why do YOU over eat/binge?



  • sarahcowley1
    i think id have to say boredom !! but now iv got a 11 month old to run around after again im no longer bored lol
  • abaljack
    abaljack Posts: 5 Member
    When I feel I have too much to do or feel overwhelmed, I feel like I "deserve" to eat then binge. I rarely can think of a time when it's worth it or I feel better, but it still happens occasionally.

    Same here! Either feeling overwhelmed or celebrating something good and I convince myself that I deserve it! I gotta fix that!
  • xmalonex
    When I'm drunk or hungover. I've realized I need to control myself around alcohol more lol

    Ding ding ding...this is what happen to me over last weekend...stupid hangovers!

    Weekends are the roughest for myself because we go out to eat on Friday's normally.
    It's just SOOO easy to say I'll do better tomorrow and get a cheesburger and fries.

    I'm going to really do well this weekend and watch everything I eat and drink to stay on track.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I overeat when I'm home alone or feeling sorry for myself. I usually do it right after work when no one else is around to watch, otherwise I'm pretty good.

  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I would want to binge too, but it will only leave you feeling worse after the food is gone. Maybe try walking, or listening to some music really loud. When I get upset sometimes I turn on "screamo" music REALLY LOUD and scream right along with it until I cant anymore.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I find that I binge eat when I am in a lot of pain or depressed (usually from the constant pain). I used to use food to comfort myself ALL the time (happy, sad, angry, etc... was a good reason to eat) but I've really been working on recognizing the signs and stopping myself. I'm not always successful, but I do far better than I used to do.
  • Ryoku
    Ryoku Posts: 35 Member
    I never thought I was an emotional eater. I always just said I love food and that's why I eat. A few months ago I got out of a very stressful job and now work at a wonderful job without stress. Well everyone has a bad day and my boss snapped at me the other day. I threw my diet out the window and ate. I just didn't care and wanted some comfort. I realized that I do eat when stressed and depressed. SInce my last job was so stressful, I didn't know what it was like to not be stressed.
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you for the condolences and the good ideas. :smile:
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    boredom - i dont have a job, i want to be out playing sports or being active in some other way. anxiety, depression, to improve low mood, loss of inspiration and motivation and the reason why i want to lose weight, bad habbits and because i love fooooood.