IUDs and Other Birth Control

daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
Any ladies out there using an IUD (such as Mirena or ParaGard?) How do you like it? Can you tell me a little about your experience?

I am currently on the Pill and have used NuvaRing in the past, but these methods are expensive over time, and it would be really nice to just sort of have an IUD inserted and not have to worry about it for 5-10 years. I have never given birth or been pregnant.

At this point in my life, I am pretty positive that I never want children (never did - don't like kids, and the idea of pregnancy/motherhood is just not appealing to me). Sterilization procedures are something I've been considering, but I am interested to hear about others' experiences with IUDs and other long-term birth control options.


  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I just got the copper IUD. No hormones!!! Birth control made me crazy. I love it. No worries :) It did make me a little sick the day of and after, but other than that i love it.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Im interested also. I am also on the pill. I don't want to get pregnant for the next 5 years at least.
  • des10y11
    des10y11 Posts: 4 Member
    I had the Mirena and hated. It made me feel bloated like I was pregnant. I got it taken out after two years.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I was also considered the copper coil. I was on a low dose estrogen pill that made me literally act as though I were bi-polar, gave me a skin disorder where I had darkened areas on my skin including above my upper lip, and made weight loss nearly impossible. I didn't gain weight, but I never lost much, either. My dermatologist told me it was hormones causing my face to be discolored and he said that it is normally due to pregnancy but he's seen it with all BC pills that mess with your hormones. Literally the day after I stopped taking it, my moods were normal again and I started to lose weight doing the same amount of diet and exercise as before.

    So yeah, no hormones for me, please.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I had the Mirena and hated. It made me feel bloated like I was pregnant. I got it taken out after two years.

    I've heard that ParaGard is the preferred IUD between the two - any ladies with PG?
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    I've been on Implanon and the Mirena IUD.

    The Implanon was okay... but I eventually started getting my period every 2 weeks. Not cool.

    The Mirena turned me into a psychopathic *****. Moodswings like NOTHING ELSE.. (not even my normal moodieness, psycho) I was angry all the time, and sad.. and just nto a nice person.
    And I wanted no sex, at all, nah-uh.
    Horrible thing. :/ Google mirena side effects
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I had a copper IUD for 5 years and loved it, one of the s/e can be more cramping than usual but i never had that and my cycle was more regular than it has ever been before. I liked it because it was hormone free, it just sat there and did its job, came out and everything was back to normal.
    We insert alot of mirenas and a reasonable amount of women complain of spotting, mood swings and a huge disinterest in sex. If your keen to try one i suggest picking one and giving it a go, they are easily enough removed if you dont like it.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I've been on the pill between babies for 4 years. It SUCKS but the side effects of everything else suck more. I just bleed 3 weeks out of the month most of the time! (Yes, I've tried many different pills, they all do it to me).

    If you are looking for long term, and aren't worried about become sterile, go with the implanon (that's the one in the arm right?). They are pretty effective and have been known to cause infertility. I've been told that the IUDs in the uterus are extremely painful for women who haven't given birth before.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I hate birth control pills. ._. Made my cramps worse.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I had the copper coil IUD was in so much pain, had to go for a scan only to find it had actually become imbedded in me had to go to hospital to get it pulled out, not a good experience I still get pains on the side that it was imbedded. Everyone is different though, I was on depo for a bit until I found out it's really bad for your bones. I am now on the pill as inconvenient as it is, it seems to agree the best with my body.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Ive had the Implanon - fail developed a pain disorder both times i had it
    was on the injection, thought it was okay till i weighed myself 9 months later and was 20kgs heavier! :(
    ATM im on the Levlen ED pill and have found it great. no weight gain and TOM im less bloated too so its a win for me
    but have heard nothing good about the mirena with friends
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm on the Levlen ED pill and have been since last September and ever since May I have had not had a regular period and have missed quite a few only to find out in August/September that my body is releasing the pregnancy hormones but as far as I know I am not pregnant even though I have put on anywhere between 6 - 10 Kgs since June/July which sucks and I hate it and can't wait for my appointment with the hormone specialist in December because I am sick of my moodiness, tiredness, emotions, constant sick feeling and a whole bunch of other annoying things. :( Sorry that I went a bit off track.
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    I had the Mirena and hated. It made me feel bloated like I was pregnant. I got it taken out after two years.

    I've heard that ParaGard is the preferred IUD between the two - any ladies with PG?

    I have the ParaGard and haven't had any issues :) LOVE IT!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have Mirena. I was one of the lucky ones who bled for six straight months after I got it, but I love not having to think about BC every day and also my insurance covered all but the doctor co-pay, so it's WAY cheaper for me than anything else.

    I have had a lot of trouble losing (and have gained) since I got it. That's listed as a side effect for fewer than 5% of Mirena users, though, so I think most people don't have that experience. Again, one of the lucky few! lol

    I do still have periods with it, though not every month and it's just intermittent spotting, really. Some people stop altogether.
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    I had the Mirena and hated. It made me feel bloated like I was pregnant. I got it taken out after two years.

    I've heard that ParaGard is the preferred IUD between the two - any ladies with PG?

    I have the ParaGard and haven't had any issues :) LOVE IT!

    And I've had it for 3 1/2 years - I have 2 children and do not plan to have any more so that's why I went with the 10yr ParaGard over the 5 yr Mirena.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I would love the Paraguard (10 years!), but I need to have something with hormones or my periods are ridiculously heavy and uncomfortable. :-(

    My mom got the copper when it was newer and she had to have it removed after a month because of so much heavy bleeding, and it's apparently a genetic trait in my family. So I didn't even consider it. I was on the pill 13 years and it was great, but the last year or so, I started bleeding heavier and longer every month (2 weeks at a time) so I had to change things up.

    I would love if they would just remove my uterus.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loesterin 24 FE and have had no problems with weight gain or weight loss.. for the most part its been smooth sailing.

    I know pills are quite expensive(mine is 25 bucks a month through the normal pharmacy) but we go through a mail order pharmacy that is backed by our insurance, and now my pills are 30 dollars for a 3 month supply instead of 25 for one month.. so it's something to think about.

    I personally could never do an IUD.. I already hate my doc digging around up there.. and could not imagine her trying to put an IUD in.. I'd prob. die from the pain!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I take Loesterin 24 FE and have had no problems with weight gain or weight loss.. for the most part its been smooth sailing.

    I know pills are quite expensive(mine is 25 bucks a month through the normal pharmacy) but we go through a mail order pharmacy that is backed by our insurance, and now my pills are 30 dollars for a 3 month supply instead of 25 for one month.. so it's something to think about.

    I personally could never do an IUD.. I already hate my doc digging around up there.. and could not imagine her trying to put an IUD in.. I'd prob. die from the pain!
    The insertion is uncomfortable, but not painful at all. And it's a pretty quick process.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I take Loesterin 24 FE and have had no problems with weight gain or weight loss.. for the most part its been smooth sailing.

    I know pills are quite expensive(mine is 25 bucks a month through the normal pharmacy) but we go through a mail order pharmacy that is backed by our insurance, and now my pills are 30 dollars for a 3 month supply instead of 25 for one month.. so it's something to think about.

    I personally could never do an IUD.. I already hate my doc digging around up there.. and could not imagine her trying to put an IUD in.. I'd prob. die from the pain!
    The insertion is uncomfortable, but not painful at all. And it's a pretty quick process.

    Might not be for you.. but I can not have her do a pap or feel around up there without gripping the table in pain, and yelling at her to hurry up... Don't know what it is, but it always hurts like 10 times more then I feel like it should...
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I've had the mirena for 4 years now. It's great. Cramping after insertion then a bit of spotting for a couple months after, but nothing too annoying and then haven't had a period since. No hormonal side effects for me. I had terrible hormonal depression from the nuvaring, actually felt like I was in a fog of sadness. Stopped using it and felt so much better. Good luck with your decision.

    Oh and cost turns out to be a wee cheaper monthly as long as you don't change your mind and get it removed early. Not a lot cheaper. It's more for the convenience and the progesterin (spelling) only aspect.