


  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    GO FOR IT! we know how hard we work and its our right to say something nice about our accomplishments! I have a group of gals who are just mean about it. everytime i say something about me losing weight on my facebook they comeback with a bunch of comments like it matters whats on the in side and true beauty is within and no one should say look at me look at me LOL crazy girls. if they worked hard they would say something too :D

    Firstly, I feel bad that People like in this post above can't be supportive- that's jealousy coming out I think, because they'd do the same thing if they had a great accomplishment right? Secondly, go for it - you have bragging rights!! Fantastic job... Good for you!! If you're like me u just want to tell everybody and talk about Mfp a lot but that is one reason I'm so lucky to have people in my life that are doing this with me... Incl my friends and husband... At least they dont tell me to shut it when I ramble on, lol!! But I love reading all of the success stories on here for sure... good job:)
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Yeah go for it! It feels good doesn't it?
  • When I get to 195 again you better bet I'll be bragging! Brag away that's what MFP message boards are for lol..