Doing a paper and I need some help



  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member

    I wonder how many calories are in a tapeworm?? :)


    *WARNING: bad joke follows*

    Probably not as many as in a Duck-tape worm!

    *let's hear the moans*
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    17 day diet!
    =( Yea right?
    My sisters and Mother Had went on a newer diet called the HCG diet. Basically you go for 21 days eating approx. 400 calories a day. Which to normal dieting is like just one chincy meal. Anyways, you supposed to take these drops that are said to be a female hormone that women have while pregnant. I gives you an extra 1000 calories. However, since your not eating solid food, your metabolism goes in overtime the remainder of the day. Its actually funny, as I spoke to my sisters and my mother, they said that the only hard thing about the diet is that it get some getting used to not eating, but they didnt have any hunger pains or anything uncomfortable. They lost 21 pounds in 21 days, all of them. I have 2 sisters Nancy and Jennifer, and my mother Darlene. However, the diet says to take off about 3 months before starting again, and also has you watch your eating and also your weight. This diet isnt for someone that cant be organized or focused though, as you need to be very watchful and disiplined, or you could either gain more instead of losing, or your body has a small chance of going into starvation mode, and then you could be battling Anorexia (not sure if I spelled that correctly). Anyways, its just a diet, and not one to combine with exercise. However, it did supply suprising results and wasnt one that caused someone discomfort and or causing you to feel like your in a constant state of hunger. Smile... Hope this helps!!