5'6" girls...what is your caloric goal?



  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I am 5'5", hovering between 140 - 141. I am plateaued currently (again), and just switched over to maintenance. I am sedentary (I do tech support on a computer / phone 40 hours a week). I exercise 5 days a week most weeks. My current goal is 1660 cals. I will likely drop to about 1500 in a few weeks. My ultimate goal is 130. This last 10 pounds will go S-L-O-W, but I am mentally prepared for that (I think, lol).

    I forgot to mention that I drink 8-12 glasses of water a day, wear a size 4 or 6 jeans (depending on brand / fit), and, my highest weight ever was 170.5 (when I weighed my max pregnancy weight...WITHOUT being pregnant, that was my wake up call...), and, it has pretty much taken me all year to lose 30 pounds. I lost 20, then plateaued for about 4 months...then 10 more...and I plateaued again. I am hoping this last 10 will be gone by Valentines day.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    Height: 5'6
    Current weight: 191
    Goal Weight: 145
    Activity: lightly active (currently doing the C25K program every other day)
    Goal: 1 lb per week
    Calories: currently set at 1520 but I haven't figured out which setting works best for me yet so I fluctuate between 1300 & 1520.
    Water: minimum 80 oz's per day. Since I've upped my water intake, I've noticed my weight has started to come off a little more easily than before when water wasn't a priority.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I am a daily weigher too, just out of habit. It definitely fluctuates a few lbs day-to-day. It's all depends on what you eat over the past few days, what exercise you do, and how your body processes it. I still only record my weight on my one designated weigh-in day though.

    Good luck!!

    I only record my weight once per week, too, but it is so irritating to be up/down several lbs every week! :sad:
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm 5'6". SW: 327.6; CW: 251.0; GW: 170.0; UGW: 154.0 (to be out of the 'overweight' BMI for my structure).
    Activity: sedentary all day at work
    Workouts: 7 days a week; 45+ mins. per session; avg. cals burned: 400
    Goal: 1.5 lbs. / week
    Calories on MFP: 1600
    Water: 10 glasses per day (at least!)

    I have recently stopped eating back my exercise calories to see if that will work better for me. I want to use the fuel of my stored fat versus eating for excess fuel to do workouts. We'll see how it goes!
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'6", started last Feb at 158 lbs and felt like I was dragging myself through the day... When I reached my goal weight of 130, I consulted a trainer/nutritionist to slightly lower my overall body fat, obtain more muscle definition and tons of energy! (By the way, he told me that for a woman, a fluctuation of 5 pounds is expected and perfectly normal... What a relief!) I am now around 125 lbs and you could never tell I've had 5 kids :bigsmile: Hurray for kick boxing!! My current level of activity is "lightly active" and I eat at least 1500 calories per day divided into specific proportions - which will probably change when I return for an update and phase two of my meal plan.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    im about 5'5 - weight - 137-139 depending on the day. MFP has me at 1200 calories, I work out at least 6 days a week, but tend not to eat most of the work out calories. (maybe just a few here and there)
    I am nervous to up my calories to help the weight loss .. but hear that it might be just what I need... Any sugestions on upping the calories? And if so, How much would you increas it by?

    My goal weight is 130-
    Water intake - 8-10 glasses a day
    Most of my work outs are Rushfit, P90x or insanity
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for the answers and suggestions, gals!!! I appreciate it! Sounds like alot of you are doing the same thing as me. I am not trying to do a quick loss sorta thing, I just want t stay on track as close as possible. (can we say overthinker? :) I think I will focus on more water for now, and leave the cals set where they are. (they had been at 1200 for awhile - stopped losing) Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    I am 5'5 and I currently weigh 161lbs. My goal weight is 135lbs. My daily calories are 1200 without exercise, but I do some form of cardio 4-5 days a week. I'm really bad about actually tracking my water intake, but I pretty much drink water consistently the entire day (except the occasional glass of wine, lol). I weigh myself a couple times a week and it seems to always move around also. I just really pay attention on my weigh in days.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 135.2 lbs.
    Activity level: sedentary (desk job)
    Goal: lose 0.7 lbs. per week
    Net Calories: 1,250
    Goal Weight: 128-130 lbs.
    Customized Macro %s: 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat
    Exercise: Lift heavy weights 3x per week, 30-50 minutes of cardio 1-2 times per week.
    I eat back my exercise calories.

    Women's weight can fluctuate a great deal due to pre-and-post menstrual cycle. Also your sodium level, type of exercise, and water intake are factors.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    FINALLY a forum post for us 5'6" girls! I can never find them :)

    Anyway, my SW was 208 and my GW is 150 for now. I am currently 155. I had my calories at 1200 for the longest time, switched to 1300 in September, then to 1400. I'm haven't really been losing for the last 3 weeks or so but since I started pilates this week I think I am retaining water/earning muscle but losing inches so I'm okay with that (I think... haha) but I also think I should be eating more so it's not so much of a shock when I go into maintence mode. I let mfp choose my settings at losing .5 pounds a week and it put me at 1590. I like this number bc on days where I know I'll eat more (weekends!) I'll be covered but I can also zig zag and go back down to 1200 or 1300 on rest days.

    My goal weight is 150 but I know I'll want to go lower so I'm thinking my ultimate goal weight will be 140 so I can always maintain between 140 and 145. I try to watch my sugars and sodiums the most too.
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    SW: 207.2
    CW: 175.4 lbs
    Sedentary (bank teller)
    Calorie Goal : 1470
    Goal is to lose 1 lb per week

    GW: 150-153
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    5ft5, 165lbs
    activity :sedentary
    goal : 140lbs
    calories: 1200 NET
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I would like to know what other women my approx size/weight eat as far as calories. I weigh once a day - first thing in the morning, and yet my weight fluctuates like 2-5 lbs in any given week. Not sure why?? I can be 166 for a week, then bam, down to 162.
    Is anyone brave enough to share with me?? :wink:
    I am 163 lbs, 5'6".
    Activity: lightly active
    Goal: 1 lb/week loss
    Calories: 1490 net.
    water: i usually hit 8 or more.

    I'm 5'5 ish
    Goal: 120
    1200 cal per day (trying to get used to eating my exercise calories though)
    2 lb per week
    Sedentary lifestyle
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am 5'5" and currently sitting at 138. I would like to lose 10 more..but will see..
    Calories: I usually am at 1300..but can go higher...
    Diet: Currently doing Paleo..dr wasnt happy with BF%..need to lose minimum of 5%
    Water: Minimum of 64 oz a day..usually more
    Workout schedule: 3 hrs of a nice walk
    1 hr of lifting heavy things
    30 minute of HIIT
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I am 5'5 1/2" (former basketball player so the 1/2 inch counts! Ha ha).
    I am around 147 to 146 (actually weighed today, daily weigher and was down 1lb and 1/2, but my "true weigh in" day is Wednesday. )
    I am trying to consume 1500 calories (net) a day. Been tough to do. I am doing some cardio (JM 6 week 6 pack but not at the 5-6 days a week like recommended) and doing the C25K.

    I have just started the New Rules of Lifting for Women and it recommends around 2000 calories a day. I am trying...but just can't get it done! Love lifting the weights and I am dying to go get my BF% measured so I can check progress.
    thanks for the post! I've always wanted to see a thread like this.
    My goal weight by the way would be around 140 or a little lower.
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    Glad to find other girls on here that are 5'6!

    I live an active lifestyle and my calories are are set to 1670 to lose .5 pounds a week. I am currently at 150.6 and my original goal was to get to 150 to lose 100 pounds total. I have changed my goal to 145 and would like to stay in between 145-150. I am glad I am not the only one who has a love/hate relationship with the scale. It can go up or down 1-2 pounds daily! I try to zig zag my calories anywhere to 1300-2000 on a heavy exercise day. I am currently training for a half marathon and need to up my calories the day before and of a long run. Will start marathon training in December....looking forward to some high calorie days to come!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Height: 5'5" (always thought I was 5'6" but the last time I got measured at the dr. office they said 5'5". Hope I didn't really shrink, I'm only 33!)
    CW: 123
    GW: 115

    I work from home and my job ranges from sititng at my desk all day to running around packing up orders and making a zillion trips up & down the stairs, depending on the day.

    I work out at least 6 days a week doing 3-4x cardio (usually running, 15ish miles a week unless I'm training, then more) and 2-3x weights.

    I try to eat at least 1200 calories net, so on longer run days. My MFP calories for the day is 1210 w/o exercise, so on days I run 6-8 miles I will eat around 2000 calories, most days I burn 200-400 calories working out so I usually eat 1400-1600 and am losing .5-1lb a week.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 5'7
    Lightly active/sedentary at work
    1200 daily calorie goal
    3 hours exercise/week goal

    I have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks following this