Why not just eat fruits and veggies????



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I totally feel for you. I have "friend" on facebook that constantly complains about her life. And wonders why nobody will attend her bootcamp or aerobic courses. ItAfter awhile, it's very annoying. Thankfully she lives 4 states away from me. I couldn't imagine going to her classes, that she gives for FREE! She is supposedly trying to help the county to get healthier. But I don't think anyone attends, because it is a very small town and absolutley everyone has "no money" problems or family problems. She acts like she is the only one.. blah blah blah poor me, why doesn't anyone come to my free workouts? lol.

    On your next friend's post, you can avoid her posts by clicking on the little box on the upper right hand corner. Click unsubscribe. It doesn't block her, but at least you can stop seeing her annoying posts. She will never know. Good Luck.
    I need to vent here because if I do it on Facebook, my friend who I love dearly will see it and be hurt. But she's seriously getting on my NERVES!!!!

    She's involved with selling this crap called JuicePlus+. If you read anything about it NOT on the company website, it's basically a bunch of crap. They're pills that supposedly give you the nutrition of a buttload of fruits and veggies (minus, of course, taste or fiber or anything else we may like about fruits and veggies).

    Every time anyone posts about having allergies or a headache or any kind of minor or major ailment, she posts, "You need JuicePlus+." She updates her statuses constantly with links and mentions and all sorts of stuff about this. RARELY does she post something that doesn't mention what she's selling.

    So, today she posts a photo of a bunch of fruits and veggies and writes, "Are you eating this daily? If not, get JuicePlus+!" (Or something to that effect.) It was all I could do not to post the title of this thread underneath.

    I mean, you'd spend less money and have a far more pleasurable experience.

    In the last 10 years, I've had maybe three colds that lasted about 2 days each and maybe two or three minor bouts of allergies since I moved South. I get migraines, but eating better and exercising has helped that a TON. But every time I mention any of that, I get a sakes pitch.


    Just a tip to anyone out there selling anything, your friends are annoyed with you if you do the above. It does not make them want to buy anything from you.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    This was an excellent post. Do you think we will get in trouble for bashing other non-MFPer's? I guess as long as we don't degrade each other, then we will be okay!

    LMAO-funny thread!
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    A lot of people seem to hate eating fruits and veggies and maybe she really believes and is "into" this stuff. Sometimes when people find something that works for them they become so excited, they want to share it with the world. My sister is a vegan (I am not even a vegetarian) and she is constantly criticizing my diet (without heme iron I become anemic fairly quickly for whatever reason and feel sick) so I sort of know how you feel. If I tell her I get sick on a pure vegan diet she says she usually has high iron levels (she is my fraternal twin so I always get the feeling she thinks that actually matters). it can be irritating when people you care about assume they know what is best for you and won't shut up about it.

    If people want to take your friend's stuff, fine. I have no problem eating fruits and veggies, apparently, so I will continue with that. I highly doubt one supplement is going to cure anyone's health problems. I understand your frustration though.

    I was going to let my sister come visit me for christmas (she invited herself) but the more I thought of it I knew it would be one long criticism of what I eat, wear, listen to, the meds I take, etc from the moment she arrived till she left so I cancelled that. When I try to tell her she is insulting me and stressing me out I get some smart *kitten* comment ("You must be easily stressed out, haha!") which makes me angrier. I have nothing against vegans or people who endorse x product but that holier-than-thou attitude can really get on my nerves fast.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    A guy I worked with 10 years ago and haven't spoken to since CALLED me on my cell the other day to get me to "invest" in his new venture where I can make tons of money for myself, blah blah blah. I was like, "are you serious"? :huh: He got my number on FB. The guy is harmless, but totally clueless. Exploitation of friends for a profit is a BIG no-no in my book. Makes my skin crawl.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    personally, i love juice+ and give it partial credit for curing my son of autism (yes i said cure). he had intense food issue and couldn't stand the texture of real fruits and veggies. i tell everyone i can about the gummies (and no i don't sell them). i think they are awesome and better than the hype!

    sorry your friend is being over-the-top about marketing her new obsession. she may be so excited that she is not aware that it is consuming every facebook post. if you kindly point it out, she may stop doing it. :) good luck!
  • rachel1496
    I've defriended more than 1 Beach Body coach friend for that crap. The worst offender wouldn't even keep it to her own page, she would infiltrate everyone else's pages with it. Friend A posts about a busy morning and within minutes friend B is extoling the virtues of Shakeology for breakfast on busy days. An innocent status update about wanting chcocolate turned into a sales pitch about how Shakeology will cure every craving you will ever experience. It got ridiculous.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    personally, i love juice+ and give it partial credit for curing my son of autism (yes i said cure). he had intense food issue and couldn't stand the texture of real fruits and veggies. i tell everyone i can about the gummies (and no i don't sell them). i think they are awesome and better than the hype!

    sorry your friend is being over-the-top about marketing her new obsession. she may be so excited that she is not aware that it is consuming every facebook post. if you kindly point it out, she may stop doing it. :) good luck!

    You can credit it all you want, but my cousin was "cured" of autism long before JuicePlus+ existed.

    I understand if you have the issue of someone flat-out refusing to eat fruits and veggies. But I eat more than necessary on a daily basis and she still pushes it on me and everyone else. It's obnoxious.

    And only the people who manufacture and sell it tout its benefits, as far as the medical and scientific community go.

    If people want to spend their money on it, that's their business. But leave me alone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've defriended more than 1 Beach Body coach friend for that crap. The worst offender wouldn't even keep it to her own page, she would infiltrate everyone else's pages with it. Friend A posts about a busy morning and within minutes friend B is extoling the virtues of Shakeology for breakfast on busy days. An innocent status update about wanting chcocolate turned into a sales pitch about how Shakeology will cure every craving you will ever experience. It got ridiculous.

    That's what my friend does. She did it on one of my statuses and another friend innocently asked what it was, only to be met with, "Message me and I'll tell you all about it!"

    I sent friend 2 a message telling her what it was. She said she figured it out. lol

    Then earlier, she posted a quite from the guy who started the company, only didn't say that was who it was. Someone "liked" the post and my friend came back with, "Since you liked this post, you should let me tell you all about the product. Let's schedule a sit-down!" (Something like that. I can't remember the exact words.)
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    That does sound very annoying...
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It's violating the forums. NO ADVERTISING!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's violating the forums. NO ADVERTISING!

    It's on Facebook.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It's violating the forums. NO ADVERTISING!

    It's on Facebook.
    Sorry, late night. Exaustion, fading, help......:laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's violating the forums. NO ADVERTISING!

    It's on Facebook.
    Sorry, late night. Exaustion, fading, help......:laugh:
    Between this and that last thread, I think you need a nap! lol
  • Hopingforchange
    I get all the hype from Body by Vi...especially from my neighbor who used to eat Bojangles for lunch everyday; now she is talking about the shakes, flaxseed, etc...the more she sells, the more she gets for free. Not falling for it!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I get all the hype from Body by Vi...especially from my neighbor who used to eat Bojangles for lunch everyday; now she is talking about the shakes, flaxseed, etc...the more she sells, the more she gets for free. Not falling for it!
    I just eat as healthy as I can, take a few vitamins and exercise. It seems to be working just fine! :-)