MFP = life ruiner?



  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    I was catching up on biggest loser last night and it was the episode where they brought in a Dr. that studies the brain. I'm paraphrasing here but how I understood it is, a normal weight person can eat one cheeseburger and that sends a message to their brain that they are satisfied, with an over weight person one cheeseburger isnt enough to satisfy that part of the brain so they eat more to accomodate that feeling.

    Retraining the brain to think like a "normal weight" person can be done in weeks or months but it takes only a week to slip back eating like an over weight person and providing the "pleasure" sense in our brains.

    Logging or not logging is completely your choice, but it is easy to slip back in to old habits -- Logging to me holds me accountable, I am still in losing mode, but having this information really woke me up to realize that once i hit "maintenance" I will still need to be held accountable.

    For me, I will continue to log.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Thats personal preference, there is no comittment in being an MFP member. You can quit whenever yhou feel is right. I have been a member for almost 2yrs and have been at my "goal weight" for a yr. now. I still want to continue a healthy lifestyle and personally have gained some really awesome friends from this site that I feel like stood next to me on this journey as we taught and motivated eachother along the way. I too know how to eat on a daily basis and have maintained for the last year, even dropping a few extra pounds along the way. I continue on, on MFP because I like the people, I like heping people with what I know, and have learned, and even though I have the knowledge I need to maintain, I can never know "too much" I learn something new almost everyday and for as long as I can be, I will continue to be part of the MFP community!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    What I want to know is...when can we be done?

    Uhh... when we die? Being healthy and staying healthy is a lifelong process.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Are you the type to buy Reynold's wrap vs. store brand because the commercial told you it was better?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    This is an interesting post. I've been on this site since July. I do log everything but I don't necessarily log everything as I go. I've begun to have a sense of how many calories I've been eating for any given meal. For example, I logged yesterday's dinner and snack this morning along with breakfast and lunch for today. I see this site as a way of making us aware of what we're eating. I would hope that after reaching my goal I could stop the logging but I'm sure that does not work for everyone and it may not work for me. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head (or a Big Mac to anyone's mouth). If the OP is not happy, then she should stop using the site. If she maintains, fine. If not she can always start logging again.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves

    LOL!!! ElEx you crack me up!!!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Zombies are micromanaging my life.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    If it's ruining your life then don't use it .... I use it to make myself stay on track and because I've started making lots of new friends through this site and the social aspect is fun :smile: I don't let it run my life, I generally log in the evenings.... or even the next morning if I don't have time that day and see how I did and I have NEVER let my lack of calories for the day or some place not listing calories stop me from going out with my bf or friends, if you go over for a die it won't ruin everything, you just get back on track the next day. It's just a website, a free website at that, and how you choose to use it is up to you. :flowerforyou:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    MFP is a tool. Would you use a hammer if you didn't need it? Would you want one around for when you do?
    I fantasize about wearing a tool belt to my desk job. Hammers are cool, and one of the best implements for zombie defense.

    Daryl has clearly proven that a cross bow is your best choice.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm beginning to feel like my fitness pal is micromanaging my life. Is there really a need to stick with this once your goal has been met? I'm determined and capable of keeping the weight off and know my boundaries as far as calorie intake for maintaining and losing. What I want to know is...when can we be done?

    Why are you asking permission? If you have to ask permission to, what appears to be, reclaim your life from a computer program have you claimed your life in the first place? It's simple, if you think your work here is done leave, if not stay. It's a computer program on the interwebz, once you deactivate your account that's the end.
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    A life ruiner? It's given me my life back lol. Will I continue to use it after my goal is reached? Maybe, if I need to to keep the weight off, I may not need to as diligent about it as I am now but if I need it I definitely won't feel bad about using it. It has given me tools I didn't have before and helped me be more disciplined, I think it is great!
  • gossja23
    If you feel like you've accomplished your goals and can track calories without it, take a break! I would set a "weight limit" that if you get back up to a certain weight that you should use MFP again to maintain. I went almost a whole year without tracking calories and kept the weight off, just recently developed bad habits again and put on 5 pounds. Now I am back again tracking calories.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    That's the beauty of free will. You can choose to use this as a tool, or not. If you hit your goal weight and are done using this as a tool, then good for you, you did it. Some prefer to continue using it because it works for them. Good luck to you on your continued success :flowerforyou:
  • JaysBlondeBrownie
    JaysBlondeBrownie Posts: 64 Member
    I think life ruiner may be a bit extreme. It's what you make of it. If you obsess over it that much there may be other issues to address. :flowerforyou:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I actually started this at the end of my weight loss, I didn't know about before.
    For me I will continue on it for another month while I work on maintaining the weight loss, then again for possibly another year while I work on toning.
    It is up to you though, if you feel you don't need this any more then we will miss you.
    If you feel you need this to monitor your daily progress, or because you may need some help, we will be happy to have you stay and are there for you.

  • angelapolite
    And continued support if you need it. I could mange without now and have not met my goals. I enjoy chatting with people and it is a good time killer at work.....

  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    MFP changed my life... I am much healthier because of it..... Period. I'm staying here even when I reach my goals :)

    Oh I must add: I can't leave because of the most supporting people I've met on here.. If anything they are a big contribution to my life..... And I will be here to support them :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    ...when can we be done?

    When you are psychologically ready to let go. There is a cold, hard comfort in the numbers but it can come with a steep price: becoming obsessed. I see little point in making your body healthy but making your mind unhealthy in the process.

    There are many ways to structure maintenance without ever tracking. I go many years at a time without tracking at all. If I feel myself getting soft around the middle then I start doing so again to get back into shape.

    Check out this article by Leigh Peele for further info on maintaining:
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I'm beginning to feel like my fitness pal is micromanaging my life. Is there really a need to stick with this once your goal has been met? I'm determined and capable of keeping the weight off and know my boundaries as far as calorie intake for maintaining and losing. What I want to know is...when can we be done?

    You do realize you can deactivate your account if you want, right? This is a free site. Feel free to come and go as you please.