No carb/low carb diets

Anyone try a low/no carb diet? No bread, ricem pasta and no sugars?

Also any one use those ketostixm the ones you pee on and see if u are burning fat??

Any experience stories will be awesome! How long did you go on it...and how much did you lose in how much timeeee



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    calories in vs calories out. woo!

    I hated doing low carb. Dizzy all the time and couldn't stand it. Actually fainted on the way to class
  • Esmo23
    Esmo23 Posts: 32
    I did a low carb diet. I was strict for 6 months and lost 23kgs! I have put back on 11kgs, but that's over a few years. Now I am thinner, I am finding it easier to exercise and eat healthily to help move the rest of the weight.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I've lost 44lbs since February 15th, and I eat my carbs.
  • LadyNeshoba
    LadyNeshoba Posts: 159 Member
    I did it for a while. Lost 40 lbs in about 4 months.

    Took me 5 years to gain all the weight back. Now I'm doing it with out worrying about carbs too much.

    It's too hard on my tummy issues :(
  • liz1732
    liz1732 Posts: 15 Member
    did atkins and south beach...found i binged more on those diets that any other before..i felt deprived but did lose weight fast..
  • SeattleLove
    I lost all of my weight sticking to a no-carbs-after-6pm plan, which explains itself. It is a little difficult in the beginning espeically when you live in a family tht likes bread, pasta and all of tose carb-foods for dinner, but you will get used to it quickly and learn what to eat and what to avoid. I've been doing this for 1 1/2 years now (not always as strict as I would want to, but I'm trying and most of the time it works really great. I lost nearly 35 lbs (in connection to work-outs and a low-calorie/low-sugar diet)
    I would say, give it a shot and see if it works for you.

    But I don't know anything about ketostixm, sorry.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs in 3 months eating anything I want (in moderation) including my carbs. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life denying myself something. But to each their own.
  • tristanathan
    I've been doing low carb for over a year now. I've also used the Ketone Sticks. I've been very successful on the low carb diet. But, I was supervised by my family physician. I did not eat starchy carbs (no potatoes, rice, beans, bread, pasta, etc.).

    I feel the best I ever have. I rarely have sugar drops which I used to experience almost daily.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I think most MFPers will tell you there's no quick fix and everything in moderation, do your diary, move more and it'll come off eventually.

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    One question would be "why do you want to persue this ave to your weight loss?"

    I think finding better alternatives to some refined carbs is a good idea. But an explicit carb deficit is nothing more than a way to limit your calories IMHO.

    I ran a very low carb diet once. Lost weight but my hamstrings would cramp up all the time. It wasn't a good idea for me to combine very low carbs with lifting and cardio.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I lost all of my weight sticking to a no-carbs-after-6pm plan, which explains itself. It is a little difficult in the beginning espeically when you live in a family tht likes bread, pasta and all of tose carb-foods for dinner, but you will get used to it quickly and learn what to eat and what to avoid. I've been doing this for 1 1/2 years now (not always as strict as I would want to, but I'm trying and most of the time it works really great. I lost nearly 35 lbs (in connection to work-outs and a low-calorie/low-sugar diet)
    I would say, give it a shot and see if it works for you.

    But I don't know anything about ketostixm, sorry.

    So you are saying you lost weight because you didn't eat carbs later at night? WHy are carbs more fattening at night?

    Insulin fairy? :laugh:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Ketostix check to see if you're in ketosis. Ketosis is when your body is converting fatty acids to Ketones for the brain to use for fuel.

    You still aren't losing fat unless you're in a calorie deficit.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am currently doing paleo..where I am restricting my carbs. I am doing no processed breads/pastas...ect.

    Its not so bad..I am seeing the last few pounds drop..and besides that...I have so much more energy.. I am not saying I wont be adding stuff will just be in moderation. I promised myself I would do the low carb thing for a month to see if its been any benefit..after 10 has its benefits..
  • tristanathan
    Just realized I didn't answer all your questions:

    Any experience stories will be awesome! How long did you go on it...and how much did you lose in how much timeeee

    I was on the low carb diet very strictly for about 6 months, I lost 55 pounds.

    Eventually I was able to add bread and stuff back, but when I did the sugar spikes and drops started again, so I don't eat them as much as other people. I like spaghetti squash as a pasta swap, and butternut squash for fries and stuff.

    You can message me if you want details or ideas.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Just realized I didn't answer all your questions:

    Any experience stories will be awesome! How long did you go on it...and how much did you lose in how much timeeee

    I was on the low carb diet very strictly for about 6 months, I lost 55 pounds.

    Eventually I was able to add bread and stuff back, but when I did the sugar spikes and drops started again, so I don't eat them as much as other people. I like spaghetti squash as a pasta swap, and butternut squash for fries and stuff.

    You can message me if you want details or ideas.

    Can you clarify? You went low carb but didn't try to limit total calories and you still lost 55 lbs? Or did you also stay in a calorie deficit? Difficult to say what exactly caused the weight loss?
  • holme3se
    holme3se Posts: 1 Member
    After exercising about every other day, and strictly counting calories, I didn't see any results until I lowered my carb intake. I stopped eating starchy foods like white pasta, white bread, rice, sugar, etc... and once I started eating whole wheat products instead (though you still have to be careful when eating those), I finally saw results. Cutting carbs and starches out of your diet (even if its not completely) will definitely take away belly fat, so you will finally SEE results, and feel better too! (:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm doing low carb most of time and enjoy it, I occasionally have meal with potato. I still have oats for breakfast I mainly skip wheat based ones as they seem to make me put loads of water on. My daily and monthly water retention has improved loads. I've lost one and half stone (21lbs).
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I cap my carbs at 25% of my calories, and honestly I rarely even eat that many anymore. I rarely eat bread, pasta, simple sugars, baked goods of any kind, or even many potatoes. I just don't eat them anymore. It's not even a conscious decision now.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm doing paleo as well. There are much more efficient sources of carbohydrates than just bread, pasta, etc.

    I have been doing paleo (not always so strict, still have a cheat meal here or there) and have lost 20 lbs in the past 3 months or so just from diet change. Added perks: I sleep better, I haven't gotten sick at all even though we have had a few rounds of flu and colds going around my office, and I feel like I have more energy. Bread and pasta definitely aren't necessary for being healthy and having energy.

    People need to not only look at the weight loss benefits of a particular diet but also the health benefits. Skinny and healthy are not synonymous.

    Aaaaand it's a fact, you can't lose weight without a calorie deficit.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    For the record, I went over the last 3-4 days of my own food record. I seem to be able to stay under the carb counts most of the time. But I don't actively try to do this.