So now teachers are bullying?



  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    wow, reading some of these stories brought back of the worst had to be when the Catholic nuns would come in and pull you by the ear while you were standing in the boys bathroom urinating.....

    .no kidding, if they thought you were talking in the bathroom, theyd walk right in ,didnt care , they would pull you by the ear while you were standing in front of the urinal and pull you out in the hall, We were only allowed on bathroom break besides recess.....

    and yeah , many guys had pea on their pants when they were abruptly yanked out of the bath room...........They did mess with the wrong kid though, a kid named Larry Mueller, his family was extremely rich, so the father threatened to stop his generous support for our school if they continued to act like minature Nazis..........they did stop that practice, but the verbal abuse was just as bad.........

    the things Catholic Schools and nuns did to us kids was horriffic......cant say I miss those days............Llloyd
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    That blonde cow needs a treadmill more than the kid. :explode:

    In the early 60's my brother was practically mute as a child, still doesn't talk much. His teacher used to pull his hair to get him to talk. Stupid bytch.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    wow, reading some of these stories brought back of the worst had to be when the Catholic nuns would come in and pull you by the ear while you were standing in the boys bathroom urinating.....

    .no kidding, if they thought you were talking in the bathroom, theyd walk right in ,didnt care , they would pull you by the ear while you were standing in front of the urinal and pull you out in the hall, We were only allowed on bathroom break besides recess.....

    and yeah , many guys had pea on their pants when they were abruptly yanked out of the bath room...........They did mess with the wrong kid though, a kid named Larry Mueller, his family was extremely rich, so the father threatened to stop his generous support for our school if they continued to act like minature Nazis..........they did stop that practice, but the verbal abuse was just as bad.........

    the things Catholic Schools and nuns did to us kids was horriffic......cant say I miss those days............Llloyd

    My mother went to Catholic High School and said that the teachers (Nuns) would throw erasers at them!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    wow, reading some of these stories brought back of the worst had to be when the Catholic nuns would come in and pull you by the ear while you were standing in the boys bathroom urinating.....

    .no kidding, if they thought you were talking in the bathroom, theyd walk right in ,didnt care , they would pull you by the ear while you were standing in front of the urinal and pull you out in the hall, We were only allowed on bathroom break besides recess.....

    and yeah , many guys had pea on their pants when they were abruptly yanked out of the bath room...........They did mess with the wrong kid though, a kid named Larry Mueller, his family was extremely rich, so the father threatened to stop his generous support for our school if they continued to act like minature Nazis..........they did stop that practice, but the verbal abuse was just as bad.........

    the things Catholic Schools and nuns did to us kids was horriffic......cant say I miss those days............Llloyd

    My mother went to Catholic High School and said that the teachers (Nuns) would throw erasers at them!
    Yeah somehow throwing erasers isn't in the same league as what you were responding to.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    wow, reading some of these stories brought back of the worst had to be when the Catholic nuns would come in and pull you by the ear while you were standing in the boys bathroom urinating.....

    .no kidding, if they thought you were talking in the bathroom, theyd walk right in ,didnt care , they would pull you by the ear while you were standing in front of the urinal and pull you out in the hall, We were only allowed on bathroom break besides recess.....

    and yeah , many guys had pea on their pants when they were abruptly yanked out of the bath room...........They did mess with the wrong kid though, a kid named Larry Mueller, his family was extremely rich, so the father threatened to stop his generous support for our school if they continued to act like minature Nazis..........they did stop that practice, but the verbal abuse was just as bad.........

    the things Catholic Schools and nuns did to us kids was horriffic......cant say I miss those days............Llloyd

    My mother went to Catholic High School and said that the teachers (Nuns) would throw erasers at them!

    I went to a Catholic school "back in the day", and I also work at one now. Things have changed, thank God!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    This story just broke my heart. I have a little sister who is slower than the average 6 year old and I'd probably go to jail (happily) if anyone of her teachers ever disrespected her like that.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    My mother went to Catholic High School and said that the teachers (Nuns) would throw erasers at them!
    I wouldn't categorize a teacher throwing an eraser at a kid that is being a twit as abuse -- unless it was lead-lined, of course.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I went to a regular primary school (not catholic) & one of our teachers used to throw wooden board erasures at us if we were talking or taking too long to answer a question. Taught me how to move very fast.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    My mother went to Catholic High School and said that the teachers (Nuns) would throw erasers at them!
    I wouldn't categorize a teacher throwing an eraser at a kid that is being a twit as abuse -- unless it was lead-lined, of course.

    Sometimes kids just need that extra push.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I thought the presenter was a bit patronising to the girl though
    I saw that. It's a reaction many people have when interacting with a kid with special needs. I've seen it so much, I don't cringe any more. But I do see it. Best we can do it model different behavior. Most kids - or their parents/support staff - will let you know if there are any communication issues to be aware of. Unless explicitly told different, on first contact, assume the kid can hear and understand you as well everyone else in the room.

    It annoys me, I think people should still have the benefit of being spoken to like theyre not imbeciles, even if they do have learning difficulties/special needs

    I think too many people act patronizing to children in general. Not every kid is as mature as my siblings and I were growing up, but a lot more would be if you just spoke to them normally. I don't mean talk about the same things you'd talk about with your peers, but even the tone would make a huge difference. My step mom never respected that we may actually know what we're talking about or be able to make our own decisions about age-appropriate things. It was infuriating. I can imagine that's what special needs kids feel like when people patronize them.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I read the article about this too, and the tape recording was not the first attempt the parents took to stop this crap. Her parents went to the principal and the superintendent and were accused of lying and warned that they were bordering on "slander". Why on earth do either the principal or superitendent still have a job? Why pay them to defend abusive teachers instead of the children in the classroom?
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    I read the article about this too, and the tape recording was not the first attempt the parents took to stop this crap. Her parents went to the principal and the superintendent and were accused of lying and warned that they were bordering on "slander". Why on earth do either the principal or superitendent still have a job? Why pay them to defend abusive teachers instead of the children in the classroom?

    My questions exactly!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I thought the presenter was a bit patronising to the girl though
    I saw that. It's a reaction many people have when interacting with a kid with special needs. I've seen it so much, I don't cringe any more. But I do see it. Best we can do it model different behavior. Most kids - or their parents/support staff - will let you know if there are any communication issues to be aware of. Unless explicitly told different, on first contact, assume the kid can hear and understand you as well everyone else in the room.

    It annoys me, I think people should still have the benefit of being spoken to like theyre not imbeciles, even if they do have learning difficulties/special needs

    I think too many people act patronizing to children in general. Not every kid is as mature as my siblings and I were growing up, but a lot more would be if you just spoke to them normally. I don't mean talk about the same things you'd talk about with your peers, but even the tone would make a huge difference. My step mom never respected that we may actually know what we're talking about or be able to make our own decisions about age-appropriate things. It was infuriating. I can imagine that's what special needs kids feel like when people patronize them.

    exactly. I think people think theyre being kind, but its not doing them any favours, and possibly damaging.
    I have two autistic boys but i wouldnt let anyone talk to them like they were morons like that
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    it not that uncommon
    i took a small engins class in grade ten and the teacher their through tool if they wheren't put back properly. i went to the principle about it what happened next in class he called me out in front of the class as a baby and a rat. i had to hide in the libary because he wreaked my life. but i had two teachers like that. that was a good enough reason for me to drop out and i did. it sucks but what a person to do kill the teacher and go straight to jail. not me they where a waist of breath