Morning runners, how do you keep your energy up?



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I can't eat before running or I'll get insane cramps and feel like crap. The only time I'll "eat" anything before a run is get some form of liquid carbohydrate (gel, honey, or gatorade) before a long run.

    I'm not real crazy about running in the early morning to be honest. It usually involves running on a treadmill because it's dark and ominous outside and man, I really hate treadmills. I ran yesterday at 5:45 AM and meh...I got through a 3 mile run but got bored.

    I really, really love my weekend runs where I can take off at 7 or 8 am and run 4-5 miles on a trail or road.
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    SAHM = Stay At Home Mom

    I can't run with anything heavy in my stomach so I usually just suit up, put on the headlamp and safety jacket and go. Just be careful -- at 5AM it's still dark and with people not paying attention on the roads (using their phones, eating, etc) they swerve and don't see you in the darkness. I've had this happen several times when I saw my life flash before me. That's why I was thinking of investing in a treadmill but I just can't afford it and there's no where to put it at the present moment.

    When I get home, I usually have a hard boiled or scrambled egg with a piece of toast and peanut butter or a banana with pb.

    Everyone is different with that. But, I sometimes hit that 3pm downhill tread like you. I will walk at lunch (weather permitting) and the sunshine and vitamin D seem to help. I am going to try the one persons recommendation about Vitamin B complex though.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I will hit the no energy wall without a bit of something before I work out. My advice is think real simple. I have a quarter cup of raw sunflower seeds and a glass of all natural juice. The juice gives me the jump start of natural sugar while the seeds give me some good protein. I will be taking the vitamin D advice!