Does Anyone Get Annoyed...



  • sarah211086
    sarah211086 Posts: 32 Member
    Who am I to judge others for being too thin, too fat, too anything!! That's the reason why the majority of people are here in the first place, because someone has passed judgement on them.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i get a little bit annoyed at first... because they don't have to work as hard as i have to lose this weight and they don't need to. so it's more jealousy. i just don't want to hear about how they are already at a good weight for their height and are obsessing about stuff. but sometimes they come on here because they have low self esteem and this makes them feel better, want to tone or build muscle, etc. it's kind of sad because some of these individuals really think they are heavy or out of shape because they have a body image disorder. i've been there myself when i was a teen so i can't say i blame them. i counted calories back then and i'm sure if MFP was available when i was 16 i would have done it. probably the best thing to do if they annoy you, is just not friend them and don't respond to their stuff. just talk to people on here who are trying to lose weight to be healthy and actually need to. that's what i try and do. so at first i'm annoyed by those people and then i just feel sorry for them because they have no idea they are actually already in great shape. i'll be very excited when i'm at my goal weight and they will just not be.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I try not to waste my energy on letting things that really have no effect on me get to me.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I also think it greatly depends on your own perception of what "big" or "skinny" is. To someone who weighs 250lbs, 160lbs is going to seem like a wonderful small size. But to someone who always weighed 120 lbs and gained 20 so they now weigh 140lbs that is going to be big and uncomfortable. And for someone who has a small frame and is very active and toned 115lbs can work fine with out being underweight.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    When I see a skinny person on here saying they need to loose weight, I'm like "pleaseee, have you looked in the mirror". But I don't get annoyed per say. Everyone has in their own mind how they would like their body to look and who am I to judge whether they want to be skinner or not? We've all had it happen, people judge by appearances, it can't be helped, and for anyone to say they don't judge by appearance, well I can't believe that it hasn't happened.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Being annoyed by that would actually require that I care what other people are doing. I try to limit my caring to things I can actually do something about and leave everyone else to their own business. I choose to enjoy my internet time, not be pissed about a fraction of a percent of the MFP population.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    But for anyone of any size...if food is an emotional comfort, and body image is a big factor (which in this society is true for most of us whether we tackle our demons or not) the two can lead us on a constant struggle to maintain weight. I wouldn't get mad at these people. We don't know where they are. I've been 180, 118, 129, and currently 146. I'm 5' 4" small framed and getting ready to be an aerobics instructor. I don't feel 146 is a bad weight, but it's too much weight for me. My ideal would be 127. That is not too skinny. And to me would send off a much better representation of the program I am representing, would help my performance, and would be much easier on my poor feet! But it is a constant struggle for me. Since I quit smoking 3 years ago (when I was 130) food has become more emotional for me like the cigarettes were and it is such a struggle to keep my weight down. It's awful. I don't weigh 200lbs but that doesn't mean I'm not in a battle. Being in a battle it why I don't weigh 200 YET. It's hard for a lot of us at any size. Be easy on them.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I only get annoyed by judgmental people.

  • Rain_Howard
    Being annoyed by that would actually require that I care what other people are doing. I try to limit my caring to things I can actually do something about and leave everyone else to their own business. I choose to enjoy my internet time, not be pissed about a fraction of a percent of the MFP population.

  • dancer4275
    You should also take into account that there are some underweight people on here to gain weight. I'm a healthy weight with a healthy bmi. My goal is to lose a little weight (not too much) but mostly be lean and gain more muscle.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Does anyone get annoyed when you see really skinny people on here?

    I am NOT talking about people that are completing their weight loss journey (kudos to you!).

    I am NOT talking about people that are recovering from eating disorders (good on you for getting help!).

    I am NOT talking about people who are just looking to maintain their current healthy weight.

    I am talking about people who are slim, always been slim, SERIOUSLY don't need to lose a pound or worry about maintaining weight and yet they are still on here, complaining about not being able to lose 5kgs. Especially when losing another 5kgs would put them even further into the underweight range.


    /end rant

    I get annoyed because what they are really doing is calling attention to how skinny they are and how attractive they believe themselves to be. They are fishing for a compliment and/or wanting to make other people feel bad for being heavy/fat in comparison.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    why do you even concern yourself with this. just stay on your track, stay focused on your goals and let others do their thing. who knows they likely have their OWN goals to reach and might be looking for some support (i.e. gaining weight, logging macros, logging to see if they are eating enough, ED support, etc...).

    just because someone is 'skinny' doesn't mean they should be a threat or that they are trying to diminish anyone elses goals. they are likely not trying to make you insanely jealous either.

    i am biting my tongue here...and not saying more about it.

    i can say that i find this post somewhat annoying.
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    I use to jog on my lunch break everyday and my very over weight supervisor would tell me she didn't know why I jogged as skinny as I was. I never said anything but I felt she really needed to think about what she was saying.
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    Absolutely not. Slim is not an exclusive club and if they need the tools on this sight to maintain their health, all the power to them. Why belittle or deny someone else? Isn't that the exact thing heavier people don't like themselves. I think all encouraging people on a health quest should be welcome here.

  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    This web site needs a "like" button.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I once made the mistake of entering my height and weight in a post telling someone what worked for me. Because I happen to be 3 stinking lbs under-weight I was set on fire.

    Ever sense then I am very afraid of commenting or being helpful for fear of being "put in my place" again. I went from 175 to a weight I'm extremely happy with and I have things to share, but I'm not as comfortable as I once was because of the assumption that if you are thin; you are trying to slam others, or your just seeking attention, or that it's been so easy for me in comparison to the "real" people on the boards.

    This has really hurt me and I would like to thank the OP for starting this topic so I had a chance to address how I've been feeling. Thank you, and I mean that very honestly, I didn't feel comfortable starting a thread that expressed this but I feel so much better getting this off my chest. It has really effected my MFP experience.
  • dancer4275
    I once made the mistake of entering my height and weight in a post telling someone what worked for me. Because I happen to be 3 stinking lbs under-weight I was set on fire.

    Ever sense then I am very afraid of commenting or being helpful for fear of being "put in my place" again. I went from 175 to a weight I'm extremely happy with and I have things to share, but I'm not as comfortable as I once was because of the assumption that if you are thin; you are trying to slam others, or your just seeking attention, or that it's been so easy for me in comparison to the "real" people on the boards.

    This has really hurt me and I would like to thank the OP for starting this topic so I had a chance to address how I've been feeling. Thank you, and I mean that very honestly, I didn't feel comfortable starting a thread that expressed this but I feel so much better getting this off my chest. It has really effected my MFP experience.

    Most people on this site have the right intentions and want to make sure that others are taking care of themselves...however I agree with you that some on here need a chill pill. They can get a little snipety.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    No thin people don't annoy me because I am one of those "thin" people.

    I was thin my entire life up until college.. then my eating/drinking/stress habits got out of control and I gained roughly 40 pounds. Since I am tall though, it didn't look like I was overweight or needed to lose any weight. To me though, I was a fat blob who needed to lose weight badly, but didn't want to. Now that I'm out of college and have lost 28 of the 40 pounds and am smaller then ever, I'm a lot happier.

    Do I judge people for being overweight? No.. because it's not my place to judge them. Being on both ends on the spectrum puts my perspective in order.

    Whoa, you could be talking about me....scary! :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Okay point proven, no one else doesn't like seeing underweight people complaining about being overweight. :)

    I feel slightly concerned for them. Not annoyed. But then I realize that I don't know these people IRL, and no matter what I say to them they're likely not going to change their ways. And I also realize that I have enough to worry about in my life and I don't really have the extra energy it takes to be annoyed or worried about people I don't even know. And then POOF! I feel better.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Okay point proven, no one else doesn't like seeing underweight people complaining about being overweight. :)
    I feel slightly concerned for them. Not annoyed. But then I realize that I don't know these people IRL, and no matter what I say to them they're likely not going to change their ways. And I also realize that I have enough to worry about in my life and I don't really have the extra energy it takes to be annoyed or worried about people I don't even know. And then POOF! I feel better.