Men, what do you really think?



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I deal with great looking females everyday. Even get hit on and majorly flirted with. It's nice to look at, but looks don't always mean happiness.

    It's them pants Niner...
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    No one wants to spoon a skeleton.

    Since losing weight I've receive a lot more attention from guys but the quality of that attention is less. I think guys alter what they find attractive based on what they're looking for at the time. A relationship or a bit of fun. Either way I'd ignore that if I were you and just be yourself/ who you want to be
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    No one wants to spoon a skeleton.

    My husband agrees with this post.
    Although he has never treated me differently; (when I went up to 283, when we met @ 207, or now @ 172) he has always liked thin woman on TV like Jennifer Aniston for instance. If any of you have seen my pics I am on Jenn, I have curves, curves and more curves.
    We are very honest to each other, that being said I asked him one day before I lost the weight if he liked my bottom. He said hell no, but I love you!. Then after I lost the weight I asked him the same question his answer was the same, but he added I don't want you to loose any more weight because if I do he is afraid other things will go away too. Then I asked him why he married me if he doesn't like a woman with curves. He said cause he fell in love with me and saw a good future between us. He also said that the way I look doesn't matter much to him, and that he never saw me as fat.

    What I took from it is, that he loves me regardless of how or what I look like. Its ok I like how I look, and he does still chase me around like a teenage so as they say.

    all in all a good hubby will love you no matter the size or shape, that is commitment!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    No one wants to spoon a skeleton.

    Since losing weight I've receive a lot more attention from guys but the quality of that attention is less. I think guys alter what they find attractive based on what they're looking for at the time. A relationship or a bit of fun. Either way I'd ignore that if I were you and just be yourself/ who you want to be

    Completely agree with this... Nothing worse than a Bag of Bones to snuggle with! Thin doesn't mean skin and bone.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    Okay I am going to be really honest here....

    All my Past G/F's have been rather chunky... It never really was an issue for me. Still isn't!

    However I am now attracted to more skinnier/fit girls. Why? Because when I was with these other girls they did not care for eating healthy or anything like that. This is how I put all of my weight on.

    I would like to have a physically fit girl next time around who can keep up with me and also work with me in being healthy. Some people see this as shallow, but I still see the more chubby girls attractive, its just not what I feel like I need.

    Its hard to find these kinds of girls, hence why I have probably been single for so long

    I feel the same way! It's not that I'm NOT attracted to heavier guys.... it's just that I'm trying to change my lifestyle and I want someone with the same mindset at me. Someone who wants to go hiking on the weekends instead of watch tv all day and someone who cares about nutrition (but will still eat a hamburger once in awhile!). I'm afraid that if I date someone who's not into their health I'll fall back into old habits and I don't want to go there!
  • mutt12345
    Eyes and a killer smile.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Compare a thin and fit woman who is still insecure about her body against a curvy yet healthy woman who knows she's beautiful, curvy wins without a doubt.

    Like a previous commenter said, sexiness is a result of many different variables. Personally, I don't have a lot of perspective on this at the moment. Even having been separated for over a year now, since I've chosen not to get into the dating world before the divorce is finalized, I don't associate with a lot of women, single or otherwise. (My vocation is very male-centric.) I know what I like to look at, but that doesn't mean I would want to have anything to do with her. At this point, I don't have a firm grasp on what I would look for in a girlfriend. It's been 12+ years since I've even thought about it.

    To answer your question a little better maybe, I like a healthy woman who has just enough to grab and hold on to. Oh, and dark blonde or brunette hair helps too. And a cute face. And intelligence. a sweet voice. between 5'2" & 5'10". kind. and legs that end in heavenly bliss.

    Not much :) but it's not what commercialization is shoving down our throats. There is such a wide range of woman that fits that description. The other thing is that you are God's finest creation. By far. No matter what you look like, a kind heart is the most gorgeous thing ever.

    Guys, go ahead and post all the "firm grasp" jokes I know you're thinking.
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    No one wants to spoon a skeleton.

    If I had a dollar for every time I felt someone lusted for fatter woman than me because she had bigger T/A,
    I'd have enough to get implants. I really feel that other women perpetuate the waif thin ideal, not men; and then get defensive toward women who have the look they want.
    Statements like the one above, and the infamous '"real" women have curves.' What is a real woman? And what gives you the right to define it?

    There's all this hype about speaking out against fat talk and fat hate; I think it's only fair that the above to statements also be considered inappropriate and degrading to people's self image.

    If I said, "No one wants to spoon with Jabba the Hut," people would be furious. But its true, isn't it?
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I'm sorry if I offended you, and I agree there is a double standard - but instead of being MORE uptight and politically correct and making more things taboo, I feel like people should just relax a bit. Words are just words, I wasn't directing that at anyone personally and I do apologise if you took it as an attack. Seeing as this post had to do with attraction I don't really feel as though I was out of line though
  • Biggipooh
    I'm sorry if I offended you, and I agree there is a double standard - but instead of being MORE uptight and politically correct and making more things taboo, I feel like people should just relax a bit. Words are just words, I wasn't directing that at anyone personally and I do apologise if you took it as an attack. Seeing as this post had to do with attraction I don't really feel as though I was out of line though

    You were not, don't worry.
  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    for me, I'm attracted to a nice smile, confidence and someone who is fun to be with. I'm maybe unusual but I don't find skinny women attractive, I like women to have curves and that female shape. :0)

    I guess everyone is individual though and we all have individual tastes.
  • xhaller
    Thank you for this and agree. While statements like "real women have curves" might make heavier women feel better, it can make a smaller person feel worse. Just becuase you're smaller, doesn't mean everything is always great.
    No one wants to spoon a skeleton.

    If I had a dollar for every time I felt someone lusted for fatter woman than me because she had bigger T/A,
    I'd have enough to get implants. I really feel that other women perpetuate the waif thin ideal, not men; and then get defensive toward women who have the look they want.
    Statements like the one above, and the infamous '"real" women have curves.' What is a real woman? And what gives you the right to define it?

    There's all this hype about speaking out against fat talk and fat hate; I think it's only fair that the above to statements also be considered inappropriate and degrading to people's self image.

    If I said, "No one wants to spoon with Jabba the Hut," people would be furious. But its true, isn't it?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    well here's the answer

    If you once fell in love with a woman there should be no reason why you stop loving her. We all go through changes in our life some are good some are bad.

    Just look at it this way. We men change all the time gaining weight, losing hair, maybe be even our teeth lol. If we were to stay the same all our lives how boring would that get?

    I have watched my wifey make so many changes in her life and have loved her for every change and would not change a minute of it...through thick and thin so to speak...she is always beautiful.

    your mine forever lilyinlove

    your hubby
    This is absolutely true. Except for the few men that are entirely superficial themselves and they definitely aren't the ones you want to appeal to.

    It's unfortunate that women have let their self worth be dictated by these ridiculous standards. To get to the point where you won't leave the house without applying makeup is so sad to me. How did it get to the point where you feel the need to "hide" who you really are? I realize that doesn't apply to everyone but some of us would really rather see who you are, not see you hiding under a layer of paint.

    And to another poster...early 50's is "older?" :)
    I love responses like you both shared!

    Ah and not having read the entire thread through yet, who on earth considers 50 as "older"? Wait until you get there, the best years of you life and ever year after. I'd never wish to be back in my 20's or 30's again, because it's so true what they say about wisdom comes with age. You make much wiser decisions after 40!:smokin: