Being really hot = longer leash?



  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Tell your friend to ignore her.
    Don't talk to her, walk past her, ignore texts and calls and be really blasé around her.

    She'll soon be eating out of the palm of his hand.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Well, again, this is where the fact that they are co-workers clouds things up a bit. They see each other and work together every day, so it's not like she could've stood him up or totally blown him off without consequences. Then again, if she really didn't like him, surely she would've used "I don't date co-workers" as a perfect excuse not to go out with him in the first place.

    Like I said, he just seems to be thinking with the wrong head here. If he had said "Well, she's really nice, and we enjoy each other's company," I would've told him to go for it. But his very frank admission that he's just putting up with her because she's hot makes me think that he knows he's being played, and he's okay with it (maybe even a little excited by it), for now.

    I was just curious if anybody else does this just for the chance to date someone who is highly attractive.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My wife turned me down the first time I asked her out too. I learned an important lesson from it. DON'T ASK A WOMAN OUT FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE AT 5PM ON NEW YEARS EVE!!!! She might have already made other plans. I did ask her out a second time. She said yes. On the second date, I proposed. She said yes. Next year is our 20th wedding anniversary.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    If I really like someone, I give them lots of benefits of the doubt. Lots. Hopefully, my brain eventually kicks in, when I've given too many. Doesn't have to do with how physically attractive someone is to me. It's all about whether I like them or not as a whole package really.

    Yes. Some people will chase attractive tail regardless of how much they're getting disrespected. :laugh:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If I really like someone, I give them lots of benefits of the doubt. Lots. Hopefully, my brain eventually kicks in, when I've given too many. Doesn't have to do with how physically attractive someone is to me. It's all about whether I like them or not as a whole package really.

    I'm the same way, but I trust my instincts about men. I can tell pretty quickly what kind of person I'm dealing with. It's in the way he speaks to me, the way he talks about his family, his friends, his job, the kind of eye contact he makes with me, how he treats the people around us, etc. If I like him as a person, if I think he's a genuinely good guy, I'll give him more room than someone I'm suspicious of. However, I typically find that the genuinely good guys don't need it. They almost always do what they say they're going to do. That's way more important to me than what they look like.
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    Tell your friend to ignore her.
    Don't talk to her, walk past her, ignore texts and calls and be really blasé around her.

    She'll soon be eating out of the palm of his hand.

    I feel this way for everyone...its so true...just stop showing you care and they will come back but if you dont want them back move on...and ignore that call cause you will always be a number 2 in that persons eyes....
  • I've been on the wrong end of that situation before. The fact is that at the time (many years ago) I lacked confidence when speaking to women. So when I had some reasonable success, I hung on to it. Which basically meant the woman could make a doormat out of me. I had a full time relationship that was pretty much that. We would make plans and she would bail on me all the time. It wasn't until long after we broke up that I realized how pathetic I was being. Fortunately 9+ years of marriage and 2 kids put all that past me.

    I agree with the others, tell your friend he should just ignore her. Either she will start coming after him, or he will stop wasting his time with someone that didn't care about him to begin with. Either way, this is the right decision.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am doing the same thing. I think there are a lot of details which your friend isn't saying which lead him to believe he still has a chance/she likes him ^^

    ps: Being goodlooking does not = a perfect, organized life nor perfect social skills.