Sterotypes that actually fit you



  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    I am a redhead and I have a bad temper. too!!!!!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm a brit and I love tea and I talk about the weather loads too! I also don't show emotion lol

    Second time someone's said this, and second time I'll say this:

    That is an ENGLISH stereotype! Not British, ENGLISH! England is not the only country in Britan ya know :P

    Scottish, Irish and Welsh stereotypes are all very different from English stereotypes.
    It's bad nuff when dem foreigners refer to English stuff as "British", but no wonder when people south of the border keep doing it themselves!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm British and love tea. Tea and scones.

    Tut tut mister, that's an ENGLISH stereotype, not a BRITISH one :P I'm British and I don't drink tea..I prefer Whisky. With a side of haggis. Actually no. Just more whisky.

    Oh but the best tea and scones I ever had were in Edinburgh! (But don't tell my Devonshire-bred husband that!)

    I'm Australian and my family has a pet kangaroo

    Hehe, proving once again anything England can do, we can do better! But seriously, we can make tea and scones, but they're not the staple of our diets like doon south :L besides, Edinburgh is a very international city :p


  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm Scottish, sausages are square, I spell whisky the correct way and I think all cows look like this

    And like most British people, I am a grammar/spelling snob, and constantly get pissed off when American spell checks try and correct my spelling...when we all know America does it wrong :P
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Was raised by hippies in San Francisco = usually barefoot, have to have my hair long & definitely a boho sense of style & open/positive personality.

    Also a truly creative & laid-back Aquarius.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I'm a girl and wear my heart on my sleeve:heart:
    I'm a Pisces, i fit the mold to a "T":bigsmile:
    I'm Irish, I can drink like a mad-man, im the greatest friend you could ever ask for but if you piss me off all hell's breakin loose and I can become the craziest b*tch you've even seen:explode: , and even though I'm only 5'3" I can definitely hold my own, I was raised in a BIG family and want a big family of my own, I drink too much.:drinker:
    I was born in Alaska and I LOVE cold weather and had a pet polar bear:wink:
    I live in California and I'm happiest when I'm on the beach:ohwell:
    I live in northern California so I say "hella":smokin:
    I live in California, so that must mean I live next to a movie star right?
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I am white, therefore I com from upper middle class
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I'm a brit and I love tea and I talk about the weather loads too! I also don't show emotion lol

    Second time someone's said this, and second time I'll say this:

    That is an ENGLISH stereotype! Not British, ENGLISH! England is not the only country in Britan ya know :P

    Scottish, Irish and Welsh stereotypes are all very different from English stereotypes.
    It's bad nuff when dem foreigners refer to English stuff as "British", but no wonder when people south of the border keep doing it themselves!

    Hmmm, learn something new everyday. And hey, we can spell correctly (you know if the wind is blowing correctly :):laugh:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I am a woman and do have a roller coaster mood, mostly up, but tick me off and it goes down real quick. No worries, it never lasts long. :drinker:
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I am fat and I am funny.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I'm Australian, therefore I'm laidback. I'm Australian my ancestors were convicts.
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I'm a woman and make great sammiches. :)
    I have a love affair with clothes and shoes.
    I have also worked as a secretary.
    I am white and can only dance well when done in a ballroom style.

    ...I could go on.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I am white, therefore I com from upper middle class

    I'm white and I live way below the poverty line! that might also be contributed to the fact that I'm a woman...
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I'm German and I am always on time!

    I'm German and I'm ALWAYS at least 5 minutes early!
    it always pisses me off when I'm with somebody else and they tell me, "we've got 10 minutes, don't rush!" and I tell them that we wouldn't have to rush if we were EARLY!!! But I think I drive some people nuts with how early I am... Oh well.

    As I said, I am German-Chippewa and chronically late. My husband, however, is VERY German. Over the years I have learned to listen to him when he says I don't have time to do just that one more thing before we have to leave for some place. That has helped a little bit.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I'm Australian, therefore I'm laidback. I'm Australian my ancestors were convicts.

    I always thought the 'Australians are laidback' thing was a bit of a far fetched stereotype based on other stereotypes of surfing all day and drinking by the barbecue. Then I moved to the UK and now I totally get it! haha!
  • Rsjessen
    I'm Scandinavian and I'm blonde and have blue eyes.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    I am a Cancer and im very emotional sensitive caring and i have a tough outter shelll
    I am a Woman and i LOVE shopping but i hate pink and im a good driver
    I am a cheerleader and I am popular and kind of a snob i am an athlet but im not skinny im not blond i am tall and i have big feet
    I am young and i love texting going clubbing and i spend at least 3 hours on facebook daily

    And heres a shocker for you all i am 100% MEXICAN and i hate chili and spicy food!! and most people think im white
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I am a woman, and I am a secretary. Man does that sting to be in a stereotypical woman's role
    Me, too!

    Me, three! Or seventy, considering this is 13 or so pages long.

    I am a female Asian and thus a doubly terrible driver. I am a light-weight when it comes to alcohol.
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    I am a Veteran (of the USCG), I love organization, order, structure and if you piss me of I yell...loud! And I like to march and clean :)
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Im a combat veteran and I get my butt handed to me in modern warfare by 14 year olds who haven't gone through puberty yet

    LOL this is happening in my house as we speak:)