want that on top of already having not gone for awhile.

    Water definitely does help, so does regular exercise. :)

    I try to drink around 11 glasses of water a day, I've been trying to eat more oatmeal as well. Maybe I'll get flaxseed and put it on everything I eat.

    I do tend to eat a lot of pasta....or, more pasta than what I should. Can pasta make you constipated?
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    My Mom used Flax seed. She will mix it up with orange juice in the morning and Drink it. I think she only does it like every couple of days. She got it from walmart. Hope this helps. :)

    And This is Her Mom, Yes Please, Just go to your Google Bar and Type in Flax seed, SO Great for All Parts of you!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you increase your fiber then increase your water too.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I have had this problem (chronically!) for most of my life as well.

    Here's what I take and I'm by no means a medical professional . . but this was recommended to me.

    1) Colace (also called docusate sodium or docusate calcium)

    It's available over the counter and really does help with making "ahem" soft and easier to move. It's inexpensive.

    2) Flaxseed oil capsules

    I've only been taking flax seed oil for about a month now but I believe it has made a difference. It's good for heart health too.
    Be careful if you have bleeding disorders though . . it can play havoc with that.

    3) Probiotic - such as acidolphilus or Phillips Colon Health

    Fantastic for preventing yeast infections and also regulating your digestive system. I take both of these.

    4) Multivitamin - no iron!

    Iron is binding!!

    5) I drink black coffee every morning or if I don't have coffee in the house, regular caffeinated tea. It really does help!!

    Okay, so those are my suggestions based on what I take. Again, I'm not a nurse or a doctor and if you've had longstanding problems, you may want to consult a physician.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    Fiber is the biggest thing. However, if you do decide to go the fiber route, I would high recommend doing so after you have to take a laxative to clear yourself out, because when you first start using the fiber, it's possible you could get bound up, and you don't want that on top of already having not gone for awhile.

    Water definitely does help, so does regular exercise. :)

    I try to drink around 11 glasses of water a day, I've been trying to eat more oatmeal as well. Maybe I'll get flaxseed and put it on everything I eat.

    I do tend to eat a lot of pasta....or, more pasta than what I should. Can pasta make you constipated?

    eating too much pasta can definitely make you constipated - i had to learn that the hard way. if you're eating white pasta, try switching over to the whole wheat kind - it has more fiber.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    not sure if you've tried these routes but, and these may seem obvious:

    exercise enough

    fiber supplements

    whole wheat grains. EVERYTHING

    leafy green veggies

    fruits that have fiber in them-applies and rasberries are good

    speed up your metabolism- try eating small snacks, rich in fiber, between meals

    do you sweat a lot?? it sounds like MAYBE MAYBE your digestive track is not getting the right amount of fluid to help it digest, it also may be a thyroid problem, have you checked that? laxitives 2 times a month are not bad, you want to avoid them as much as possible, but fiber supplements are safer.

    try just adjusting your diet first, lots of times thats the main factor, if that doenst help, again, check thyroid problems, try speeding up your metabolism, i hope your getting enough sleep. idealy, a bowel movement a day is key, but every other day is ok as well but you want to constantly elimate your body's waste to keep a healthy digestive track. i would try and correct it as soon as possible because when you are older and everything slows down a lot more, you're looking at, if it gets bad and this is TMI but, them doing in surgically to remove impacted bowels, its a common problem in elderly and you are looking at taking DAILY laxatives.
  • greenie
    greenie Posts: 47 Member
    I suggest having your thyroid checked. Hypothyrodism is a leading cause of a slow moving digestive system. I drink a strong cup of coffee on an empty stomach in the morning and it helps. Also, getting enough healthy fats in your diet.
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    If extra fiber/veggies and water isn't helping, I usually make some Senna tea. I find it more gentle and doesn't leave you sick like a traditional laxative- in fact, try to steer away from those entirely. :)
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    APPLES!!! eat apples!!! I they magically release the build up.. lol!! TRY IT!!
  • jadick825
    jadick825 Posts: 34 Member
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If extra fiber/veggies and water isn't helping, I usually make some Senna tea. I find it more gentle and doesn't leave you sick like a traditional laxative- in fact, try to steer away from those entirely. :)

    Actually, most laxatives out there are full of senna. You don't want to be drinking that tea on a regular basis or pretty soon you won't be able to poop without it.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Go to your Doctor.
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    I take fiber everyday. I think it helps me maintain/ loss weight and keep me regular. I have also noticed that it keeps me filling full. I take it in the morning with a cup of green tea.
  • jeastertag
    There are fiber gummies made by Fiber Advance that work really well. You take 2 gummies a day, and that works wonders for me. Just don't do it every single day or else it can make you irregular again. It's only $10 for a bottle that lasts quite a long time. I personally like it cause it really does taste like candy :)
  • beckie4442
    psyllium husk capsules - natural soluble fiber. Also all the veg, fruit and water you can!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    By the way, to the OP - I looked at your journal and i think you're greatly overestimating how much veggies you eat. In fact I didn't see a lot of veggies at all, and practically no fruit. You should start tracking your fiber in your diary and look at what you actually add up to at the end of the day.
  • irisheyes42us
    have you considered trying probiotics? like eating yogurt or a good-quality supplement? they are the good bacteria that should be present in your digestive system and when they are not there (like when you are on an antibiotic) or you don't have a strong culture, it can affect your bowel movements. you might also consider drinking more water. your large intestine is where you absorb water and if you don't have enough water in your system, your feces will be extremely dry and will have a hard time moving through your system.

    This is the one I agree with the most... Probiotics and mix in yogurt dailly. And lots of water and veggies and fruit. If you eat bread like white bread or fiberless rice, pasta,etc. Cut back on these too. This will really help.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough fiber in. Aim for 28 to 32 grams of fiber a day. Vegetables are good, but you need to eat beans and other foods that are high in fiber and you must make sure you are drinking enough water a day.

    Going to the bathroom/restroom 2 to 3 times a day is healthy.

    Going 1 time a day to a couple days a week isn't healthy. You are constipated. You don't have to feel constipated to be constipated.

    Exercise is good too. High fiber, water and exercise.