Accept a FR without a profile pic?



  • argharna
    I won't accept unless they have SOME profile pic. It does not have to be a pic of them though.

    The same for me. just as long as its not the default pic I dont care.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I just haven't taken the time to do one yet. I'm not sure how much it really matters. I friend people whether they have a pic or not, they're looking for a friend not eye candy. LOL Plus like someone else said, some people use pictures that are either not current or not of themselves - some use their pics for motivation or for fun/expression.

    Might get frisky and put up a pic here soon. I just hate the hassle of dealing with different avatar specs on different forums so I rarely update the ones I do have. LOL

    The funny thing is I don't actually friend-request many people, only if I know them from somewhere else or if I just really like something they've said in the forums, most of my 'new' friends are people that request *me*, just me, w/o a pic. I guess they liked something I said, too. :-)

    ^^^All of this! The majority of the people on my friend's list did the same thing. They reached out to me. I keep meaning to upload one and just haven't because most of the time I'm on here from work and can't upload one from my work computer.

    Well I finally added one just now. LOL It's not completely current, it's from September so I had lost about 10 lbs at that point, now I'm down another 15. But it's a cute picture that I really like. It was actually much easier to add here than some other sites. Unfortunately it's fuzzy, probably b/c it was taken with a phone and then I loaded it from Facebook and I think they murder picture quality. But hey, it's something for the people that can't stand the blue guy. LOL
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I don't have one of me because I haven't been able to get one from my camera's memory card to my computer. I do always send a message with a friend request.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I really don't care either way if someone has a profile pic or not. It makes their posts more recognizable, that's about all.
  • gabriella_0577
    I think "some kind of picture" is better than nothing. I want to know the person asking is serious enough about weight loss/health to put some effort into their profile.

    the 2 of my friends which don't have pictures posted, both have not been on MFP for 3 and 11 days.
    My profile has nothing to do with how serious I am about weight loss. I got over the novelty of filling out profiles and choosing profile pictures back in the AOL days. I'm not going to put any effort into my profile because the profile is not important to me.

    Well said.