5'6" girls...what is your caloric goal?

I would like to know what other women my approx size/weight eat as far as calories. I weigh once a day - first thing in the morning, and yet my weight fluctuates like 2-5 lbs in any given week. Not sure why?? I can be 166 for a week, then bam, down to 162.
Is anyone brave enough to share with me?? :wink:
I am 163 lbs, 5'6".
Activity: lightly active
Goal: 1 lb/week loss
Calories: 1490 net.
water: i usually hit 8 or more.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    5ft5, 123lbs
    activity :sedentary
    goal : maintenance of 122 - 126lbs
    calories: 1800 NET
  • amberlycolina
    amberlycolina Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5'5" and my goal is 120. My highest weight was in the 170s, and I am currently in the low 140s.

    My calorie goal is 1200 calories a day.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I'm 5'6" & weigh 176. I'm lightly active with a goal loss of 1.5lbs/ week. My calories are usually around 1400 not counting exercise calories. I went down to 1200 calories about a month & half ago & quit losing almost completely.
  • I'm 5'6" and at my last weigh in I was 189.8. My daily calories are set at 1750. Am pretty active and try to get in at least 5 days of exercise.

    Remember that your weight does fluctuate from one day to another due to various factors, such as TOM as well as how much sodium is in the foods you've eaten. Also if you are exercising you should try drinking more then the required 8 cups of water per day.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I am 281 lbs, 5'6".
    Activity: I have it set to sedentary, but it probably should be lightly active.
    Goal: 2 lb/week loss
    Calories: 1600 I upped it after gaining a lb hoping that maybe I needed a little bit more, but there's been no change since upping it
    water: usually 5-10 depending on if i worked out and what kind of work out i did
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    I'm 5'6 and I always strive for about 1500 calories. I'm very active, on my feet all day with 3 little kids and workout very intense 6 days a week. MFP has me at 1680 BEFORE working out, and then usually allows me about 2200 after my workout but I've always stayed around 1500-1600 and lost weight successfully (1-2 pds a week). I've lost 60 pound and am now maintaining although I'd like to lose 10 more. My current stats are 5'6, 147 pounds.
  • Hey there,

    My goal by my trainer is 2000-2200 but I can't eat that much! Since I'm exercising i burn more calories and ect... I always end up around 1100-1400. (with calories burned included)
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 5'8"
    168 pounds
    want to lose 1 pound a week
    exercise 5 days a week for 15 minutes
    calorie allowance 1467
    usually try to eat around 1300 calories day

    Hope this is helpful. Best wishes on your weight loss journey.
  • phiddy23
    phiddy23 Posts: 103
    Heya, I'm pretty much exactly the same as you except I'm 5'7" and around 161lb... I eat about 1300kcal per day and would probably class myself as lightly active (I do a lot of brisk walking and also am doing the 30DS every day starting today)

    I should probably mention that I don't put either the walking or the 30DS on my exercise diary but instead write it on the notes as a reminder to myself that I have done it, this is because I am in the 'lightly active' category so I think if I did log it all I would have to put myself as sedentary or I would end up eating too many calories.
  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    Hey! I am 5'6", roughly 145 pounds ( I don't weight myself often) and I wear size 4-6 jeans depending on the store. Although I have been pretty bad with it recently, I try to workout 4-5 days a week doing various things like running, Zumba, 6 week 6 pack, etc. I find that when I eat 1600 calories a day, I can lose 1-1.5 pounds a week. Since I am getting closer to my goal figure (a solid size 4), it's getting harder to shed the last of this weight.
    I should probably tell you that I started at 165 wearing a size 8-10 and it has taken me about 6 months to get to where I am but I feel like the slower I do this the better because it means I am actually changing my lifestyle.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to friend me if you'd like to see what I eat, how I workout.

    Good luck!!! :)
  • I am 5'6 and my intake is 1490 plus I eat the majority of my exercise calories back daily.
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 5'6 but have about 40 lbs more than you to lose, so I have my calories set at 1350. Finding a good balance can be tough, when you just want to find the exact science of "MY body burns this many a day while resting - so I need to burn XX calories in exercise to lose". Everyone's body is different, which makes it frustrating to rely on a computer doing math! :)

    I am a daily weigher too, just out of habit. It definitely fluctuates a few lbs day-to-day. It's all depends on what you eat over the past few days, what exercise you do, and how your body processes it. I still only record my weight on my one designated weigh-in day though.

    Good luck!!
  • I am 5'6" and I keep my goal at 1500. :)
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'6" + and currently weigh 138-140 (holding steady - not losing darn it!)....I currently do 1500 on the days I workout - started insanity last week cutting my runs out all together....will be running 3 days each week for the next two weeks - will most likely up calories to 1800 on run/insanity days. I was doing 1200 and running 4x/week with core 2x/week and push pull 2-3x/week and seriously haven't lost any weight since June. My body fat % has gone down with some body recomp but same size clothes and same # on the scale.....upped calories recently to tone/build muscle and cut more fat......lol, hopefully it works!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I am 5'6"
    I ate 1200 for over a year and plateaud - still am kinda going up and down within 5lbs.
    I'm currently 160 and eating about 1500-1800 calories.
    I have a desk job, but am very active after work- plus I usually have a 35-45 min workout each morning.
    My ULTIMATE goal is 135, I would be happy at 145, but right now I'm trying to tone and build muscle as well....

    The last 20 lbs suck. Alot.
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm 5'6" goal weight is between 115-120, right now my weight fluctuates between 121-123. I eat 1200cal a day and workout 6 days a week. I do lots of cardio and follow the workouts on Bodyrock.tv. Good luck!
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    I am 249 lbs, 5'6".
    Active: Sedentary to light
    Goal: 2 lb/week loss
    Calories: 1300 net. (with exercise I eat up to 15-1600 somedays... depends if I am hungry or not) I eat a lot of low calorie filling foods like squash.

    water: I drink 8-12 glasses a day

    I work out 5 times a week for 45-90 min depends if I am just on treadmill/ elliptical or actually taking a class am down 11 lbs since I started . I eat back only some of my calories... as I am not 100% sure on the numbers here... will know more once I get my HRM this evening...
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Right weight, but fighting my way down from obesity--now in the overweight category at 178. I aim at 1200 calories per day, give or take 200. I generally eat filling foods, no empty calories. So I'm not hungry.

    I have a new goal of burning over 1000 calories per day.

    I am past my time of life, so my body weight does not fluctuate the way it did when I had a menstrual cycle. In those days, I could vary by 5 lbs within the month just because of water retention.

    Now, my major struggle is adapting to the reduced calorie needs of a senior. You have to plan for that change, when it comes, so that you are not faced by a sudden weight gain. At least that is my advice, given with the benefit of hindsight.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm nearly 5'7" and weighed in at 165.5 this week. I am 24 years old and have my activity level set to sedentary since I sit at a desk all day at work. My goal is to lose 1 lb/week. Currently my goal weight is set to 160, but I will probably change it to 150 soon. However, weight is just a rudimentary way to track my progress. Soon I will get a body fat percentage test, and really start working on lowering that number.

    My daily caloric goal is 1440 net.

    I do exercise 4 - 6 times a week (cardio and strength) and try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories. I don't aim to eat all of them because I don't trust MFP's burn estimates. I also try to always net over 1200 calories.

    I don't usually log everything on weekends but still try to make smart food choices.
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I am 5'7, weigh 169 with a goal weight of 150. Trying to lose 1 to 2lbs per week. My calorie goal each day is 1,200 before exercise..but I have a hard time getting over 1,000. I am struggling with eating all my calories. I eat pretty much all day, just really healthy foods. As for exercise, I am doing the 30 day shred, I'm on day 11. I also am a server, so I am very active at work. I try to go on hour walks in the morning, but lately the weather has not been in my favor for it.