Anyone with Thyroid disease?



  • dukeS1ms
    dukeS1ms Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm hypothyroid and have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I've lost 24 lbs since Dec. 1 through better eating habits and moderate exercise. I've lucked out and responded really well to my meds (125 levothyroxine). Feel free to add me if you want. I also have a great group of friends (many with thyroid issues) that are really supportive.
  • davidsegura
    Wow, there are a lot of hypothyroidists (I just coined that) on here. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 18 years ago. I've been on Synthroid for quite a few years now. It did take the first 4 or 5 years to finally be consistent (probably because I was still growing then). I was never thin, but my weight didn't really increase until I started working a full time career. I HAVE TO diet and exercise, as soon as I stop, instant weight gain (an much quicker than my friends). It's nice to see what others with hypothyroidism on here are doing right.
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member
    I have Graves and had my evil thyroid removed last year I was on 18 anti-thyroid pills per day, yep 18. now I am on synthyroid. Have struggled with the weight thing since. I also have the hasimoto's antibodies they thought they would kick in but they didn't. I am working so hard to loose the weight. and geeze it's just not going anywhere. People think we use that as an excuse for being over weight but I don't think even some DR's get the whole picture of the thyroid and it's functions. I really believe that it is a copper and zinc issue. but when I approached my endo with that theory he laughed me out the door. My emotions go up and down. I can tell when my levels are off because I get heartburn that would knock a horse off it's feet. I have no energy and I can gain weight like a sumo wrestler on ensure.
  • pookibear2001
    I was diagnosed with Graves Disease about 9 years ago. I went to the Dr. because I was tired, hot, and gaining weight. I was walking 3 miles a day and ate normal. They treated me with RAI to kill my Thyroid. It took almost 3 yrs to regulate my Thyroid. When they finally regulated it, they found cancer. So I had surgery and a higher dose of RAI. In the mean time i've gained almost 100 pounds. A year later more cancer. I did not do treatment again, but had surgery. I have not been the same, I am tired, and can't lose weight. So here I am trying to lose weight, because the Dr. says it's not your thyroid. Really-what is it then????? My Thyroid is maintained at the levels I had when I was first diagnosed with Graves. Ironic don't you think? So anyone out there with any majic tricks- I'm in.