MFP = life ruiner?

I'm beginning to feel like my fitness pal is micromanaging my life. Is there really a need to stick with this once your goal has been met? I'm determined and capable of keeping the weight off and know my boundaries as far as calorie intake for maintaining and losing. What I want to know is...when can we be done?


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Thats up to you to decide... if you dont want to use MFP, then dont use it.... Being a free program of usage enables you to continue having control
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93
    My husband tells me I rely on it to much to watch my caloric intake. If I dont' use it, I eat even more. Lately that hasn't been the issue. I have been using MFP and still gaining! It is like it has become an addiction to me.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    For me, I stopped logging my food for a little while, and I started to slip back into old habits astonishingly quickly. The site keeps me accountable, but having said that, it's not the same for everyone. Quite possibly, once healthy eating becomes second nature for me, I won't need to log my food everyday, and perhaps that's where you're at? In the end it's your choice.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    And continued support if you need it. I could mange without now and have not met my goals. I enjoy chatting with people and it is a good time killer at work.....
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    MFP is a tool. Would you use a hammer if you didn't need it? Would you want one around for when you do?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its a tool.
    I wouldn't walk around with a hammer after I finished building my house, but this is a little different.
    If you are truly disciplined, then leave, if you think the logging in helps, then keep it up.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    after losing your weight and meeting your goal, only you can answer that question. Congratulations, btw.
  • Shawn_Marie
    I'm beginning to feel like my fitness pal is micromanaging my life. Is there really a need to stick with this once your goal has been met? I'm determined and capable of keeping the weight off and know my boundaries as far as calorie intake for maintaining and losing. What I want to know is...when can we be done?

    THis something you need to decide, I plan on sticking with MFP, I enjoy logging my food and exercise and do not let it micromanage my life - it helps me manage my life style change.
    Good luck with your choice.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It's a tool. It isn't micromanaging your life. (Maybe you are.) If you think you can maintain without using the site then why are you here?
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    I was watching Biggest Loser last night and they said it takes weeks to months to develop new good habits but only a week or so of bad eating to fall off track.

    Personally, by watching my calories in with MFP and out with Fitbit, when I am at goal I feel pretty good that I will just keep it up without having to track. I made some easy changes that I can live with.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I think once you get the hang of it, there is no need to track. I'm not there yet and keep coming back even though I've met my goals. I enjoy reading some of the topics and continue to get motivation from MFP participants. I've built some pretty good friendships here so I will be around whether or not I track my food.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    What about starting to log at the end of each day? Make good choices and all and then enter all your food at the end of the day to see how well you did? It would allow you the freedom of living a 'normal' life but still checking in to see how you did at the end of the day. Maybe after awhile you would be able to see if you still need MFP to chose healthy sized portions etc.
  • BlJohnston77
    BlJohnston77 Posts: 54 Member
    I am sure if you have met your goal weight you may not need it relgiously anymore. But nice to see how how everyone else is doing and so your support to them that are still working towards there goals. Up to you though!!!!
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    If something is ruining my life I certainly don't keep it around. However, MFP keeps me accountable, I don't abuse it, I'm not addicted to it. For myself, its saving my life.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    It's all up to you. I know plenty of people that left after they hit goal. I stay on, even after I lost all the weight just to gain it back and to track my calories and macros. Plus, I enjoy the social aspect of it.
  • mummyv811
    I haven't met my goal yet but sometimes can't face logging on to MFP (sorry guys.... I love it the majority of the time). As you have met your goal, take a holiday from it. Sometimes it is needed. If you feel like you're slipping into old habits again then come back to us :happy:
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    For me, I need someone something to micromanage my life. I can't do it alone, I am too weak. If I was tomorrow at my goal weight, I would probably need even more support to maintain. I do admit to spending WAY too much time on here though so that's something I'm going to have to manage. Anyways, congrats on your progress!!!!
  • beach_chelle
    I think it is really up to you. I took a break for a little while and stopped logging and was able to maintain my weight. I was no where at my goal, but it did show me when I get there I can maintain on my own. Currently I log infrequently, but that is because I am not exercising so I know how much food and what kinds of foods I can eat for my daily amount without need to count every little calorie.

    good luck!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    the title seems extreme, if you ask me. I've never "needed" MFP per say. I enjoy MFP and the functions it allows me to use for free. I enjoy my friends and tracking, etc., but its my decision to use it, as it is your decision. I can't imagine that a program could ruin ones life, but that is my opinion.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    if you have made a REAL lifestyle change then you may no longer need it once you have hit and have been maintaining your goals, but if you have lost the weight through a "diet" and cannot maintain the loss, then maybe you should continue.

    I think some use mfp as a quick fix, without really looking at themselves to see what got them here and really finding manageable ways of maintaining the lifestyle.