Meet people like you on MFP- a questionnaire.



  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Name: Zoe
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Lives in: Raleigh, NC
    Want to lose: about 35 more pounds
    Fave movies: Seven Pounds, I am Sam, American History X, The notebook. My Sister's Keeper
    Fave books: "Fathers and Sons" by Evgeniy Turgenev,
    Fave TV: Grey's Anatomy, NCIS
    Fave music: i like all kinds of music, depending on my mood, but lately I've been listening to Adele a lot
    Fave sports: I like playing badminton and volleyball and basketball for fun
    Hobbies: I enjoy cooking, spending time with my friends, watching movies, dancing and my new hobby is walking/jogging, hoping it would be running soon :-)
    Interests: helping people
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1.I speak 3 languages
    2. I don't know how to swim :-(
    3. I am graduating in may with BS in Chemistry and yet to figure out what I wanna do
    4. I have about 50 first cousins together from both my parents sides
    5. I love kids
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 39
    Lives in: Mass
    Want to lose: 10 pounds
    Fave movies: The Departed, The Fighter, Mystic River
    Fave books: Anything Michael Connolly
    Fave TV: Criminal minds, Burn Notice
    Fave music:Anything but Country
    Fave sports:watching: Football.... Doing myself: snowboarding, ice skating, jogging, swimming, volleyball
    Hobbies: Snowboarding, jogging, hiking, skating, traveling, crafts
    Interests: right now Piano

    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I'm brutally honest
    2. Impatient
    3. Married
    4. Love red wine
    5. If I don't get enough sleep or enough to eat I am a B****
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Name: Julia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 31
    Lives in: North Carolina
    Want to lose: 60 lbs
    Fave movies: Fried Green Tomatoes, Sweet Home Alabama
    Fave books: Dean Koontz and Nicholas Sparks
    Fave TV: NCIS and SVU
    Fave sports: Not a fan
    Hobbies: Reading, camping
    Interests: Finding a job and loosing this weight
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1.I'm a lefty
    2. I am weird with food. Case in point- I have to eat all of each food one at a time (I usually eat the stuff I like least first and save my faves for last at each meal)
    3. I had surgery when I was a day old
    4. I have an addictive personality
    5. I can grab stuff with my toes
  • virginiagirl93
    virginiagirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    Name: Shelby
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Lives in: Georgia
    Want to lose: 85 lbs
    Fave movies: Napoleon Dynamite, National Treasure (1 and 2), All Pirates of the Carribbean
    Fave books: Uhhh I like Ted Dekker, Beverly Lewis
    Fave TV: NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Criminal MInds, cooking shows
    Fave Music: Christian, Christian Rock
    Fave sports: Mainly college football, but I like baseball too
    Hobbies: Reading, drawing, hanging with friends and family, listening to music
    Interests: Piano (and wanting to learn to play the guitar :D)
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I am a die hard Jesus freak ♥
    2. I quote lines from Napoleon Dynamite ALL the time
    3. I wear glasses
    4. I'm SUPER shy
    5. Uhh I've never had a boyfriend (and I'm 18)
  • lizgreenhill
    Name: Liz
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Lives in: Dundee, Michigan
    Want to lose: 70lbs
    Fave movies: step brothers ( almost any will ferrel Movie), the hangover, the notebook, sisters keeper, sweet home alabama, american history x, Comedy, Action ,Romance, Do not like scary movies after dark ahaha
    Fave books: dont really read
    Fave TV: Desperate housewives, Sons of anarchy, Psych, burn notice, Sons of guns, NCIS, Criminal Minds
    Fave music: Disturbed, Korn, Chevelle, Country, Rap, Oldies ( i have a wide variety)
    Fave sports: i like to watch college football, and play baseball
    Hobbies: haha wish i had time for a hobby
    Interests: Nursing, Forensic science
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I am a nurse
    2. I have asthma
    3. I have a weird sense of humor
    4. I am a huge Ohio State (college football) Fan :)
    5. I like it to be dark when i sleep with no sound and need a eye mask to fall asleep
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Name: Steph
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Lives in: Atlanta, Georgia. But I actually live in the city itself, not the suburbs. For some reason, the suburbanites like to say they're from "Atlanta" when Atlanta is 20-30 minutes away from them.
    Want to lose: 15-20. I'm at 134, goal is 115ish.
    Fave movies: Anything Miyazaki, Star Wars, Bridget Jones, Moon, Love Actually
    Fave books: ENDER'S GAME!!!, anything by Haruki Murakami, Jane Eyre, Harry Potter series
    Fave TV: Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Arrested Development
    Fave music: AIR, M83, Hotel Costes - I really dig on ambient lounge music. I also like Pixies, David Bowie, Queen
    Fave sports: Men's figure skating to watch! I also love ropes - climbing, courses, etc. I worked as an instructor for a few summers.
    Hobbies: Reading, cooking, knitting, working out
    Interests: Fitness, nursing, anthropology
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I'm slightly obsessed with microbiology
    2. I recently finished my medical anthropology major and am working on my nursing major
    3. I bartend/serve full-time
    4. I have two kittens~ totally was never a cat person, but I sure am now!
    5. I'm about to go running!!!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Name: J-Dawg, but my friends call me Chuck.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30 years (almost 31..)
    Lives in: United States
    Want to lose: 18 more pounds
    Fave movies: Dumb and Dumber, The Notebook (not really)
    Fave books: The Long Walk (Stephen King), and I can't think of others right now.
    Fave TV: Dexter, The Walking Dead.
    Fave music: Disturbed, Goldfinger, Eminem
    Fave sports: Football, Basketball
    Hobbies: Brewing beer, video games, photography
    Interests: Engineering, geology,
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I have 10 toes, 5 on each foot.
    2. I laugh at midgets
    3. I have a sick sense of humor.
    4. I'm a big p*ssy when I'm sick.
    5. There is one person that if I'm talking to them on the phone, I always miss my turn. It doesn't happen when I talk to anyone else.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Name: Jenna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Lives in: Georgia, USA
    Want to lose: Lost 53 so far. Estimating about 20 left, but really when I achieve the toned look I want.
    Fave movies: I don't watch a lot of movies. (mainly because I have a 7 month old and can't sit down and watch a whole one.
    Fave books: I read everything. Currently reading: 11/22/63 by Stephen King
    Fave TV: Once Upon a Time, Desperate Housewives, Arrested Development, New Girl, 2 Broke Girls
    Fave music: John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Dara Maclean, Shawn McDonald, Theory of a Deadman
    Fave sports: I watch football. I play none.
    Hobbies: Reading, painting, really anything crafty
    Interests: Parenting, Hearing other views, teaching
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. My kid is cuter than yours.
    2. My husband says I think I'm the funniest person I know.
    3. I hate being told what to do.
    4. It really angers me when people call themselves "Christians" but don't show Christ's love to others.
    5. I have OCD.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Name: Robin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 45
    Lives in: Perth Western Australia
    Want to lose: Another 21kg - have lost 23kg so far
    Fave movies: Idiocracy - I am totally amused that society is like this movie NOW!!!
    Fave books: Any true murder - particularly Australian murder
    Fave TV: Judge Judy - she is so right 110% of the time
    Fave music: Mainly alternative - but anything really except for really hard out rubbishy heavy metal.
    Fave sports: Kayaking, horseriding to do - Rugby Union to watch
    Hobbies: Kayaking, cycling, reading, swimming
    Interests: researching my future life and photography
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I have retired
    2. I love animals way more than humans and get VERY upset at animal cruelty
    3. I love and live to travel and can't go a week or two without getting really twitchy to go again
    4. I have not vomited since I was 4 years old
    5. I hate where I live and have been stuck here for 24 years despite trying to move all that time - early January should see that rectified.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    4. I have not vomited since I was 4 years old

    That is really cool.
  • pornstarzombie
    Name: Jessie

    Gender: Female

    Age: 25. Eek!

    Lives in: San Diego

    Want to lose: 10 more pounds :)

    Fave movies: Forrest Gump, any Nightmare on Elm Streets, love horror movies...okay, I admit it...I love Beauty and the Beast and Lion King, too. Vanilla Sky, too many to list.

    Fave books: Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Clair Robson. I will read this book a few times a year, it's'll laugh, cry, be angry...great writing based on a true story. ANYTHING by Stephen King [actually don't like his short stories all that much, though], Dean Koontz, just finishing up with the last book of "A Game of Thrones" and I'm loving it [haven't seen the TV show yet, I'm not sure if I want to], I love the Children of the Earth series. Erotica. Love it. Have tons of it, and love to write it.

    Fave TV: Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Justified, Nurse Jackie, United States of Tara, Scrubs [when it was on and well, good]. I don't have a tv right now, so I can't watch any of my favorite shows :(

    Fave music: Def Leppard, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, etc. Love classical rock. I also love Atreyu, Blue October, My Bloody Valentine, Alkaline Trio, Bayside, Apocalypta, taste in music is broad.

    Fave sports: Horseback riding. It is a sport. I promise you.

    Hobbies: Horseback riding, hiking [to an extent, rather be on my horse], reading, playing WoW [I'm a nerd]

    Interests: Psychology [abnormal psychology, human sexuality, etc], reading lonnnggg book series, horses, endurance riding, nutrition.

    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1) I'm 6'.
    2) Can finished a 1000 page book in less than a day.
    3) I love high heels, despite being tall.
    4) I have an obsession with Zombies.
    5) I'm an 85 NE Hunter XD haha
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    4. I have not vomited since I was 4 years old

    That is really cool.

    not sure about that - I am an emetophobe (fear of vomit/ing) so it has made life rather difficult at times. Lucky I never really get sick either tho :-)
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    Where in SD?? We use to live in Kensington.. Moved to GA in 2007 and hate It .. MISS SD terribly!!! :)
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    JennaJava.....WOW you are a whole different person in your before and after pix.. Gorgeous!! and an Inspiration!!! :) Good for you
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Name: Megan
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Lives in: Texas
    Want to lose: 8 more pounds
    Fave movies: The Wedding Planner, The Bourne Trilogy, Valkerie
    Fave books: Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Anything World War 2 related
    Fave TV:NCIS, Law and Order SVU, Ghost Adventures lol, What not to wear
    Fave music: broadway, classical, country, lecrae
    Fave sports: NBA,NFL, NCAA
    Hobbies: Reading, singing, sleeping, rock climbing (when I can)
    Interests: History, Music, Acting
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. The parents at my school think I am a student not a teacher.
    2. I can sing from high soprano to baritone rang (my choir students love it) lol
    3. I hate dressing up. I would love hoodies and jeans every day,
    4. I became obsessed with WW2 because my mom is from Germany
    5. I have 13 pairs of Toms shoes
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Name: Laura

    Gender: Female

    Age: 33

    Lives in: Pompey...UK

    Want to lose: another 30lbs

    Fave movies: I have no idea!

    Fave books: Die Säulen der Erde. Koontz and King are my ultimate favorite authors.

    Fave TV: BB...yeah I am a fan...I watch all sorts of fly on the wall shows because I like to. So there. I love all sorts of documentaries...and comedy...will switch channels to watch a comedian at work.

    Fave music: Trance, House...and I am hopelessly stuck in the 80's....that also goes for my love of R&B

    Fave sports: Weight lifting


    Interests: My kids

    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1) I pick my nose
    2) I love cookies
    3) I am chaotic
    4) My kids think I am funny
    5) I'm German and proud of it!
  • Salamanda425
    Name: Amanda
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29 years old
    Lives in: Maryland
    Want to lose: About 55lbs pounds or so.
    Fave movies: Deep Blue Sea, Sweet Home Alabama, 13 going on 30, The Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Fave books: Colter's Wife.
    Fave TV: Re-runs of M*A*S*H, Biggest Loser, Survivor, The Big Bang Theory, Swamp People
    Fave music: 80's rock and current alternative
    Fave sports: Soccer
    Hobbies: Photography, Random Road Trips
    Interests: Cyrptozoology
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I HATE sausage and hamburger b/c of their texture
    2. Seeing mucus makes me physically gag and/or vomit
    3. Everywhere I vacation, I go to at least one zoo in the area.
    4. My best friend is 26 years my elder.
    5. I count trees for a living.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Name: Deanna
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25 years, 1 months, 02 days, 0 hours, 10minutes.

    Lives in: Menifee, Ca (Southern California)

    Want to lose: Only abut 10 more lbs, but would be happy with 5 more

    Fave movies: Due Date, Hangover, anything "actually" funny. Any mythylogical (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Immortals) Alien Predator movies, Any Zombie or Horror movies, Old westerns (or new) Any Pixar movies and I love Lion King and Beauty and the Beast too!!
    Fave books: The Sun also Rises, A million Little Pieces, Stephen King Books, We Were One (my hunny is in it)
    Fave TV: Homeland, Dexter, Supernatural, House, Son's of Anarchy, An American Haunting, Shameless, The dr's, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, Spartacus, MSNBC, Anything on Discovery or Nat Geo Wild.
    Fave music: Country, Classic rock, Jazz when I'm cooking, pretty much anything I can sing or dance too.
    Fave sports: College Football, NFL, Baseball
    Hobbies: Hiking, Camping, Being with my kids, Going on adventures, water sports.
    Interests: Greek Mythology, Astrology, History
    List 5 random facts about yourself:
    1. I am a list and budget freak lol
    2. I have O- blood and have to carry around a card in my wallet stating eevrytime I get an injection of Rogam
    3. I LOVE lakes
    4. I HATE luxury cars
    5. LOTS of big EXCITING changes are coming in the next few weeks:bigsmile:
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Name: Kristen
    Gender: Lady
    Age:29. Will be 30 on the 30th
    Lives in: Denver, CO
    Want to lose: Between 20 and 30lbs
    Favorite movies: House of Yes, most John Hughes movies, Better Off Dead, Wedding Crashers. I love movies, so this list can go on for days.
    Favorite books: Most Stephen King ( short stories mostly), Lessons From My Uncle James, Infidel, Ray Bradbury
    Favorite T.V: Dexter, Six Feet Under, Shameless, Freaks and Geeks, My So-Called Life,Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, and those damn reality shows
    Favorite music: Old punk rock, 60s garage rock, 60s soul and R&B, indie, shoegazer, old country, rap old and new
    Favorite sports: Football ...New Orleans Saints!
    Hobbies: Painting, watching movies, reading
    Interests: movies, sports, family
    List 5 random facts about yourself
    1) I love to dance to just about anything
    2) The smell of green chile either makes me sick to my stomach or really hungry. No happy medium and I don't get it.
    3)I'm from New Orleans,LA
    4) I like all things vintage. Mostly from the mid 50s - late 60s. Everything looked and sounded better
    5)I have to rub my feet together to fall asleep.