Stay-at-home-moms 2/9-2/15



  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Ugghhh I feel like crap today...I'm going back to bed cuz I cant excercise for 3 days cuz of the biopsy they did which I wasnt b4 that but I have the energy to do it today but cant....:angry: Oh well..I'll be glad when this is all over with..I'm just praying for good news but the way the doctor talked its not good but I'm praying for good resluts...
    I have new pics of the family I hope u guys like em..


    Well I hope everyone has a good day I think I will lay back down for a few..Have a great day all..:flowerforyou:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Beautiful Pics Lenece !!!

    Sorry I have been away Cali has been sick!! But she is great now!
    Also great news Maeve is in a radio station contest called Baby Idol !! She can win $5000 for her education!!! I ll post the links later voting starts feb 23 !! But here is her picture that I entered

    Well good news Ive lost 4 pounds !!! Yay yay the scale is finally moving!!! Yeah 154 !!! I am so happy
    We got our new tv but I have to say dont believe the stores cause what they say in the ads arent true they said that the tv was a certain speed and contrast and when we got it home it was less than what they stated and oh well now cause it is all hooked up..

    Well everyone have a great day!!!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Today is bad I am all energised but my foot is killing me just about managed level 2 of 30 day shred (omg what a nightmare think I will alternate between level 1 and 2 as 2 is hard I had to modify soooo much but it was easier on my foot because you dont move as much for strength)

    I am hoping to take the dog out to a glen (area of woodland) but this dam wedding cake is in the oven and it takes forever and I have to collect my son from school in an hour looks like we will all have to go then.

    Got the third cake to make later it is the top so it isnt very big. Tomorrow is rest day and I will ice the cakes then hopefully it wont take too long. Then I am hoping my foot is better for thurs back to normal workouts and then I need to stick all the flowers onto this cake they are coming to see it thurs night so I will leave it assemlbed til then then it will be boxed ready to deliver on Sat afternoon woohoo I be glad to get it done the only good thing is it paid for wii fit. Its a lot of work though. Moan over.

    What gorgeous pictures you guys put up.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dana-those pics are so cute. I love the one of you and your man. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Sorry the doc was not nice....I hope the results are good. Please keep us updated.

    Crystal-Your daughter is so cute. I have a major soft spot in my heart for little pig tails!!! I can't wait till my DD's hair is long enuf to do that. Good luck on the contest. Post the link so we can all vote for her! Also congrats on your weight loss. Thats great!

    tazzy-sorry to hear about your foot. If it's hurt don't do too much, you don't want to make it worse. I hope Saturday comes quickly for you so you can get that cake out the door. Could you post a pic of it when it's finished? I'd love to see the completion of your hard work.

    Not much going on here today. DD just went down for a nap and the other 2 are coloring. I've decided that I'm gonna have to have little "projects" each day for these two to do otherwise they are going to argue with each other all day. Dre is so bossy. He treats the girl like she doesn't know anything. It's driving me crazy. She is a sweet girl. Very polite and well mannered, and Dre just pushes her around. UGH!!! I will survive!! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Hi all,
    This is the 1st time I am posting on this thread. It's just me and the boys hanging out. Daddy's in Iraq, and we're in Anchorage waiting for that blasted volcano to blow:explode:

    I'm a little stressed, I have been really trying to get healthy and teach the boys healthier eating and then I had to stock up on non-perishable items...Is there such a thing as non-perishable, real food? UGH!

    It's still to cold outside to play out there. I'm guessing we will try to go to an indoor park today. On a brighter side, I am losing this baby weight. I've actually lost 4.5" of off my belly so far.:wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome Orchid! Your boys are adorable. Congrats on gettin the baby weight off. Volcano?? YIKES!

    Just sent the kids to school...THANK GOODNESS!!!! Wow if I don't learn to have patience, it's going to be a very long 3 months. How many times can you tell someone "don't pick up the baby"??:grumble: And then the next time I turn around, she's picked the baby up and set her on the couch and walked away! AWWWW!!! Okay no big deal. I guess I will just teach her what she will need to know, because in 5 months she'll have a baby at her house. Patience Patience Patience :explode:

    Gotta run to the store while the kids are gone...just needed to vent and relax for a moment.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Orchid - OMG! A volcano! Good luck dealing with all that. I couldn't imagine sitting around waiting for something like that to happen!

    Dana - cute pics! I hope you hear back from the biopsy soon! I'll keep praying that even if it is bad news, it is something that you can recover from quickly!

    Tazzy - I'd LOVE to see some pics of the cake! I have very little cake decorating skills, but I wish I did! A little extra cash is always a good thing, right!

    Westfall - adorable baby pic! I hope she wins! Every dollar counts when it goes towards school!

    I got in 2 of my 3 workouts for the day. Woo hoo! Today was speech therapy day so it was nutty to begin with. I need a nap. :yawn:

    Hello everyone else! I hope everyone is doing well! It seems like we've lost some people the past couple weeks! Where's Supermom & MechanicMom!?
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm so excited... my mom and dad are coming from Montana to visit me in here in Florida! I can't wait to see them! They are landing on Thursday at 4 and I'm chomping at the bit. I know this sounds awful selfish, but my mom will hog the baby, so I might even get to go to the grocery store all by myself!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA! They're staying until Tuesday.

    Happy day to all of you!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, Katie! How fun! How did the trip to Montana with Mack go anyways? Did he fly well?
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I'll put up some pics of this cake when done. I love baking cakes most of the time but I do prefer when its for 1 of my own but the cash buys more equipment and stuff like that I dont charge enough I am hoping that word of mouth will work better if I am cheap then when I get a good client base I can increase my prices. I have my own web pages
    Have a look some of the pics arent great but I was just pleased to set up my own web pages.

    Wedding cakes are a new challenge for me it is where the money is but that comes with a lot of pressure to get it perfect not sure if thats what I want to get involved with. I actually have 3 orders for cakes later this year which is good. My kids get the very best though and thats how it will always be I take cakes into school at xmas and easter and the way the kids faces light up is amazing. I do worry how I will do this when all 3 of them are in school thats a lot of cake.
    Its Charleys birthday next month and she wants a party at home with all her preschool classmates 20 kids I dont want to say no and we cant afford to hire anywhere so I think I will give in and we will have organised chaos at home I will just think of the memories never might the mess. We get away without a party for my eldest as we will be in disney for his birthday but my hubby cant travel out til a week after us so I am flying with the 3 kids on my own (I am mad) I have lots of treats lined up for the day and yesterday I booked a dolphin tour at seaworld for the day after his birthday he'll love it. (I dreamin of holiday again back to reality)

    Foot is still sore had to take a strong pain killer earlier rest day tomorrow hopefully it will be better by later in the week if not I will get it checked at the drs.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Oh, Katie! How fun! How did the trip to Montana with Mack go anyways? Did he fly well?

    He flew AWESOME and then last week we went to DC and then on to Atlanta and he was a champ the whole time. I swear the plane white noise knocks him out. He's such a little sugar plum. I just now put him to bed, and before I put him down we were reading and I think for the first time he realized what I was doing with the pages and my voice inflections and stuff. He started giggling at me and staring at me when I was reading. It was so awesome! I had to read a third book because I was too in love with him to stop at our normal 2. I can't wait for my mom to see how much he's changed. He's 5 months now and HUGE. He's in 6-12 month clothes and just a little chunk. Love it.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this thread. I am here trying to tell myself it's ok if i don't watch my daughter's swim class today and can go on the treadmill instead. even for a stay at home, i have so much guilt that i don't do/give enuf to them. yes, i know, getting healthy is important for them to see. anyway, time to change into workout clothes. thanks for being here!
  • rachel92782
    Well, I think this is the right thread for me to keep up with, assuming I stick with this site and I think I will. I just found myfitnesspal and I like it so far.
    To introduce myself a lil bit, I'm a 26 yr old married SAHM of 3 yr old daughter and nearly 5 yr old son. I don't remember EVER being thin but from around summer of 2007 - last summer I hit a high of about 195 lbs. I've been working my way slowly down since about last June. At first, the weight loss was a side effect of a med I"m on but then about August, I started trying and I'm down to 160 and I'm stuck.

    So, where do I go from here??? I've been at or just a hair above 160 for about 3 wks now. Any pointers???
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Ohh my goodness ladies..Its 1:15 am in the morning...I am in soooooooo much pain....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: My cervix is cramping sooooo bad n then to top it off my knees are bothering me from the cold and I have a headache..I want to sleep sooo bad but I cant...I've took a hot bath, I even made my own heat pad out of a wet wash colth in a ziploc baggie n cooked in the microwave for bout 3 mins..And now I've taken a pain pill n 4 ibpropen*:cry::cry: I'm not supposed to be taking baths cuz of the biospy that was done but I think I should go back to the tub...I've even put smelly bengay on my knees...I know I'm whinning but I'm in so much pain n I have no one to talk to at this hour so I came here...I'm not tryin to sound like a big baby...I just want to SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhhh what to do my body is failing me..I'm never gonna start losing weight until I start feeling better..I've been so stressed n upset that I'm eating wayyyyyyyyy to much..I'm back up to 202 but I refuse to change my ticker..I will somehow beat all this..And if I have cervical cancer like they think I do I will beat the hell out of that too..I'm so scared I know cervical cancer is no big or so I've been told..But when your a single mom with 3 kids no insurance n a fixed income..It is something big to me...I'm just so sick of hearing "ITS NO BIG DEAL, ALOT OF WOMEN GO THROUGH THIS"...Well maybe alot do but everyones cases are different and this is a scaery thing..Yes it is very cureable, Thank God..I just cant help but be stressed n worried..My oldest son, Josh 9 asked mommy are you gonna die..Kids know more then we think..I told him no mommy will be just fine..How do kids hear things when you think your being discert?? I just wish I had someone I could talk to..My bf is being good about this but hes just as scared n worried as I am and men just dont show worries like we women do..Hes thrown himself into work but still ask if I'm ok just dont wanna talk to much bout it...But I still love him for what he does do..I'm sorry I've rammbled on..I just needed to get all that out..Now I'm off to hopefully get my body to quit hurting...:ohwell: Hope everyone has a good day I may check back to check in later on today..Thanks for all the paryers that some have already sent my way..:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Welcome newbies!!! This an awesome site with a bunch of supportive women and a few men too!!!

    lenece - I hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine the bad and the emotions you are going through. Just know that my prayers and thoughts are with you!!! :heart:

    I Lost 2 lbs:bigsmile: Not really sure how. Especially after yesterday!! We went to applebees and I totally binged really really bad. I did run a lot of errands and cleaned out the car and pick some of the yard up since it was nice and we finally have no snow on the ground. Now it's raining go figure!!! Anyways, I am almost under 200 lbs!!! I almost thought I was going to give up but then a blessing happened and now I want to do this. I think I will be joining curves, maybe that will work differently muscle and boost my metabolism (spelling LOL)

    Thanks for all those who have been supporting me thourgh this journey, I am hoping I can stick too!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies...I was just browsin the boards and I came across a wonderful post (as most of them are) from I totally swiped it. I think it is a good reminder for those of us that have been at it awhile and some good insight for those of you just starting out. (For those of you that don't know, Tami has lost 135 lbs in 16 months).
    I just started. I didn't jump in head first. I took it a week at a time and slowly educated myself on things. It was a slow and steady winning of the race for me. By doing it slow and healthy, it truly became a new lifestyle over the course of the 16 months it took me to lose 135 lbs.

    At first I just started with counting calories and getting used to that. Once that became "habit", I started to pay closer attention to where the calories were coming from. And I have been drinking a ton of water since day one too. I always start my day with 24 ounces of water. It used to take me 30 minutes to drink that and now I chug it down in 10 minutes and it's almost like a ritual! It sort of set's the tone for being healthy during the day. I generally get at least 80 ounces.

    The key is to not stress yourself out. Don't pressure yourself to get it done fast. That will only lead to frustration and giving up or doing something unhealthy.

    I have used measuring spoons and cups and a food scale to teach myself about portions.

    I also tried to keep a variety of foods in the house so I don't get bored. I am so satisfied with the healthier recipes I make and lower cal foods I have around that I don't feel deprived.

    Another thing that helped me a lot was learning to trust myself to have an occasional treat. I had read something once that I think about a lot. It said that one of the traits of naturally thin people is that they do have treats and eat junk. The difference is they do it once in awhile and eat healthy the majority of the time. For some reason, I suddenly got it that it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I don't have to completely deprive myself nor do I need to gorge myself on everything. I learned to enjoy a meal here and there. I wouldn't count calories but I wouldn't go absolutely nuts either. For example, right before I hit my goal, I enjoyed New Years Eve. I ate junk and drank wine(didn't know I was pregnant yet). And the next day, I got back on track. And each time I was successful at getting back on track, my confidence in myself grew.

    For me, the confidence is what is different this time from the past. I have yo-yo dieted through life...but I never felt confident that I could keep it up because I always got there from deprivation.

    Also, move your body! Exercise is so important. Not only does it make your body strong and your heart healthy, but it allows you to eat more! Again, don't stress out. Just start out slow. I started with 20 minutes on the elliptical at level 3. Now, I do over an hour at level 19. Every time one level started to get easy, I would bump it up a level and add 5 minutes.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Morning ladies...I was just browsin the boards and I came across a wonderful post (as most of them are) from I totally swiped it. I think it is a good reminder for those of us that have been at it awhile and some good insight for those of you just starting out. (For those of you that don't know, Tami has lost 135 lbs in 16 months).
    I just started. I didn't jump in head first. I took it a week at a time and slowly educated myself on things. It was a slow and steady winning of the race for me. By doing it slow and healthy, it truly became a new lifestyle over the course of the 16 months it took me to lose 135 lbs.

    At first I just started with counting calories and getting used to that. Once that became "habit", I started to pay closer attention to where the calories were coming from. And I have been drinking a ton of water since day one too. I always start my day with 24 ounces of water. It used to take me 30 minutes to drink that and now I chug it down in 10 minutes and it's almost like a ritual! It sort of set's the tone for being healthy during the day. I generally get at least 80 ounces.

    The key is to not stress yourself out. Don't pressure yourself to get it done fast. That will only lead to frustration and giving up or doing something unhealthy.

    I have used measuring spoons and cups and a food scale to teach myself about portions.

    I also tried to keep a variety of foods in the house so I don't get bored. I am so satisfied with the healthier recipes I make and lower cal foods I have around that I don't feel deprived.

    Another thing that helped me a lot was learning to trust myself to have an occasional treat. I had read something once that I think about a lot. It said that one of the traits of naturally thin people is that they do have treats and eat junk. The difference is they do it once in awhile and eat healthy the majority of the time. For some reason, I suddenly got it that it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I don't have to completely deprive myself nor do I need to gorge myself on everything. I learned to enjoy a meal here and there. I wouldn't count calories but I wouldn't go absolutely nuts either. For example, right before I hit my goal, I enjoyed New Years Eve. I ate junk and drank wine(didn't know I was pregnant yet). And the next day, I got back on track. And each time I was successful at getting back on track, my confidence in myself grew.

    For me, the confidence is what is different this time from the past. I have yo-yo dieted through life...but I never felt confident that I could keep it up because I always got there from deprivation.

    Also, move your body! Exercise is so important. Not only does it make your body strong and your heart healthy, but it allows you to eat more! Again, don't stress out. Just start out slow. I started with 20 minutes on the elliptical at level 3. Now, I do over an hour at level 19. Every time one level started to get easy, I would bump it up a level and add 5 minutes.

    Wow thanks Drevans_mom!! That is inspirational and moving!!! Kind of buts things into perspective!!! Thanks for showing this to us!!!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    is there a certain way for me to join this group? or do i just find the thread and read/comment? I am also a sahm--37 y.o., 3kids (girl-8, girl 4.5, boy 2). I'm just getting back into diet/exercise--making the commitment to be thinner, stronger, more flexible, lighter, etc. And it seems sahm's face some similar challenges. anyway, can i join?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome Stacey. We always welcome anyone and everyone in!! SAHMs do have similar challenges and I believe the biggest one is finding time for ourselves and getting our workouts in. I've made it a priority to get mine done in the morning...after breakfast. My son (6) knows it's mommy time and he can either join me or leave me alone. I try to do it while my DD (7 months) is sleeping but it doesn't always workout that way. Feel free to post/comment/vent/scream/cry/or whatever anytime. We are all here for you and we all want you to suceed.

    Jules-you are very welcome. I found it very motivational and thought it would help others.

    Didn't get to the store yesterday so I'm going NOW.
    Have a great day ladies!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hi-- bye!!