Question for tall girls....



  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Hello Tall Ladies =)
    I'm 6'0" on the dot, and I currently weigh 160lbs. I'm actually struggling to shift my focus from losing more weight (I *think* I'd like to get down to 150-155) to working on body composition. I believe if I can cut fat and build muscle then I'll see the changes I want without the scale actually moving. But, I'm a female, so I always want the scale number to go down ;-) Really I'd like to shift my pants size from an 8/10 to a 6/8 and get my BF% down another 3% or so (currently at 17-20%, depending on which gym is measuring me). If all of that can be accomplished while still weighing 160, then I'm cool with that!
  • rlwzgd
    rlwzgd Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but here it goes... I'm 5'10 and at 179 right now. I set my goal weight at 140 without really knowing a weight but a look... That is, I would like to say bye bye to my pooch. At 179 I look "wide" when you look at me straight on because my frame is large (definitely large, not just an excuse - my elbow diameter is nearly 3" and my wrist is at 7" with the bones sticking out) but when I turn to the side, the only thing that is left is my pooch. I'm also athletic (at least I hope I am), so I have quite a bit of muscle which makes me a lot heavier. Sometimes I wonder if the lower end of the weight range is accurate or realistic, ya know? My cousin is quite tall (6') and skin and bones (that's how she has always been), she is still around 140. I will shift to maintenance mode when I'm happy with my body composition. I think when shorter ladies hear our goal weights that freak out - 179 looks good on me but would look ridiculous on someone much shorter. :)
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I'm 5'9" and I'm aiming for 130lbs...I consider myself to have a small frame though (my wrist at the moment is only just 5.5"). I'm hovering around 163lbs at the moment and still feel very heavy. I was about 110-120lbs when I was about 17/18 and, believe it or not, I didn't look painfully thin, but I also hadn't quite developed proper hips so I reckon 130 will be fine by me...I may decide that 140 is OK when I get there though :-))
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    140 for 5'10" is in the "recommended guidelines" (I'm 5'10" also)....but it depends on your body type. I know when I get in the 180s and 190s, I look great and am into regular sized clothes (size 12-14). I guess wait until you get there, see how you feel and look. But no, I wouldn't say generally that 140 is too low.
  • xafricanqueen07x
    xafricanqueen07x Posts: 98 Member

    This is me today at 5'10 and 226.2 lbs. My initial goal is 170 lbs and I think that after that i'll readjust, I tend to carry weight all over my body, and I think I have a very large bone frame, so It all just depends!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    hi. I'm 5'9" and 134 currently and I feel great at this weight. I don't think 140 is too low at 5'10" assuming you have a medium or smaller frame. Good luck!
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my weight has been fluctuating from 181-185. I have always carried my weight well and I look decent right now. But I want a healthy BMI so my second goal is to get to170. At that point I will re-evaluate and see if I want to go down to my ultimate goal weight of 160/165. Like everyone says, when it comes to goal weight, a lot has to do with your body type. The ultimate decision is based on how you feel at a certain weight. Also having a goal of what SIZE you want to be in instead of weight is good too. Best of luck!
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal weight is 137, but I don't look "skinny" until I get to 120-125. A lot depends on your body composition... At 137 I guarantee I will still have a significantly curvy figure... if I want to get a truly lean figure, I will have to drop more weight.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    double post:grumble:
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
  • caitindabx
    I'm 5'8" and I guess I have a pretty large build... ( big hips!) At my heaviest over this past summer I was at 184 and felt very uncomfortable. I am now down to 169 and feel much better but I still have a bit of a belly and can afford to lose more. My goal is 160. I have been below 160 before but that was during a rough time in my life when I was not healthy and everyone told me I was too thin. I think I will be comfortable and happy at 160. =] I've finally accepted the fact that I'm just never going to be super thin (and I really don't want to be). This is what works for my body and I'm okay with that.
  • 7memyselfandI
    I'm 5'10" and currently at 149 lbs...I have a small frame and feel I could lose another 5 to 10 lbs before starting to look too thin. Lowest weight was 135 back at age 18 and I was called skinny back then...not looking to get back to that, just look in shape, which I believe I'm achieving right now with my combination of strength and cardio 5 days/wk.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm 5'8 1/2 and a large frame my goal weight was 168 and I got there but I keep going up 6 pounds and back down.

    My lowest weight was 150 and I looked horrible -

    I think I looked my best at like 163 164 but I don't think I'm going to get to that weight my body just doesn't want to cooperate.

    It's really how you feel and if you like the way you look and if you lare healthy , but it sure is interesting how each of us have different weights even with the same body types.
  • bwilliams93
    bwilliams93 Posts: 19 Member
    im six foot and my goal is 150-140 :)
  • Elleebell
    I am 5'10'' and my doctor said that 170-175 would be fine, but I think my goal weight is 160 (I see no reason to decide until I have SOME idea of what I will look like). But, I don't want to be 'skinny' so if you do your goal weight will be lower. I like having curves and I want to keep them, just MUCH less of them than what I have now ;)
  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    I always wonder that myself! I'm 5'8'' ... and im 132 pounds... but i want to be 124-127 ultimately... i feel like if i was 160 pounds i'd be huge but some girls are my height and 160 pounds and GORGEOUS, so i guess it depends on how much muscle u have and how ur built.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I'm 5'10" and am currently 234.5. I love being a woman and having curves and while my fiancee is encouraging me to be healthy because he knows I want to do this for myself and have better self-esteem, he's told me I better not get so skinny that I lose my butt and boobs, haha.

    Here's what I have on my profile about why I want to get in shape: "My goal isn't to be thin. It's to be healthy, feel comfortable in my body, and to have an active lifestyle that keeps me in shape. I don't WANT to be thin. I think curves are sexy and I definitely don't want to get to a point where I don't have ANY hips, butt, or boobs. So my goal weight is near the top of the range for my height, and once I get there I will re-evaluate how I feel about my body. Heck, if I get to a weight that is a little more than my goal weight, and don't feel like I need to lose more, I'll stop there as long as I'm in the recommended weight for my height and have a healthy BMI. My goals are all about making this a healthy lifestyle, and not necessarily what it says on the scale or dress tag."
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I'm 5'11" and my goal is 190--that's the lowest adult weight I remember, and it was a good weight for me. BMI says I should be 175, tops, but I'm not going to even consider that.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    No one can answer this for you, except maybe a doctor who has done some diagnostic tests. Your weight depends a lot on your genetics. Not just gender and height, but also bone size & density, musculature, & all kinds of other variables. Personally, I'd probably lose a couple of pounds if I ever cut my hair. :smile: And I may be biased, but I believe that the BMI is less accurate the taller you are. The bigger the numbers, the bigger the margin of error, when you're estimating.

    That's why BMI was never intended to be a weight loss tool. It doesn't take all the variables into account. My doc recently upped my goal weight because his tests determined that my lean body mass (muscle) has increased. According to my doc, my new goal weight would have me at about 19% body fat, which is still pretty darn low & very healthy. But if I input those numbers to the BMI calculator, it shows that my goal weight as still in the "overweight" range for my height.

    If I were you, I would judge your health by how you feel & how you look, rather than weight. Scale weight is only one tool. Make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need: for example, not getting enough calcium could result in a loss of bone strength & density, and that's one way to lose weight, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it!
    If you have plenty of energy, you're doing something right. If you feel weak or tired, reassess. If your teeth, hair, fingernails and skin are healthy, you're doing something right. If you notice a decline in your hair thickness or nail strength after you get below a certain weight, then maybe your goal weight should be higher. Just learn to listen to your body; it will give you clues!

    Good luck to you!
  • wildcata77
    It's all personal preference. I based my goal (160ish) based on how I felt at that weight. I have been 5'9" since 10th grade, and weighed everything from 115-250, and at 160 I was around a size 8-10, still had curves, and felt healthy.

    It's at the very top of what I see as a "healthy" range for my height and frame...130-155.