has anyone done a juice fast???



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I can drink juice pretty fast. But have you ever had Yoohoo? I can chug that the fastest of any drink.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I can drink juice pretty fast. But have you ever had Yoohoo? I can chug that the fastest of any drink.

    Wanna race?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I like food.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I can drink juice pretty fast. But have you ever had Yoohoo? I can chug that the fastest of any drink.

    Wanna race?

    I'm down. It's a win-win situation. Whoever wins, wins. Whoever loses still got to chug Yoohoo.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I can drink juice pretty fast. But have you ever had Yoohoo? I can chug that the fastest of any drink.

    Wanna race?

    I'm down. It's a win-win situation. Whoever wins, wins. Whoever loses still got to chug Yoohoo.

    dammit. Now I want to go get Yoohoo.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I just drive fast.
  • pamgreen1
    hi andrea! yes, i have done a juice cleanse. a few actually. the first one i did myself without much guidance and the second one i ordered from blueprint cleanse, which was awesome. the third time i cleansed, i had bought blueprint cleanse's book the 3 day cleanse, and it was such a better experience than when i did it the first time(i had no idea what i was doing!). basically, leading up to the cleanse, you eliminate harder to digest foods and toxins (alcohol, caffeine, animal products, etc.) and then you drink only fresh-pressed jucies for the duration of your cleanse. the longer you cleanse for, the more opportunity your body has to replenish itself. i think 3 days is a good place to start. just be sure you are having fresh pressed juices as you get more nutrients - most juices are pasteurized or flash pasteurized and that kills a lot of the nutrients (and they are way higher in sugar content). if you are serious about juicing and detoxing, i seriously recommend you ordering the book because it offers tons of nutritional information and has really great recipes. blueprint's website has a lot of information, too, and could probably explain detoxing better than i. but all in all, the cleanses were good experiences, and i felt really great. i am gearing up to do another one before the holidays! :)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Did a juice fast for six days, lost 10 lbs and three inches off the waist. Kept it off, too.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Yes, my father did juice fasting and I did a modified version. He started his juice fast and fasted for 10 days then started to bring solid food back into his diet. By the time he finished he lost 20+ pounds (and he didn't really excersice at all!).

    What I did was have 2 liquid meals then one solid meal. I did this for 7 days and at the end of it I lost about 5 pounds :)

    Also, a misconception with juice fasting is that it isn't healthy and you gain all of the weight back that you lost. Actually it is good for you because it is detoxing your body of all the junk that accumulated overtime. But when you juice fast you need to juice all colors of the rainbow so you get all the nutrients needed. And not all people gain there weight back, those who do either go back to their old or they just eat more than normal because they are so hunger! It is just important to ease your way back into it. Hope I helped some :)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,