Vegan Diet?



  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Here is another reason to eat meat!

    Yes, my friends, you can also eat downed animals (those who cannot walk for any reason). The meat industry is suing so they can sell you meat from animals that cannot walk!

    Give me that side of sick cow! Court-Slaughterhouse Abuse/id-69858d3780ba45f38f651ad5e0c44ff5
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There is no point in eating any diet that makes you unhappy.

    I am a strict vegetarian, because to me, I am happier knowing animals do't die as a result of my desire to eat them. If you don't have a moral reason for what you eat, then it is pointless to restrict yourself to a diet you would be unhappy sticking to.

    There are enough people out there with allergies and intolerances, they have no choice but to have their diet restricted, I assure you, it isn't to be taken lightly.
  • victoriaftw
    Every little bit helps! Why not start small, like Meatless Mondays? :heart: Then maybe start having vegan dinners every day.

    If you LOVE eating animal products, then a lifetime of never eating them isn't very realistic unless you REALLY want it. I say start small, and see what works for you.

    Definitely agree with this.
    Don't take on something you KNOW you cannot handle right now.
    instead, little steps can get you to where you want to be!
    and with each step, you'll eventually find out what will work for YOU,
    maybe the vegan diet isn't for you, but vegetarianism could be?
    there are lots of tasty replacements for meat.

    I personally just switched to the vegan diet four weeks ago, and I love it.
    Your energy levels change DRASTICALLY, for the better!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I went in steps. I cut out red meat and pork first. Then 6 months later cut out chicken. Dairy was next...which was about a thousand times more difficult than anything else. Last was eggs and seafood.

    I love meat and cheese. Its completely delicious. Im not one of those vegans who says how that stuff is gross. The treatment of the animals is gross...but the food is delicious.

    The things I have learned being vegan for 6 years is that vegetables can taste amazing. Growing up I had never really had them prepared the right way...or used fresh amazing ones either. I got steamed to hell broccoli, canned salty peas, mushy canned asparagas, gelatinous gross canned beets. Now I live all of those things because I buy fresh and organic and in season. Asparagas is sweet and crunchy and awesome quickly sauteed with some garlic...who would have known.

    It took me awhile to take to tofu. At first it was gross and mushy and weird. I had to learn how to cook with it, and also the secret is once again buying a local brand. Im lucky that here in San Diego theres a local tofu making show that makes the best most firm tofu I have ever had. You dont have to drain the water out of it or cook the water out, its firm and amazing.

    And the vegan cheeses. I dont love them and rarely buy them. I make my own cheese like spreads made form nuts and make a cheesy sauce made from nutritional yeast. But youll have to trust me when I say that your tastes will change as your diet changes. I used to force myself to drink soy or rice milk. Now I love it and drink it so fast that I went out and bought a soymilk maker.

    Liking to cook helps a lot too. Theres an amazing amount of cookbooks and websites out there, and all kinds of fun stuff to start experimenting with. LIke Tempeh, Seitan, Soycurls, Nutritional yeast..ect ect

    Thank you so much for saying this! It makes me so sad to hear people on MFP say they dislike all vegetables. WTF! Sheer numbers alone make hating them all very improbable.