annoying things your roommates do...



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Don't eat anything they put in the fridge, but ALWAYS move it to the opposite side.
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    One roommate would leave his dirty dishes and half eaten food all over the kitchen then... go out of town for the weekend. Until he found his dirty dishes in his bed.

    Another would re-arrange furinature and vaccum at 2am (Tweeker?)

    Yet another stopped paying rent and utilities, but would have is pot dealer come by the apartment twice a week.

    So greatful for the roommate I have now!
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    My (now ex) roommate once went on a three-month internship on the other side of the country and locked his bedroom door, taking his key with him.

    That wouldn't be a problem if he didn't leave fruit and food in his room. The entire apartment began to smell like death and we got an infestation of fruit flies that I couldn't fix because the source of the problem was locked behind a deadbolt.

    When he returned, he threw the food into the garbage can and left it! I came home from work to a kitchen full of flies and a horrid smell.
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    This post reminded me of this youtube video! FREAKING hilarious ( if u cant see it type in annoying roomate into youtube) its the first one that pops up!

    & the worst thing for me was my roomate stealing my clothes or bringing random dudes home from the bar and having them rob my house!!
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    The breast-possessing half of my housemate couple is an absolute slob. Uses 8 dishes utensils to make herself a ham sandwich and a heated tin of soup, then leaves everything all over the kitchen I clean twice daily. Keeps pet rats, doesn't clean out the foul-smelling cage that stays in the supposedly communal den (I've been known to clean it out myself simply because I was sick of smelling it and I felt bad for the poor little plague-bearers). She's continuously trying to intellectually 'one-up' my 11 year old son and replies to him in French when he's stumped her (I'm teaching him a few phrases in Swedish, and, she's 36.) She keeps her 'artwork' EVERYWHERE (and she's rather untalented).

    Mostly, though, she's absolute crap towards her husband, who is one of my oldest and dearest friends. She views him only as a wallet, refuses to work, refuses to even take the rare opportunity to sell a few of her pieces. She pays him no attention, supports none of his endeavors...she won't even cook for him, and he works 12 hours a day. It always falls to me to feed everyone communally, because of course I handle my own family, and I just can't find it it my heart to let my friend go hungry or live on potted meat and crackers just because he married poorly.

    We've housemated for over two years now, and I've been ready to move out for ages...but, if we do leave, my friend cannot afford to keep up the payments on his house. -.-

    /edit Seriously at my wit's end with this one, and trying to figure out how to tell my friend he needs to figure something out because I'm not spending another year here. I just can't think of a friendship-saving way to say, "Sorry that your religion forbids you to divorce this life-leech you've picked up, man, and you've been my bro for half my life, but I absolutely detest the supposed light of your life there and I'm getting tfo, dude.".
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    It's threads like these that make me glad my roommate is my kitty! My boyfriend visits and stays over sometimes, and it drives me nuts how he leaves stuff around like the package off an ice cream cone (the trash was 2 feet away!) or his clothes on the floor. He is trying though because he knows that I like it tidy, so I'm trying to cut him some slack when he forgets to put something away (also I know it could be worse!).
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    This post reminded me of this youtube video! FREAKING hilarious ( if u cant see it type in annoying roomate into youtube) its the first one that pops up!

    & the worst thing for me was my roomate stealing my clothes or bringing random dudes home from the bar and having them rob my house!!

    omg...thank you for that link. that was hilarious!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    This post reminded me of this youtube video! FREAKING hilarious ( if u cant see it type in annoying roomate into youtube) its the first one that pops up!

    & the worst thing for me was my roomate stealing my clothes or bringing random dudes home from the bar and having them rob my house!!

    Do you think pigeons have feelings? LOL
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    The only things my housemate does that annoy me are he doesn't clean his own loo, and he sometimes vomits on the floor. :grumble:
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    I've had a large number of roommates over the years, and only one of them DIDN'T piss me off...

    Apart from the usual horror stories about messiness, loud sex and food theft, I had a guy who kept a poop log in the bathroom. It lay right next to the toilet on a little table and in there he recorded all his bowel movements. consistency, color, smell, number of necessary wipes... He also practiced the guitar daily without ever getting any better, and left little notes for himself all over the kitchen (e.g. a post-it saying 'I am yummy' on the pasta).

    Then there was that couple who had an ever-growing collection of spirits. They never went out or had friends over, but they made themselves a cocktail or two every night, so after a few months they had a huge collection of bottles, anything from grenadine syrup and malibu to vodka and Kalhua. They stored those bottles on the kitchen counter, so about three square feet of kitchen counter were taken up by their stuff. They also practically lived in the living room rather than the three bedrooms they occupied between the two of them, so I constantly felt like an unwelcome guest in THEIR house.

    And then there was the Turkish girl who cooked huge dinners for her Turkish friends and then left the leftovers out on the table to rot. Sometimes, I stole some (she was a pretty good cook), let them stand to see how long it would take her to realize they'd started to grow a forest of fungus, and sometimes I took pity and put them in the fridge. But her constant leavings (temptations for me) drove me insane.

    Last but not least, one roommate developed a crush on me, got rejected, and then started showing his tongue whenever my back was turned, or pulling faces at me behind my back to amuse the other roommates, or snorted sarcastically whenever I said something. Moving out from that place was a glorious day.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    All of this crap is why I have not had a roommate since my freshman year of college (going on 10 years now). I would absolutely turn homicidal if I had to live with someone who pulled some of this stuff, like cooking/baking and not cleaning up or essentially inviting people to move in rent-free. Saving money is not even worth it to me to have to deal with that.
  • HannahPastoor
    I live with my 93 year old Great Grandma and she talks to much when I am already late for work. She doesn't take hints. She don't ever try to talk when I have time to talk, only when I am super busy. I love her a ton though : )

    I also live with my 65 year old Grandma who has a boyfriend. She acts like a teenager and it is super annoying and kinda gross.

    Thats it.
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    I'm pretty sure hardly anyone lives with roommates because they enjoy it so much. For most, it's a financial necessity. Sadly, even if I stopped eating and decided to wear the same clothes and watch the same movies I already have for the next ten years, never travel or go out, I still couldn't afford a place of my own. So, gonna continue improving my character by putting up with other people's disgusting habits.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I've had a large number of roommates over the years, and only one of them DIDN'T piss me off...

    Apart from the usual horror stories about messiness, loud sex and food theft, I had a guy who kept a poop log in the bathroom. It lay right next to the toilet on a little table and in there he recorded all his bowel movements. consistency, color, smell, number of necessary wipes... He also practiced the guitar daily without ever getting any better, and left little notes for himself all over the kitchen (e.g. a post-it saying 'I am yummy' on the pasta).

    Then there was that couple who had an ever-growing collection of spirits. They never went out or had friends over, but they made themselves a cocktail or two every night, so after a few months they had a huge collection of bottles, anything from grenadine syrup and malibu to vodka and Kalhua. They stored those bottles on the kitchen counter, so about three square feet of kitchen counter were taken up by their stuff. They also practically lived in the living room rather than the three bedrooms they occupied between the two of them, so I constantly felt like an unwelcome guest in THEIR house.

    And then there was the Turkish girl who cooked huge dinners for her Turkish friends and then left the leftovers out on the table to rot. Sometimes, I stole some (she was a pretty good cook), let them stand to see how long it would take her to realize they'd started to grow a forest of fungus, and sometimes I took pity and put them in the fridge. But her constant leavings (temptations for me) drove me insane.

    Last but not least, one roommate developed a crush on me, got rejected, and then started showing his tongue whenever my back was turned, or pulling faces at me behind my back to amuse the other roommates, or snorted sarcastically whenever I said something. Moving out from that place was a glorious day.

    Not that Dr. Poop isn't pretty disgusting, but I first assumed much worse when you said he kept a poop log in the bathroom next to the meant a poop journal? Oh god please say you meant a poop journal...
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    My roommate has a cupboard of at least 20 cups. I wondered why she had so many when I moved in, but then I found out that she never re-uses her cups even if she is just refilling tea.

    It takes her roughly 2 weeks to clean any of her dishes... and she won't pick up after her guests. Mind you I'm fastidiously clean and will leave a dish in the sink no more than two hours. It's a rough transition.
  • erinrose07
    All of this crap is why I have not had a roommate since my freshman year of college (going on 10 years now). I would absolutely turn homicidal if I had to live with someone who pulled some of this stuff, like cooking/baking and not cleaning up or essentially inviting people to move in rent-free. Saving money is not even worth it to me to have to deal with that.

  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I actually like having roommates. I have 4. Our kitchen gets messy, but we take turns cleaning. We haven't had arguments, we have the same friends, so throwing parties/having people over isn't an issue.

    Just posting to say it IS possible to enjoy living with other people! Their shortcomings (IMO) don't make me homicidal, they just...make us different people.

    (although going out the the bar and waking me up by bellowing at 4am isn't my FAVOURITE, it's pretty funny)
  • kaaaayla
    kaaaayla Posts: 91 Member
    one of my roommates has a demon chihuahua. it acts all sweet to her, but when she's not here it growls and tries to bite me, etc. I'm the boss here, not this dog! ughhhh
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    All of these stories make me so very glad I live alone. :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    well i had 4 roommates at all times; some of them rotated; so my list might be a little bigger than normal.

    the girl roomie would blow her nose at all hours and sound like a elephant was invading. i lived in the basement she was on the floor above me but on the opposite side of the house, and it would wake me up. shed leave dishes and socks and such all over the living room.

    the guy two floors above me would blast his music at 9am every saturday morning; the only day i had to sleep in; and it was on an old record player and be honkey tonk type stuff that i cant stand. meanwhile the rest of us had to be quiet past 8pm sunday to thursday cuz of his work schedule, but didnt seem to care about anyone elses. same roomie would get food at a resturant, brought home in a box, and feel the need to then put it in a tupperware container to eat right then and there--why was the tupperware needed for something already in a box. tupperware is a pain to wash, needs more soap with his oily foods, etc, but hed never ever wash the tupperware. the rest of us would wash all the dishes and leave the tupperware and it would sit and sit.

    another roommate was a dirty guy who i shared a bathroom exclusivly with; he'd shave and leave all his hair everywhere in a sink that would very easily clog and always had trouble draining; wouldnt clean the bathroom at all, ever. he was the only other person in the basement other than me and the smell from his room would linger into my room. and our doors were on opposite sides of the basement. he was a dominant male and his girls would be screaming no, stop, screaming bloody murder..and i wasnt sure if he was hurting them or if they liked it.

    i had a little kitchenette right outside my room with my own mini fridge, my own microwave, toaster, and a shelve... my one roommate i said could share some, but hed take alot of stuff, and things like cream cheese that id be sure to put in a baggy and neatly slice into as needed, he would grab the whole thing of cream cheese and squeeze the entire pack so its all squished up and use half the package for one bagel, and then put the tube back in the fridge, unwrapped, uncovered, not in a baggy, so the fridge dried it out. if i kept any beer in there, it was always drank; all my goodies, like packaged cupcakes, that might last me 2-3months, seemed to be gone in a week, or less... eventually i got rid of the whole mini-fridge idea, making it so all my food was in the main fridge..which then left it open for 4 people instead of 2..i was screwed any way i looked at it.

    dishes--id wash my own with each meal; or set them in a pre-determined spot to be washed when i got home from work, or the following morning, etc... id always wash mine. everyone else used dishes, didnt rinse, disgusting mess that smelled, and pile them in the sink, all over the counter, etc... until wed run out of every fork, knife, plate, pot, and someone would eventually do them.. then id get blamed for never doing the dishes... when i always washed mine, why would i wash theirs? especially when 4 other people are cooking seperatly, thats alot of dishes.

    bathroom drain--no one seemed to ever clean it, and then id go to use it and it would have 2inches of water during my whole shower at the base of the tub, so with 5 people all with long, thick hair, id have to clear out the most vile disgusting thing ive ever seen; and was always the only one to do it.

    my room was directly under the stairs--people running up and down them at any hour, stomping, waking me up; or being so loud i cant hear the movie im watching...

    throwing parties without mentioning anything; so suddenly on a night i thought id get some peace and quiet, at 2am when the bars close thered suddenly be a minimum of 20 people (and on a couple occasions onwards of 50) directly outside of my room playing beer pong, yelling cheering, etc..outside my room was the open basement area-the party room---prior notice would be great. an occasional off day from partying would be even greater. especailly when i work the next morning.

    doing laundry outside my room when im heading to bed... i cant sleep with alot of noise--washer and dryers make noise last i checked.

    the constant coughing from tons of people from taking bong hits. when i dont smoke weed.

    accusing me of charging extra rent money and pocketing the extra without ever being asked to go over the bills with anyone. finally finding out they were accusing me, and trying to set up meetings to go over everything, and then getting a text saying "sorry, not going to beable to make it" and then saying im refusing to show the bills so it was proof i was pocketing money..

    one roommate not liking the guy i was seeing, and letting me know it, and then one ngiht when i walk to the bathroom and shes standing in my basement roomamtes doorway in middle of the night drunk off her *kitten* (i had woken up to go pee), as i walk by her, she spits on me in the face, then comes and attacks me full force (shes 5'2, im 5'11; shes skinny, im onwards of 300lbs). shes pulling my hair, punching me, kicking me, calling me names, etc; so i fight back; she falls cuz shes so drunk, still punching me so im punching me, she stops and starts saying her knee hurts, i back off...she twists her own knee--i never touched it, yet im the bad guy for defending myself and accused of attacking someone who wasnt my own size, etc, and breaking her knee that she then needed surgery on, when shes the one who fell, i didnt push her.