is there a certified dietician/nutritionist on this forum



  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I have a good amount of knowledge in the medical aspects of things and how your body processes and uses different things in food. I have a 4.0 in my medical classes. For some reason though, people take my actual facts from textbooks and very knowledgeable professors and think they're untrue because someone in a book once written in the 90s 'disproved' it. :laugh:
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I dont know anything, but I put your numbers into mfp

    5 7
    51 yo female

    I got bmr 1600
    Tdee 2000
    Mfp says eat 1750 for a half pound a week loss which is what I did.

    I would try eating that for a month if what you are doing isnt working. Good luck to you.
  • momma4pookie
    wow guys!!! relax! this is my mom, she is 51, eating what she should (I view her food log) she has tried not eating her exercise calories, she has worked out for about an hour a day 5 days a week her calorie goal is around 1500. She is busting her butt and has lost 1lb and gained 2...she's been at it for a month...somethings gotta give!! can you blame her for being frustrated??? and being a Registered Dietician IS a credible thing so for the few of you that claim you could be one...go to school for it then let's talk. I, however, am going to school to be one but as any professional in any field knows, you learn the fundamentals in school and when you get into the field is when you really learn it all. That is why I cannot help my mom as best as someone else can right now.

    That being said, my mom is coming from a defeated position and you are not helping her...this is supposed to be a forum for encouragement not bashings...all the rude posts are going to do is knock her back down and make her not want to put herself out there and ask for you remember being in class when you were younger and raising your hand to answer and having either the teacher or fellow classmates snicker and your response and make you feel stupid?? did you ever raise your hand to answer again?? This is a tough thing for her...please recognize that before you assume things and make arrogant remarks and just because you are fit and in shape, doesn't give you a basis to give other people nutrition know what works for you.

    Frankly, reading some of your responses really irritates me..."if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

    MOM you are doing a great job!! please do not let this knock you back on your butt, this is a struggle and you have struggled with it my whole life. You will continue to struggle with it for the rest of yours. You are amazing and I am so proud of you!!! Please don't quit, you'd only be cheating yourself. I love you so much, you deserve nothing more than to be happy and healthy, that's all I want for you!!
  • momma4pookie
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best and I will gladly "regurgitate information" if that earns me 50K a year more ;}
    The proof is in the pudding. What one DOES with the knowledge acquired is SO much more important than the piece of paper they have on their wall.
  • JennuhM
    please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best and I will gladly "regurgitate information" if that earns me 50K a year more ;}
    The proof is in the pudding. What one DOES with the knowledge acquired is SO much more important than the piece of paper they have on their wall.

    please read my longer post... I said just that...thanks!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best and I will gladly "regurgitate information" if that earns me 50K a year more ;}
    The proof is in the pudding. What one DOES with the knowledge acquired is SO much more important than the piece of paper they have on their wall.
    please read my longer post... I said just that...thanks!
    Oops -- missed that. Hope your mom finds the info she needs. Good on you for being part of her support system. There's so much info out there, and I've found that it really takes some patience and trial and error to find what works for each one of us.
  • JennuhM
    please do not discredit those of us that are busting our butt's in school, paying out the rear for education to make this world a better place and to do the best we can for ourselves...Sorry but working in a pizza shop for the rest of my life is not my best and I will gladly "regurgitate information" if that earns me 50K a year more ;}
    The proof is in the pudding. What one DOES with the knowledge acquired is SO much more important than the piece of paper they have on their wall.
    please read my longer post... I said just that...thanks!
    Oops -- missed that. Hope your mom finds the info she needs. Good on you for being part of her support system. There's so much info out there, and I've found that it really takes some patience and trial and error to find what works for each one of us.

    thanks, its just breaking my heart to watch her struggle so much and not see any results...
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Your health insurance may pay for nutritional counseling where you could get some assistance and someone would have more time to spend with your particular situation!

    Good luck!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    i have a question only you would be able to help me with.....i am doing everything i am supposed to do, and absolutely no results....what is wrong with me?

    Dietitians charge for their services. Why ask them to help you for free? Not to be mean, but I have a dietitian friend who is asked health advice all the time (even at bars). Her answer? "I spent a lot of time and money on my education, I'm not giving it away for free. Make an appointment."

    The same with lawyers... tee hee :-D
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    best generic advice from my general practitioner: "well, u've been this weight for over 15 years. the problem is u will lose it slowly. people give up because it doesn't happen in a year. but 5 years will happen whether u do the work or not. it's going to come off if u keep at it, but not in an instant." now to some people, they hear the "5 years" and think NOOOOOOO!, but really, years are just years. and i'd rather not be heavier in 5, so i might as well be lighter. which means keep at it. "be more stubborn than ur chub" has become my motto. good luck.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    i have a question only you would be able to help me with.....i am doing everything i am supposed to do, and absolutely no results....what is wrong with me?
    Have you thought about going to see your doctor?