How did you guys find this?



  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    I was at work talking to my friend about how I was stuck at 61kg and couldn't lose any more. She said I just needed to find a way to diet a little differently. Literally half an hour later someone came into my store and started shopping, lovely lady! Was chatting to her when she said her kids bought cheeseburgers for dinner and when she took a bite of one she hated the taste of it because she had been dieting and had lost 8kg! I started talking to her about weight loss and she then asked if i had heard of this app called myfitnesspal She pulled out her phone and started to show me all the features and I loved it! Like the heavens opened up and made this conversation happen :P Since Then I've lost 6kg!!!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    My husband gave me the information. He knew I was thinking about going on a weight loss program/exercise program and he did a google search and found it for me. I'm so glad he did. I've already lost about 12 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    One of the top apps on the android market, just grew from there