Biggest Weakness

t_rog Posts: 363 Member
Ok guys, which food/beverage is your all-time biggest weakness? Which item makes you want to throw in the towel? What one thing makes you go into convulsions upon the thought of not being able to have it?

For me.....Pizza, specifically extra cheesy, extra pepperoni pizza. and Beer. So many nights I have to resist it...


  • sundayeveryday
    nutella. Or pasta. Oh god I will miss pasta.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    You are my female counter part

    Some nice cold beer and some extra cheese pizza with pepperoni and there you go I give
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    pasta!! that's a good one. i actually spent all weekend moping because i was really craving pasta haha.

    and @jd: LOL!! life is so hard sometimes..
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    Good wine and chocolate! Mmmh... :love:
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    pasta, rice, carbs
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Still do the pasta just whole wheat and less of it but yeah .. I miss all sweets being diabetic.. Sugar is harder to give up then sex and crack.. lol.. okay harder then crack
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    punkin anything!
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    peanut butter.

  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    PIZZA!!!!!! The last time I had Pizza was 3 years ago.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    PIZZA!!!!!! The last time I had Pizza was 3 years ago.

    3 years?! I couldn't do it! Well I could. Only good pizza is on the east coast unfortunately
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    PIZZA!!!!!! The last time I had Pizza was 3 years ago.

    3 years?! I couldn't do it! Well I could. Only good pizza is on the east coast unfortunately

    Oh man I could not do that.. and yeah East Coast pizza is the best.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Beaujolais.. I'm drinking some right now. :heart:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    PIZZA!!!!!! The last time I had Pizza was 3 years ago.

    3 years?! I couldn't do it! Well I could. Only good pizza is on the east coast unfortunately

    Oh man I could not do that.. and yeah East Coast pizza is the best.

    Its in their water! Makes the best crust. SO hard t get the crust right :O
  • paniologal
    paniologal Posts: 53 Member
    Anything with that combines sugar and carbs.. i.e. brownies, cake, muffins...

    Of course they have the highest calorie content one could imagine. :laugh:
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yeah, I'm big into 'all things in moderation' and eating like I plan to eat for the rest of my life. But pizza isn't something I can do in moderation. It's half a pizza or no pizza so it's been no pizza for the past 6 weeks and will continue until Christmas/ New Year. Hopefully I can fit the occasional pizza in to my maintenance mode.
  • EmilyStopFlying
    EmilyStopFlying Posts: 124 Member
    milo. it's a chocolate drink powder that I could probably eat a whole tin of
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Ok guys, which food/beverage is your all-time biggest weakness? Which item makes you want to throw in the towel? What one thing makes you go into convulsions upon the thought of not being able to have it?

    For me.....Pizza, specifically extra cheesy, extra pepperoni pizza. and Beer. So many nights I have to resist it...

    CHOCOLATE. :explode:

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    pizza. I've never had east coast pizza but I want to someday. I've learned to curb my crazy cravings by having it once a month. 2-3 slices. I also have been trying healthier versions too like with thin wheat/whole grain crust and all veggie style.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    Red wine, chocolate and pizza. Not had any chocolate or pizza for a while.
  • msbrowneyes85
    :love: CHOCOLATE :love: