Jock Itch

jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
Ok so the woman post about TOM every two days, so I figured Jock Itch would come up once and a while but I have never seen it (guys just don't talk about it or I am alone).

So I have been fighting jock itch since I started working out. It just won't go away. I shower at the gym right after my workout, and daily when I don't work out. I have used sprays, powders and creams, they help for a short time but it always comes back.

So what do you guys do that makes it go away? Is it just part of my new life?

Tired of scratching,


  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    After you treat with an anti-fungal, baby powder should be your best friend after that.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I've never suffered from it, but the internet tells me this

    "Possible causes of this common groin itch include irritation from tight or abrasive underwear, excess moisture, sweating, skin rubbing or friction, allergic problems, fungal infection, Candida (yeast) infection, and bacterial overgrowth or skin infection. "

    It seems that the most easily controlled variable would be the type of undergarments you use. Have you tried using bike shorts to help keep down friction?
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Maybe it's crabs? Those can itch like a b*tch.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful information!! Have A Great Friday!!
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I've never suffered from it, but the internet tells me this

    "Possible causes of this common groin itch include irritation from tight or abrasive underwear, excess moisture, sweating, skin rubbing or friction, allergic problems, fungal infection, Candida (yeast) infection, and bacterial overgrowth or skin infection. "

    It seems that the most easily controlled variable would be the type of undergarments you use. Have you tried using bike shorts to help keep down friction?

    Candida? Huh - Tony Orlando and Dawn sang about that...
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    Maybe it's crabs? Those can itch like a b*tch.


    i have under-the-boob itch from time to time and baby powder is my best friend...i dont know if it'll work on the nads-region, but hell, it's worth a try :)
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    it's my understanding that jock itch is a lot like athlete's foot (and yeast infections for women) in that it's a fungal infection. i would definately call your dr if you've been using the over-the-counter anti-fungal creams and sprays for a while and they only work temporarily. (if you read the fine print, it usually says "if it doesn't go away after a week or so, call your dr.") you might need a higher strength topical medication or perhaps even an oral medication. hope this helps and that the itchin stops! :smile:
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    I know this is a guys question but my husband just uses the same over the counter cream that I would use for a yeast infection and it clears right up. Sans applicator of course. :smile:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    If it's bacterial there is a product sold at Walgreens called Hibiclens. It's in the aisle with the peroxide and it comes in a blue-green bottle. This stuff will kill any bacteria on the skin but can NOT be used internally.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    On a side note, my 10 y/o son was just distraught last night because it upsets him that his sisters are always discussing TOM in his presence. To settle him down, I told him he and I could occaisionally - and at total random - discuss jock itch while they're watching TV or something. He laughed.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Maybe it's crabs? Those can itch like a b*tch.


    no I had the Dr check it out last bout has been going for 2+ weeks she said just get some Gold Bond powder but I cant belive it will work when the rest of the OTC stuff is so temporary.
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I'm lucky enough to have never had it. Plenty of athletes foot through.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    lol gotta love all the fungus comments, dude shave your balls. Its the hair that does it. Less hair = Less sweat...... Works a treat, just mind and stay on top of it. also nothing says I love you more than pulling a pube out your teeth :-D

    Women should take note as well, Shaved is always better than the amazon and if you cant shave at least trim for god sake, that fur burger just isn't sexy!!!!

    However if you get a burning when you piss, find a Doctor ASAP, Ive been looking for his number so I can have it as a just in case but I cant find a listing for a Dr ASAP anywhere in my area! Just my luck :-P
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I've never suffered from it, but the internet tells me this

    "Possible causes of this common groin itch include irritation from tight or abrasive underwear, excess moisture, sweating, skin rubbing or friction, allergic problems, fungal infection, Candida (yeast) infection, and bacterial overgrowth or skin infection. "

    It seems that the most easily controlled variable would be the type of undergarments you use. Have you tried using bike shorts to help keep down friction?

    Candida? Huh - Tony Orlando and Dawn sang about that...
    very nice well said
  • JeffJohnson26
    JeffJohnson26 Posts: 77 Member
    The type of clothing you're wearing during excercise is a factor. I would recommed the dry wick garments made by Nike, Under Armor, Adidas, ect...

    And, I don't know if you "manscape", but that could be a source of the itching as well, depending on your razor or choice of shaving product.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    On a side note, my 10 y/o son was just distraught last night because it upsets him that his sisters are always discussing TOM in his presence. To settle him down, I told him he and I could occaisionally - and at total random - discuss jock itch while they're watching TV or something. He laughed.

  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Have you tried changing up your detergent and fabric softener? I tried a new detergent a few months back and oh my word, I had the worst case of itchies "down there" and thought maybe it was because I would work out and then take a shower about 30 mins later (I would work out, then eat lunch). After a couple days of this nonsense and it not going away I bought Tide Sensitive and voila - no more itchies. (The detergent I had used, very briefly, was All - I had got it on sale - get what you pay for? hah) So if none of the anti-fungal treatments are working...maybe give this a go for a week and see if you just developed a sensitivity/allergy to your detergent or fabric softener.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    lol gotta love all the fungus comments, dude shave your balls. Its the hair that does it. Less hair = Less sweat...... Works a treat, just mind and stay on top of it. also nothing says I love you more than pulling a pube out your teeth :-D

    Women should take note as well, Shaved is always better than the amazon and if you cant shave at least trim for god sake, that fur burger just isn't sexy!!!!

    OMG, LMAO! Well said (I think?)!!
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    SERIOUS REPLY. First of all, do you have athlete's foot? My doctor told me you can easily spread this to jock itch of you aren't treating your athlete's foot properly and you "contaminate" your underwear as you put it on over your feet. He suggested putting on socks first, then underwear. Second, he recommended Zeasorb A-F powder. I can tell you from experience this is great stuff. One other thing to consider is that, if you are wearing briefs - sometimes they get "worn" to the point the elastic can be causing some irritaiton.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    SERIOUS REPLY. First of all, do you have athlete's foot? My doctor told me you can easily spread this to jock itch of you aren't treating your athlete's foot properly

    Dude either your hung like a donkey or need to stop scratching your nuts with your feet!!!!