Giving up soft drinks can...



  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I used to drink several diet sodas a day and atleast one regular soda everyday. Since I started my journey on Jan 6. I have all but cut them out. I do find on occasion if I'm feeling hungry after I've already eaten plenty, one diet soda will curb my appetite.

    I'm now down to one diet soda about every other day. :tongue:

    Now that I rarely drink soda, which is always diet when I do, I can't stand to drink regular soda. All the sugar makes me feel just eeeewww! My son got a homemade rootbeer making kit for the holidays...and of course I had to try it, couldn't hurt the poor guy's feelings. It's just too much. It's like when you cut back from whole milk to fat-free...and then if you ever drink whole again, it's like heavy cream.